

[al:THE WAR]
EXO - Power
[00:00.07]毛木高里 几吗 move on
[00:00.10]加 西噶你要普扫
[00:00.13]闹诶米类嫩 吧喽桑桑诶 大聊扫
[00:00.15]土聊无m大于n 跑聊
[00:00.18]无林个类都腿 某den 要岁n
[00:00.20]闹给 一嫩得
[00:03.51]恰m德r几啊那都 古m古到n闹r
[00:03.62]一几呀n ki了r 怕类怕类
[00:03.62]偶呢r 无里哈m给
[00:03.62]新那给 喊包不r忒我bou噶
[00:03.62]够 卡那对 feeling feeling
[00:03.62]So turn me up
[00:03.62]We got that power power
[00:03.62]内噶 那了r bou 得
[00:03.62]草楼 噶ten 吗额米
[00:03.62]呢g要几r 得
[00:03.62]Power power
[00:03.62]套 抗诶几嫩高r
[00:03.62]Turn the music up now now
[00:03.62]We got that power power
[00:03.62]一 额吗个r 同嘿
[00:03.62]卡其 喊某k搜里楼 no类哈r 得
[00:03.62]Power power
[00:03.62]套 抗诶几嫩高r
[00:03.62]Turn the music up now now now now
[00:03.62]Power power
[00:03.62]Oh~ oh~
[00:03.62]Turn the music up now now now now
[00:03.62][00:03.62]口米嫩 一接可慢 stop
[00:03.62][00:03.62]西噶嫩 噶几个m都 tik tok
[00:03.62][00:03.62]We take a shot
[00:03.62][00:03.62]到那加 we gotbang bang pow wow
[00:03.62][00:03.62]一奥剖n它够 嘿老 那偶嫩 没喽第喽
[00:03.62][00:03.62]西个老 搜额m 到够 剖流们 up high
[00:03.62]We got that power everytime
[00:03.62]恰m德r几啊那都 古m古到n 闹r
[00:03.62]一几啊了 ki了r 怕类怕类
[00:03.62]偶呢r 打西 哈m给
[00:03.62]新那给 喊包不r忒我bou噶
[00:03.62]够 卡那对 feeling feeling
[00:03.62]So turn me up
[00:03.62]We got that power power
[00:03.62]内噶 那了r bou 得
[00:03.62]草楼 噶ten 吗额米
[00:03.62]呢g要几r 得
[00:03.62]Power power
[00:03.62]套 抗诶几嫩高r
[00:03.62]Turn the music up now now now now
[00:03.62]We got that power power
[00:03.62]一 额吗个r 同诶
[00:03.62]卡其 喊某k搜里楼 no类哈r 得
[00:03.62]Power power
[00:03.62]套 抗诶几嫩高r
[00:03.62]Turn the music up now
[00:03.62]几桥包里嫩 可那里偶秒n 给奥kei babe
[00:03.62]啊了m大我 到n无里
[00:03.62]它西 一老那r 苏 一嫩各
[00:03.62]嘿们内 啊内一大嫩高r
[00:03.62]oh we got that
[00:03.62]oh we got that
[00:03.62]yeah~ oh yeah~
[00:03.62]We got that
[00:03.62]We got that power power
[00:03.62]一 额吗个r 同诶
[00:03.62]卡其 喊某k搜里楼 no类哈r 得
[00:03.62]Power power
[00:03.62]套抗诶 几嫩高r
[00:03.62]Turn the music up now now now now
[00:03.62]Power power
[00:03.62]Turn the music up now now now now
[00:03.62]We got that
[00:03.62]We got that
