歌词Same script,different cast


[00:01.69]Same script,different cast
[00:02.44]Whitney Houston &Duet with Deborah Cox
[00:04.21]Whitney: Um?hey Deb.
[00:05.99]Deborah Cox: Mmm hmm?
[00:06.65]WH: Thank you for being woman enough to come.
[00:08.81]DC: Whitney, what鈥瞫 this about?
[00:11.31]WH: I know he鈥瞫 leaving me for you.
[00:16.08]DC: Who said that? Who told you that it鈥瞫 true?
[00:20.29]WH: What is he telling you?
[00:24.36]Could it be the same things that he told me?
[00:28.42]DC: He told me that he loved me.
[00:31.51]WH: I heard that.
[00:32.46]DC: He told me I was
[00:41.38]WH: Because I played that scene before.
[00:44.79]This is a retake of my life.
[00:48.73]I was his star for many nights.
[00:53.24]Now the roles have changed,
[00:55.90]And you鈥瞨e the leading lady in his life.
[01:01.00]Lights, camera, now you鈥瞨e on.
[01:05.12]Just remember you鈥瞯e been warned.
[01:09.13]Enjoy it now, 鈥瞔ause it won鈥瞭 last.
[01:13.21]Same script, different cast.
[01:22.82]DC: What you鈥瞨e saying could be true.
[01:29.48]But how can I take advice from you?
[01:34.06]WH: I鈥瞞 not hating,
[01:35.85]But I wish the one before me
[01:38.18]Would have warned me too babe.
[01:41.43]DC: Don鈥瞭 say no more. La La La La La La La La La
[01:42.81]WH: Uncover your ears, girl.
[01:44.66]DC: I鈥瞞 not listening. La La La La La La La La La
[01:46.24]WH:But I know you hear me.
[01:50.02]Maybe my reasons are wrong,
[01:54.22]But I know that you believe me.
[01:58.39]This is a retake of my life.
[02:02.21]I was his star for many nights.
[02:06.18]Now the roles have changed,
[02:09.13]And you鈥瞨e the leading lady in his life.
[02:14.30]Lights, camera, now you鈥瞨e on.
[02:18.39]Just remember you鈥瞯e been warned.
[02:22.58]Enjoy it now, 鈥瞔ause it won鈥瞭 last.
[02:26.76]Same script, different cast.
[02:30.27]DC: It鈥瞫 your fault you didn鈥瞭 love him enough.
[02:33.60]WH: That鈥瞫 the problem.
[02:35.72]I loved him too much.
[02:37.35]And when you love him
[02:39.37]He becomes unattracted to you.
[02:43.97]DC: Oh no, he鈥瞫 changed and I鈥瞝l prove you wrong.
[02:49.07]WH: No you won鈥瞭.
[02:50.11]DC: So go away. Leave us the hell alone! He loves me.
[02:54.37]WH: He鈥瞝l hurt you.
[02:56.59]DC: He鈥瞝l stay with me.
[02:57.22]WH: He鈥瞝l leave you.
[02:58.46]WH and DC: For sure! For sure!
[03:01.69]This is a retake of my life.
[03:06.94]I was his star for many nights.
[03:11.43]Now the roles have changed,
[03:15.41]And you鈥瞨e the leading lady in his life.
[03:19.40]Lights, camera, now you鈥瞨e on.
[03:23.43]Just remember you鈥瞯e been warned.
[03:27.36]Enjoy it now, 鈥瞔ause it won鈥瞭 last.
[03:31.29]Same script, different cast.
[03:35.94]DC: This is a retake of my life.
[03:39.70]You were his star for many nights.
[03:43.82]But now the roles have changed.
[03:46.89]I鈥瞞 the leading lady in his life.
[03:52.02]Lights, camera, now you鈥瞨e on.
[03:55.99]Just remember you鈥瞯e been warned.
[03:59.81]Enjoy it now, 鈥瞔ause this will last.
[04:04.24]I鈥瞞 the future, you鈥瞨e his past.
[04:08.40]WH: This is a retake of my life.
[04:12.14]I was his star for many nights.
[04:16.33]Now the roles have changed,
[04:19.31]And you鈥瞨e the leading lady in his life.
[04:24.33]WH and DC: Lights, camera, now you鈥瞨e on.
[04:28.52]Just remember you鈥瞯e been warned.
[04:32.10]WH: Enjoy it now.
[04:33.68]DC: Enjoy just now.
[04:34.78]WH: It won鈥瞭 last.
[04:35.87]DC: I know it will last.
[04:37.08]WH and DC: Same script, different cast.
