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You Are The One
... You’re the star who l
Ellm>i m>ghts up my sky You’re the one who made me seem>That m> you don’t need wm>i m>ngs to fly Your love has set me free Cause you are the one who makes me wholem>I m>n my heart andm>i m>n my soul And just lm>i m>ke the sun you showed me the lm>i m>ghtm>I m>’m amazed and you’re the reason why Bef...m>i m>ott Yamm>i m>n Wam>i m>t For You -
Always On T
m>i m>me...a Rule) C'mon and get a p
Ja Rulem>i m>ece of thm>i m>s late-nm>i m>ght lover You know, the onem>that m> swm>i m>ng dm>i m>ck lm>i m>ke no other (shm>i m>t)m>I m> know,m>I m> got a lot of thm>i m>ngsm>I m> need to explam>i m>n But baby you know the name and lovem>i m>s about pam>i m>n So, stop the complam>i m>nts and drop the order restram>i m>nts Our sex lm>i m>fe's a game so bat me ... -
Always On T
m>i m>me...a Rule) C'mon and get a p
合唱歌曲 NOW10m>i m>ece of thm>i m>s late-nm>i m>ght lover You know, the onem>that m> swm>i m>ng dm>i m>ck lm>i m>ke no other (shm>i m>t)m>I m> know,m>I m> got a lot of thm>i m>ngsm>I m> need to explam>i m>n But baby you know the name and lovem>i m>s about pam>i m>n So, stop the complam>i m>nts and drop the order restram>i m>nts Our sex lm>i m>fe's a game so bat me ... -
m>i m>mple Thm>i m>ngs...what′s r
Usher Confessm>i m>ghtm>i m>n front of your face But you can′t seem>i m>t So you thm>i m>nkm>that m> you know what′sm>i m>mportant Steady chasm>i m>n′ your fame and your fortune But you don′t know You′re chasm>i m>ng a dm>i m>me losm>i m>n′ a treasure Those dollars don′t make sense to me atm>all m> Ooh,m>i m>t goes Duh da duh da You...m>i m>ons -
When You Sm
m>i m>le...me Hold me close Cause you set the f
有里知花 Good Luck To Youm>i m>re burnm>i m>ng Take a breath And knowm>that m> lovem>i m>s reachm>i m>ng out to you When you smm>i m>le A lm>i m>ght shm>i m>nesm>i m>n your eye When you smm>i m>le A ram>i m>nbow fm>i m>lls the sky Whenm>I m>’m feelm>i m>ng blue Cause the skm>i m>es are graym>I m> thm>i m>nk of you And they melt away Therem>i m>s love Th... -
m>I m> Have Never Been To Me...of me -st
邓丽君 音乐手札7 热情篇m>i m>ll lm>i m>vm>i m>ngm>i m>n your eyes Won''t you share a part of a weary heart -m>that m> has lm>i m>ved a mm>i m>llm>i m>on lm>i m>es.... Oh,m>I m>''ve been to Nm>i m>ece -and them>I m>sle of Greece whm>i m>lem>I m>''ve sm>i m>pped champagne on a yachtm>I m>''ve moved lm>i m>ke Harlowm>i m>n Monte Carlo -and showed ''em whatm>I m>''ve gotm>I m>''ve been undressed by km>i m>ngs an... -
Keys to the K
m>i m>ngdom...卜超 制作 They say we’re
Group 1 Crew Ordm>all m>m>i m>n the pursum>i m>t of happm>i m>ness A lm>i m>fem>that m>’s fabulous we fm>i m>ght for our belm>i m>efs lm>i m>ke an actm>i m>vm>i m>st The struggles here can be seen across the atlas Andm>i m>t started when Adam chose to gm>i m>ve up hm>i m>s palace Now the earth wam>i m>ts form>i m>ts rm>i m>ghtful owner 2,000 years a...m>i m>nary Dreamers -
m>i m>gh Cost Of Lm>i m>vm>i m>ng...e h
Jamey Johnsonm>i m>gh cost of lm>i m>vm>i m>n’ Am>i m>n’t nothm>i m>ng lm>i m>ke the cost of lm>i m>vm>i m>n’ hm>i m>ghm>That m> southern Baptm>i m>st parkm>i m>ng lotm>I m>s wherem>I m>’d go to smoke my pot Sm>i m>t therem>i m>n my pm>i m>ckup truck and pray Starm>i m>ng atm>that m> gm>i m>ant cross Just remm>i m>nded mem>that m>m>I m> was lost Andm>i m>t just never seemed to pom>i m>nt the way As soon ...m>That m> Lonesome Song -
m>I m>t‘s over...s wrong
陈晓露m>I m> don’t gm>i m>ve a fuckm>I m> just keep gom>i m>ng on Tm>i m>red of the thm>i m>ngsm>that m>m>I m> don’t wanna do Pm>i m>ssed by the shm>i m>t people want me to Now you\\’rem>i m>n deep now you\\’re gonna cry you make me sad, you make me sm>i m>ckm>I m>\\’ve lost my waym>I m> don’t wanna do. Thm>i m>s my realm>i m>ty, thm>i m>sm>i m>sm>all m>m>i m> h... -
A Teenager Rushed To Be An Adult
...汽车站 but
丘丘邦 A Teenager Rushed To Be An Adultm>I m> rushed to the bus stop the number’s wrong 乘错了车m>That m>m>i m>sm>all m>,my dear teacher 这就是全部,我亲爱的老师 Andm>I m> apologm>i m>ze agam>i m>n for bem>i m>ng late 我再次向我的迟到道歉 Thm>i m>s mornm>i m>ngm>I m> got up after 8:00 今天早上我8点以后起床m>I m> dressed myself and washed m...