找到 i m doing my 相关歌词900首


    ... and twm>im>ce shy m>Im> keep my dm>im>stance But you stm>im>ll catch my eye Tell me baby, do you recognm>im>se me? Well m>im>t’s been a year m>im>t doesn’t surprm>im>se me (Happy Chrm>im>stmas!) m>Im> wrapped m>im>t up and sent m>im>t Wm>im>th a note saym>im>ng“m>Im> love you”m>Im> meant m>im>t Now m>Im> know what a fool m>Im>’ve been But m>im>f you km>im>ssed me now m>Im> k...

    m>Im>NFm>Im>Nm>Im>TY 16 Whm>im>te Cover
  • Last Chance

    ...he shm>im>nm>im>ng sm>im>de me m>Im> got a fm>im>re m>im>n my soul and everythm>im>ng m>im>s clear to me do whatever feel allrm>im>ght m>Im> lm>im>ve for my lm>im>fe forever Why don’t you belm>im>eve me m>Im> lm>im>ve for my dream forever m>im>t mm>im>ght be last chance lm>im>sten to the song hear m>im>n your heart you wm>im>ll shm>im>ne lm>im>sten to your vom>im>ce m>im>n your heart you...

    Marm>im>gold Marm>im>gold
  • Can't Help Fallm>im>ng m>Im>n Love(Lm>im>ve) - lm>im>ve

    ...t can't help m>im>t  Fallm>im>ng m>im>n love wm>im>th you, no matter what m>Im> do  You takm>im>ng me to heaven wm>im>th everythm>im>ng you do  So m>Im>'m fallm>im>ng m>im>n love wm>im>th you, and baby that's the truth  (吴建豪) 你就是天使 别怀疑  坏脾气 只是没人懂你  (合) 好运...

    F4 香港红磡演唱会全纪录
  • Superstar

    ...y knees What have you brung you? Dm>im>d you m>im>mprove on the desm>im>gn? Dm>im>d you do somethm>im>ng new? Well, your name am>im>n't on the guest lm>im>st Who brung you? You, the more famous person you come through And the sexy lady next to you come to And then m>im>t hm>im>t me, standm>im>ng outsm>im>de of heaven Wam>im>tm>im>ng for God ...

    Km>im>dz Bop Km>im>ds Km>im>dz Bop 14
  • Superstar

    ...y knees What have you brung you? Dm>im>d you m>im>mprove on the desm>im>gn? Dm>im>d you do somethm>im>ng new? Well, your name am>im>n't on the guest lm>im>st Who brung you? You, the more famous person you come through And the sexy lady next to you come to And then m>im>t hm>im>t me, standm>im>ng outsm>im>de of heaven Wam>im>tm>im>ng for God ...

    Km>im>dz Bop Km>im>ds Km>im>dz Bop 14
  • Cocktam>im>l Party

    ...ngs of a fool Am m>Im> bem>im>ng m>im>mmature? But, makm>im>ng nom>im>se m>im>s what m>Im> do Why do m>Im> have to suffer? The rantm>im>ngs of a fool m>Im> need to dream, the dreams, that lead to the future m>Im>nstead of these nm>im>ghtmares, starrm>im>ng you You lm>im>ttle upstart, you better not Come around ...

    黄大炜 秋天1944
  • not that km>im>nda gm>im>rl

    ...that km>im>nda gm>im>rl (No not me) m>Im> need to know how you roll and how you get down low Drop my money m>im>n the bank, Take me home to meet yo mama Can you handle that, Cuz m>Im>'m that km>im>nda gm>im>rl (m>im>'m that km>im>nda gm>im>rl) Now you am>im>n't m>im>mpressm>im>n' me wm>im>t yo jewlery, Your desm>im>gner clothes All the games...

    Jojo Jojo
  • Web of Nm>im>ght -Englm>im>sh Album Versm>im>on-]

    ...through the cm>im>ty But m>im>f m>Im> try, maybe m>Im> can fm>im>nd Everlastm>im>ng love What do we have? Are they only just empty words? Each one pulls us closer to what we are lookm>im>ng for m>Im> hear a vom>im>ce m>im>nsm>im>de me awake agam>im>n m>Im>t's tellm>im>ng me to surrender to the fm>im>ght A shadow land far beyond the lm>im>ght A lm>im>fe t...

    T.M.Revolutm>im>on Vertm>im>cal m>Im>nfm>im>nm>im>ty
  • Fallm>im>ng m>Im>n Love

    ...m fallm>im>ng m>im>n love m>Im>sn’t m>im>t funny that m>Im> am frem>im>ghten by everythm>im>ng you do And m>im>sn’t m>im>t funny that you are the only one that can keep me safe from you m>Im> try to run but m>Im> can’t resm>im>st m>im>t, m>Im> try m>im>t hard but m>Im> can’t contam>im>n m>im>t Try to leave but m>Im> can’t m>im>gnore m>im>t, you’re all m>im>n my mm>im>nd m>Im>'...

    王奕瑾 Fallm>im>ng m>im>n Love
  • All m>Im> Ask of You

    ...thm>im>ng can harm you - my words wm>im>ll warm and calm you. Let me be your freedom, let daylm>im>ght dry -your tears. wm>im>th you, besm>im>de you, to guard you and to gum>im>de you . . . Say you love me every wakm>im>ng moment, turn my head wm>im>th talk of summertm>im>me . . . Say you need me wm>im>th you,now and always . ....

    Sarah Brm>im>ghtman
