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Mi Amor
... gonna cea
Jum>s m>e the moment And tell her how I feel. Let me take youm>to m> Chile o Com>s m>ta Rica, Puerm>to m> Rico o Columbia, We can dance underm>s m>ky, Um>s m>e the moon am>s m> ourm>s m>potlight. Twom>s m>tep with the right man, I can teach you howm>to m> dougie in the whitem>s m>and, Jum>s m>t take a chance and runa...m>s m>tin Bieber 2011年10月新歌速递 -
Love Again
I didn’t think it could happen again I’m ju
John Denverm>s m>tm>to m>o old andm>s m>et in my waym>s m> I wam>s m> convinced I would alwaym>s m> be lonely All of the rem>s m>t of my daym>s m> Maybe I give up on romance In my longingm>to m> give up the pain I jum>s m>t didn’t believe I would ever love again I wam>s m> like one who hadm>s m>hut mym>s m>el... -
m>s m> WhyMichael Lean
Michael Learnm>s m>m>To m> Rock-Thatm>s m> Why (Mum>s m>ic) Baby, won’t you tell me why? There im>s m>m>s m>adnem>s m>m>s m> in your eyem>s m> I don’t wannam>s m>ay ‘goodbye’m>to m> you Love im>s m> one big illum>s m>ion Im>s m>hould trym>to m> forget But there’m>s m>m>s m>omething left in my head You’re the one whom>s m>et it up And you’re th...m>s m>m>To m> Rock 美丽新世界 -
m>s m>... JU-DA
Lady GaGam>S m>-JUDA, JU-DAm>S m>-JUDA, JU-DAm>S m>-JUDA,JU-DAm>S m>-GAGA When he comem>s m>m>to m> me, I am ready I’ll wam>s m>h him>s m> feet with my hair if he needm>s m> Forgive him when him>s m>m>to m>ngue liem>s m> through him>s m> brain Even after three timem>s m>, he betraym>s m> me Whoah-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Bring him down, I'll bring h... -
The 3 Kid
m>s m> In Brooklyn... The 3 Kid
Butch Walkerm>s m> In Brooklyn www.lrcgc.com 卜超 制作 Well I left them>to m>wn ofm>s m>innerm>s m>, redneck priem>s m>tm>s m> and meth labm>s m>tallm>s m>m>To m> find mym>s m>elf a few more jum>s m>t like me The optionm>s m> prettym>s m>kinny and the order’m>s m> pretty tallm>To m>m>s m>wim the hippem>s m>t waterm>s m> in them>s m>eam>S m>omewhere in them>s m>ticky city drivin...m>S m>ycamore Meadowm>s m> -
...ho Want
鲍比达 夜半歌声 电影原声大碟m>S m>ome Yea Alright All I got im>s m> trouble, mom>s m>t of niggam>s m> know me Pim>s m>m>to m>lm>s m> in the duffle, everybody looking forward eh… Who wantm>s m>ome? Who wantm>s m>ome? You know everybody get it if he wantm>s m>ome Flyem>s m>t in the city, all I do im>s m> ride Everybody get it, think I’m lyingm>to m> dim>s m>tract Who wantm>s m>om... -
m>s m>perado...ur pic on my wall it remind
苏芮 Changem>s m> me that it`m>s m> notm>s m>o bad,it`m>s m> notm>s m>o bad drankm>to m>o much lam>s m>t night,got billm>s m>m>to m> pay my head jum>s m>t feelm>s m> in pain i mim>s m>m>s m>ed the bum>s m> and there `ll be hellm>to m>day i`m late for work again and even if i`m there. they`ll all imply that i might not lam>s m>t the day and then u call me it...m>s m> -
Chyna Girl
... i
m>s m> getting dark Can’t youm>s m>ee Can’t youm>s m>ee We were never meantm>to m> be It’m>s m> nom>s m>ecret That I’m your Chyna girl Don’t you know Don’t you know That it’m>s m> time for mem>to m> go It’m>s m> nom>s m>ecret That I’m your Chyna girl No turning back No quem>s m>tionm>s m> leftm>to m> am>s m>k The tide im>s m> ...m>S m>weetbox The Bem>s m>t Ofm>S m>weetbox 1995-2005 (新曲+超级精选) -
m>S m>tamp Your Feet...n round
Donnam>s m>o many timem>s m> before Broke my back, beenm>s m>plit openm>s m>o oft Triedm>to m> make itm>to m> the finim>s m>h line Been knocked down, get up everym>s m>ingle time They're up in your face, they don't think you belong Man, you got it, you got it goin' on What breakm>s m> the weak jum>s m>t makem>s m> youm>s m>trong You got game,...m>S m>ummer Re-Arrange Um>s m> -
m>s m> changing...
Keane Hopem>s m>m>S m>aym>s m> everybody''m>s m> changing and I don''t know whym>S m>o little time Trym>to m> underm>s m>tand that I''m Tryingm>to m> make a move jum>s m>tm>to m>m>s m>tay in the game I trym>to m>m>s m>tay awake and remember my name but everybody''m>s m> changing And I don''t feel them>s m>ame You''re gone from here Andm>s m>oon you will dim>s m>appear f...m>s m> And Fearm>s m>