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Superstar (
m>I m>nterlude)...(Oh) Th
Usher Confessm>i m>s goes out to you baby Wherever you are (my only one) Just knowm>that m> you′re mm>i m>ne (number one, number one) Are you there?m>I m> can′t hear you On the road dom>i m>n′ shows Gm>i m>rlm>I m> can′t get you off my mm>i m>ndm>All m> around the world So many facesm>All m> these places Gm>i m>rlm>I m> just need one My n...m>i m>ons -
....On The Rad
m>i m>o (Remember the Days)...sfy you And be less then
Nelly Furtado Whoa Nelly! (Specm>I m> was just to provem>I m> could walk besm>i m>de you Nowm>that m>m>I m>’ve flown awaym>I m> see you’ve chosen to stay behm>i m>nd me And stm>i m>ll you curse the daym>I m> decm>i m>ded to stay true to myself You say your questm>i m>s to brm>i m>ngm>i m>t hm>i m>gher Wellm>I m> never seen change wm>i m>thout a fm>i m>re But from your ...m>i m>al Edm>i m>tm>i m>on) -
m>i m>ng You_Mm>i m>nnm>i m>e Rm>i m>perton...
影视歌曲 流星花园电视原声带m>I m> wanna do Lovm>i m>ng youm>i m>s more than just a dream come true And everythm>i m>ngm>that m>m>I m> dom>i m>s out of lovm>i m>ng you La La……do do…… No one else can make me feel The coloursm>that m> you brm>i m>ng Stay wm>i m>th me whm>i m>le we grow old And we wm>i m>ll lm>i m>ve each daym>i m>n sprm>i m>ngtm>i m>me Lovm>i m>ng you has made my lm>i m>fe so be... -
Not W
m>i m>thout Love (Benedm>i m>ctm>i m>on)... can s
Jm>i m>ngm>i m>n agreement wm>i m>th the Km>i m>ng thm>i m>s thm>i m>ng: There’s only one thm>i m>ngm>that m> pleases the Father The God-man on the treem>i m>n the mm>i m>dst of the scoffers Nowm>I m> fm>i m>nm>all m>y seem>that m> Chrm>i m>stm>i m>s what Chrm>i m>st offers Andm>I m>’m fm>i m>nm>all m>y freem>i m>n the love of the Fatherm>i m>mmy Needham Not Wm>i m>thout Love -
Party People 啪体的人
罗百吉 DJ Jerry Best Hm>i m>dea and destroyed the desm>i m>gn.m>I m> was patm>i m>ently wam>i m>tm>i m>n takm>i m>n my tm>i m>me Nowm>that m>m>I m>'m herem>I m>'m gettm>i m>n my shm>i m>ne.m>All m> of you haters can km>i m>ss a behm>i m>nd, specm>i m>fm>i m>cm>all m>y speakm>i m>nm>I m>'m talkm>i m>n bout mm>i m>ne. Don't need you to tell me,m>I m> knowm>that m>m>I m>'m fm>i m>ne.m>I m>'m km>i m>llm>i m>nm>i m>t baby so cm>all m>m>i m>t a crm>i m>me. Yea you watchm>i m>tm>I m>'m s...m>i m>ts -
Back To What You Know
...here to beg
Ne-Yo Year Of The Gentlemanm>i m>n Fm>i m>ghtm>i m>ng a warm>I m> cant wm>i m>n Rm>i m>ghtm>i m>n the memory of somethm>i m>ngm>that m> used to be No matter how hardm>I m> fm>i m>ghtm>All m> of my strength and my mm>i m>ghtm>I m>t keeps defeatm>i m>ng me,m>i m>t just keeps defeatm>i m>ng me So whatm>I m>’m trym>i m>ng to saym>I m> know what’s happenm>i m>ng Your bodym>i m>s here wm>i m>th me But your hear... -
m>I m>t Am>i m>nt Me (Feat. Akon & T.m>I m>.)...s got a job (job), car (car), clothes (clothes), jewelry (jewelry) G
T-Pam>i m>rlm>that m> just am>i m>n't foolm>i m>ng me, Do you (NO), do you (NO) Thm>i m>nkm>that m>m>I m>'mm>that m> easy shawty,m>i m>t can't gom>that m> breezy shawty, Fm>i m>nd another dude cuzm>i m>t am>i m>n't me Put youm>i m>n a range, buy you expensm>i m>ve thm>i m>ngsm>I m>t am>i m>n't me, babe,m>i m>t am>i m>...m>i m>n Thr33 Rm>i m>ngz -
Make You Crazy feat. Fem
m>i m> Kutm>i m>...N NA SOL THEM GO BEAT YOU FOR PR
Brett Dennen Hope For The Hopelessm>I m>SON THEM NO Cm>ALL m>m>I m>T SLAVERYm>I m>T’S Hm>I m>Mm>THAT m> MAKE ME VEX NA SOL THEM GO LOCK YOU FOR PRm>I m>SON NA SOL THEM GO BEAT YOU FOR PRm>I m>SONm>I m>T’S Hm>I m>Mm>THAT m> MAKE ME VEXm>I m>T’S Hm>I m>Mm>THAT m> MAKE ME CRAZEm>I m>t’s enough to make you go crazy (Woah)m>I m>t’s enough to make you ma... -
Turned Tables
...t of snow we were never qu
Should Lm>i m>te rm>i m>ght hope was never enough but we hadm>i m>tm>that m> day andm>I m>’m always amazedm>that m> you started to say as the lm>i m>ght pulled away floatm>i m>ng to the stars above fm>all m>m>i m>ngm>i m>n and out of love daylm>i m>ght would have to wam>i m>t fadm>i m>ng on the longest day butm>i m>n only a month we’...m>i m>ke A Fm>i m>re Wm>i m>thout Sound -
Party People (Feat. Nelly)
...a and destroyed the des
Fergm>i m>gn.m>I m> was patm>i m>ently wam>i m>tm>i m>n & takm>i m>n my tm>i m>me Nowm>that m>m>I m>'m herem>I m>'m gettm>i m>n my shm>i m>ne.m>All m> of you haters can km>i m>ss a behm>i m>nd, specm>i m>fm>i m>cm>all m>y speakm>i m>nm>I m>'m talkm>i m>n bout mm>i m>ne. Don't need you to tell me,m>I m> knowm>that m>m>I m>'m fm>i m>ne.m>I m>'m km>i m>llm>i m>nm>i m>t baby so cm>all m>m>i m>t a crm>i m>me. Yea you watchm>i m>t ...m>i m>e The Dutchess (US Deluxe Edm>i m>tm>i m>on)