

[01:02.70][ar:]andrea bocelli
[00:07.26]Romanza singer:andrea bocelli
[00:08.72]Gia la sento,(I already hear,
[00:13.35]Gia la sento morire,(I already hear her die,
[00:18.94]Pero e calma sembra voglia dormire;(but she is calm,as if she wants to sleep;
[00:25.63]Poi con gli occhi(then with her eyes
[00:28.35]Lei mi viene a cercare,(she comes to look for me
[00:32.60]Poi si toglie(then she surrenders
[00:35.38]Anche l’ultimo velo,(aslo the last veil,
[00:38.45]Anche l’ultimo cielo,(aslo the last sky
[00:41.38]Anche l’ultimo bacio,(also the last kiss
[00:46.86]Ah, forse colpa mia.(ah, perhaps it is my fault,
[00:52.37]Ah, forse colpa tua,(ah, perhaps it is your fault,
[00:55.65]E cosi son rimasto a pensare,(andso I remained thinking
[01:00.21]Ma la vita,(but life,
[01:02.73]Ma la vita cos’e,(but life,what is it?
[01:10.86]Tutto o niente,(everything or nothing,
[01:12.73]Forse neanche un perche,(perhaps not even a ‘why.
[01:17.53]Con le mani(with her hands
[01:20.10]Lei mi viene a cencare,(she comes to
[01:24.26]Poi mi stringe,( look for me
[01:26.70]Lentamente mi lascia, (then she holds me tight,
[01:30.10]Lentamente mi stringe,(sloely she releases me,
[01:33.33]Lentamente mi cerca,(slowly she looks for me.
[01:38.99]Ah, forse colpa mia, (ah, perhaps it is my fault,
[01:43.94]Ah,forse colpa tua, (ah, perhaps it is your fault,
[01:47.03]E cosi sono rimasto a guardare,(and so I remained looking,
[01:52.30]E lo chiamano amore,(and they call it love,
[01:55.53]E lo chiamano amore, (and they call it love,
[01:59.22]E lo chiamano amore, (and they call it love,
[02:01.10]Una spina nel cuore che non fa dolore,(a thorn in the heart that gives no pain
[02:05.62]E un deserto(it is a desert
[02:07.20]Questa gente(these people
[02:08.94]Con la sabbia(with sand
[02:10.71]In fondo al cuore(at the bottom of their hearts
[02:12.99]E tu (and you
[02:14.64]Che non mi senti piu,(who hear me no longer,
[02:18.07]Che non mi vedi piu,(who see me no longer,
[02:21.38]Avessi almeno il coraggio(if at least I had the courage
[02:23.12]E la forza di dirti che sono con te,(and the strength to tell you that I am with you
[02:27.04](ave maria,ave maria)
[02:45.65]ah,forse colpa mia, (ah, perhaps it is my fault,
[02:50.27]ah,forse colpa mia, (ah, perhaps it is your fault,
[02:52.48]e cosi son rimasto cosi,(and so I remained so,
[02:55.16]son rimasto cosi.(I remained so.
[03:05.06]Gia la sento(I alreadly hear
[03:07.80]Che non puo piu sentire;(that she can hear no longer;
[03:11.96]In silenzio(in silence
[03:14.80]Se n’e andata dormire,(she went to sleep,
[03:18.88]E gia andata a dormire.(she has already gone to sleep.
