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My tea's gone cold
Emm>I m>'m wonderm>i m>ng whym>I m>.. got out of bed at all The mornm>i m>ng ram>i m>n clouds up my wm>i m>ndow.. andm>I m> can't see at all And evenm>i m>fm>I m> couldm>i m>t'll all be grey, put your pm>i m>cture on my wallm>I m>t remm>i m>nds me, thatm>i m>t's not so bad,m>i m>t's not so bad.. My tea's gone coldm>I m>'m wonderm>i m>ng whym>I m>....m>i m>nem -
My tea's gone cold
Emm>I m>'m wonderm>i m>ng whym>I m>.. got out of bed at all The mornm>i m>ng ram>i m>n clouds up my wm>i m>ndow.. andm>I m> can't see at all And evenm>i m>fm>I m> couldm>i m>t'll all be grey, put your pm>i m>cture on my wallm>I m>t remm>i m>nds me, thatm>i m>t's not so bad,m>i m>t's not so bad.. My tea's gone coldm>I m>'m wonderm>i m>ng whym>I m>....m>i m>nem -
Karyn Whm>i m>t's suger and cream Your eggs are over easy and you toastm>i m>s lm>i m>ghty All that's mm>i m>ssm>i m>ngm>i m>s your mornm>i m>ng km>i m>ss that used to greet me Now you say the jum>i m>cem>i m>s sourm>i m>t used to be so sweet, Andm>I m> can't help but to wonderm>i m>f you're talkm>i m>ng about me We don't talk the way we used to talk...m>i m>te Superwoman:The Best of Karyn Whm>i m>te -
do ya thang (acoust
m>i m>c)... overDo you th
Rm>i m>ng,m>i m>t doesn't matterAs long as we gon' rock foreverLovem>i m>s all we needSeem>I m> know you lm>i m>ke bem>i m>ng round chm>i m>cksTurn lookm>i m>ng at hm>i m>ps, and a lm>i m>ttle outfm>i m>tWhat canm>I m> sayThat's whatm>I m> love about you babelyrm>i m>c by ram>i m>nm>i m>hanna Do Ya Thang (Acoustm>i m>c) - Sm>i m>ngle -
The Haunt
m>i m>ng...deep
Above The Golden State Above The Golden Statem>I m>’ll fm>i m>ght to stay awake My spm>i m>rm>i m>t wm>i m>lls, my fleshm>i m>s weak Som>I m> fall asleep The darkm>i m>s creepm>i m>ngm>i m>n How suddenly mym>i m>ty Betrays my speech “Thm>i m>s manm>i m>s not my frm>i m>end” What a foolm>i m>sh lm>i m>e ‘Cause Youm>I m> can’t deny Your mercy haunts me every nm>i m>ghtm>I m>n a dream Stones throw away... -
Happy Boy&G
m>i m>rls...n''t want to waste my t
Aqua Aquarm>i m>me on sm>i m>mple lm>i m>ttle thm>i m>ngsm>I m>''d rather stay here all the nm>i m>ght wm>i m>th happy boys who sm>i m>ngs.. Come on let''s go getm>i m>t on, everybody let''s go have some fun..m>I m>''ve got a feelm>i m>ng you could use a lm>i m>ttle smm>i m>le, Hopm>i m>ng you could stay there for just a lm>i m>ttle whm>i m>le.. Makm>i m>ng...m>i m>um -
My Eyes
...er that we're not alone And each day we try, the best we can to recover, All the feel
Travm>i m>ngs that we left below Welcomem>i m>n, welcomem>i m>n, Shame about the weather Welcomem>i m>n, welcomem>i m>n, You wm>i m>ll comem>I m>t's a sm>i m>n,m>i m>t's a sm>i m>n, Where bm>i m>rds of a feather, are welcome to, land on you [CHORUS] Ya Ya...m>i m>s The Boy Wm>i m>th No Name -
Now or Never
...we) 先の先の先の先 「見えてるM-FLOとケミ」の巻
化学超男子m>I m>t's all for you、君とおしゃべりlm>i m>keカーティス オレ、そんなアーティスティック アストロ·ボーイ Who's thatアストロ·ガール? みんなのworldまさに EXPO EXPO そしてネクスト C... -
Go Go Gadget Flow
...go gadget flow
Lupe Fm>I m>'m backm>I m>'m backm>I m>'m coolm>I m>'m coolm>I m>t's ourm>i m>dentm>i m>ty All me No ghost no 16 bm>i m>t lm>i m>ke sega genesm>i m>s All g ball on the ball soundtrack on the track gemm>i m>nm>i m> on the job shayla g on the g sarah green for the green free chm>i m>lly Andm>I m>'m back on my thm>i m>ng for the lm>i m>steners What you ...m>i m>asco The Cool -
Don’t Tread On Me
...knock you down Some days
311 Don't Tread On Mem>i m>t seemsm>i m>t's not worthm>i m>t The fm>i m>ghtm>i m>n mem>i m>s all gone Andm>I m>'m not trym>i m>ng to be perfect To just get one damn thm>i m>ng done. Beforem>I m> lose controlm>I m> pm>i m>ck myself up off the floor. Before you're pom>i m>ntm>i m>ng at me, Therem>i m>s a possm>i m>bm>i m>lm>i m>ty, You better turn that fm>i m>nger aroun...