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One Thirty Nine
...d over You found what’
Above The Goldenm>s m> inm>s m>ide of my heart Where can I go If I wantm>to m> be alone? I turn and Your there Now I’m gonna let it out All I know Im>s m> Your mercym>s m>urroundm>s m> me Your thoughtm>s m> for me outnumber them>s m>and Now I’m gonnam>s m>ing it out From mym>s m>oul Only You underm>s m>tand me You’re hol...m>S m>tate Above The Goldenm>S m>tate -
m>S m>ecretm>s m>...cret
伊藤由奈 Precioum>s m> 歌手:伊藤由奈 专辑:Precioum>s m> 作詞:Reika Yuuki, Yuna Im>to m> 作曲:Nao Tanaka 強がる程君を いつでも 困らせてばかりで I’m foolim>s m>h 「会いたい」と嘆いても今は 弾かれそうな気がしたの…jum>s m>t felt it Need youm>to m>m>s m>oftlym>s m>ay 囁く...m>s m> -
m>s m>h ver.)... incoming mail I
Lil’B ナミダラブレターm>s m>ee you everywhere I jum>s m>t rolled my eyem>s m> in dim>s m>belief butm>to m> tell the truth I loved the way you do all the thingm>s m> I tried all the thingm>s m> I cried you would alwaym>s m> lim>s m>ten for me I jum>s m>t want youm>to m> know everything about me everything that I’ve been going through when I give a big hu... -
Punch Drunk Love (feat. Kanye We
m>s m>t)... eye (the eye) You
Common Univerm>s m>aid maybe (yea) Well you crazy Becaum>s m>e I know I’mm>to m>o fly I already know imm>to m>o fly (m>to m>o fly) Yeah I know what cha like. Like now I’m off the wine (wine) And we can take our time (time)m>S m>o much I wantm>to m> I wantm>s m>m>to m> frontm>s m>m>s m>pilled the bump when we grind My uh in im>s m> ya...m>s m>al Mind Control -
m>S m> AND DREAMm>S m>(Live)...away the
李翊君 六个梦m>s m>e daym>s m> for loved one I appreciate thim>s m> night like how we um>s m>edm>to m> be Give me clom>s m>er am>s m> wem>s m>hare each moment my night Thim>s m> night’m>s m> gonna lam>s m>t for ever Tell me that you will give my heartm>s m>hapem>s m> And now give you all that I had my love Give me clom>s m>er am>s m> wem>s m>hare each moment my night ... -
In My Arm
m>s m>...ack, I am be
Dead By April Dead By Aprilm>s m>ide you. Clom>s m>e your eyem>s m>, know, I?m here. I know it?m>s m> hard,m>to m> let go all that definem>s m> you. You feel like you?ll never be whole again. We will find a waym>to m> eram>s m>e the pam>s m>tm>S m>tay with me,m>s m>tay with me! In my armm>s m> you?ll be fine I never let go. All you lom>s m>t will come again jum>s m>t ... -
... 僕は電話と時間に追われてる In my eye
V6 attentionm>s m> boku wa den wam>to m> ji kan ni o wa re te ru In my eyem>s m> 生かされてるみたいな毎日も It’m>s m>m>s m>o nice i kam>s m>a re te ru mi ta i na mai ni chi mo It’m>s m>m>s m>o nice でも [何か違う] って気持ち すり替えて T... -
Aaliyah featuring Timbaland---Try Again
Aaliyah I Care 4 Youm>s m> been a long time Wem>s m>houldn’t have left you Without a dope beatm>to m>m>s m>tepm>to m>m>S m>tepm>to m>,m>s m>tepm>to m>,m>s m>tepm>to m>m>S m>tepm>to m>,m>s m>tepm>to m> Freaky-freaky It’m>s m> been a long time Wem>s m>houldn’t have left you Without a dope beatm>to m>m>s m>tepm>to m>m>S m>tepm>to m>,m>s m>tepm>to m>,m>s m>tepm>to m>m>S m>tepm>to m>,m>s m>tepm>to m> Freaky-freaky, baby g... -
m>s m>... nothin can tear u
Big Bang Number 1m>s m> away n you alwaym>s m> had a glow on your facem>s m>o you hadm>to m> be mine yeah yeah yeah everyplace we would go holding handm>s m> yo i knew you were mine That'm>s m> why you gotta know girl alwaym>s m> youm>s m>hould know you re my honey alwaym>s m> you are on my mind alwaym>s m> you can call on me any o d... -
...und bclow me'
黄立行 马戏团猴子m>s m> falling through. Tell me true. Doem>s m> thidm>s m>hit ever happenm>to m> you? Am>s m>ilentm>s m>cream coming from the high , ripm>s m> through mr lhroat. I jek awake knowing that the terrorm>s m> gone. {I feel a guilty pleam>s m>ure from mt high. I know it’m>s m> karma backm>to m> haunt my like.} {can you fell the eft...