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m>S m>anta Fem>S m>olo Theym>s m>ay that no man im>s m> an im>s m>land And good thingm>s m> comem>to m> thom>s m>e who wait But the thingm>s m> I hear are there Jum>s m>tm>to m> remind me Every dog will have him>s m> day Them>s m>piritm>s m> they inm>to m>xicate me I watched the min filtrate mym>s m>oul They trym>to m>m>s m>ay it‘m>s m>m>to m>o late for me Tell my gunm>s m> I‘m co... -
I’m at a payphone trying
Jam>to m> call home all of my change arem>s m>pent on you where are the timem>s m> gone baby it’m>s m> all wrong where are the planm>s m> we made for two, yeah ah I know it’m>s m> hardm>to m> remember the people we um>s m>edm>to m> be it’m>s m> even harderm>to m> picture you’re not here nextm>to m> me youm>s m>ay it’m>s m> ...m>s m>on Chen The Coverm>s m>, Vol. 5 -
...Give Me Truth!
I’m gonna mi
In It Give Me Truth!m>s m>m>s m> you when you go. I’ll mim>s m>m>s m> youm>to m>o,ron. But you’re wrong if you think that the joy of life comem>s m> principally from human relationm>s m>hipm>s m>. God’m>s m> placed it all around um>s m>. It’m>s m> in everything. It’m>s m> in anything we can experince. People jum>s m>t needm>to m> change the way they look... -
m>S m>·U·M·I...れないけど 今夜はもう眠って My Dear 灯かり消して Go
EMI MARIA BLUE BIRDm>to m> Bed I'm here with you "Row, row, row your boat, Gently down them>s m>tream Merrily, merrily, Life im>s m> but a dream" 静かに O·Y·A·m>S m>·U·M·I あなたに歌う Lullaby Life im>s m> 人生は どうしてこんなに 上... -
... down, oh no.I won’t fight back..Let the cupid take me wherever he want
Chrim>s m>m>to m> go.Fly mem>to m> the moon like an old jazz lovem>s m>ong.Cupid, do what you wantm>to m> do.The choice im>s m> yourm>s m>.When I get where you’re taking me,.Love’m>s m> gonna make meFeel better, better, better!Love’m>s m> gonna make meFeel better, b...m>s m>ette Michele Better -
Faith Hill BREATHEm>s m> your face and I’ve Never been thim>s m>m>s m>wept away All my thoughtm>s m>m>s m>eemm>to m>m>s m>ettle on the breeze When I’m lying wrapped up in your armm>s m> The whole world jum>s m>t fadem>s m> away The only thing I hear Im>s m> the beating of your heart ‘Caum>s m>e I can feel you breathe It’m>s m> wam>s m>hing over mem>S m>uddenly I’... -
m>s m> Like When Girlm>s m> Kim>s m>m>s m>...ight a
Little Jackie Them>s m> well I’m’a tell everym>s m>ingle guy who be hollerin they can gom>to m> hell Go make her my bride Even though we on them>s m>amem>s m>ide Oh, it’m>s m> gonna collide When we walk down the aim>s m>le Gonna get with a woman And my ex’m>s m> will be crying Caum>s m>e the ceremony wam>s m>m>s m>ad But it won’t b...m>S m>m>to m>op -
m>S m>&M...d at it
Rihanna Loudm>S m>ex in the air, I don't care, I love them>s m>mell of itm>S m>tickm>s m> andm>s m>m>to m>nem>s m> may break my bonem>s m> But chainm>s m> and whipm>s m> excite me Caum>s m>e I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at itm>S m>ex in the air, I don't care, I love them>s m>mell of itm>S m>tickm>s m> andm>s m>m>to m>nem>s m> may break my bonem>s m> But chainm>s m> and whipm>s m> exc... -
m>S m>tronger...tta be I’m all alone and finally I’m getting
m>s m>tronger You’ll comem>to m>m>s m>ee Jum>s m>t what I can be I’m gettingm>s m>trongerm>S m>ometimem>s m> I feelm>s m>o down and out Like emotion that’m>s m> been captured in a maze I had my upm>s m> and downm>s m> Trialm>s m> and tribulationm>s m> I over come it day by day, Feeling good ...m>S m>ugababem>s m> Angelm>s m> With Dirty Facem>s m> -
De ja Vu
... walkin’ in circle
melody. Be am>s m> or im>s m> thim>s m> an illum>s m>ion Try the piece of the puzzlem>s m>m>to m> clear the confum>s m>ionm>S m>omewhere I’vem>s m>een your reflection I can’t explain thim>s m> attraction De Ja Vu We’ve never met how come I know you It’m>s m> like De Ja Vu Already know what I’m gonna do What I’m gonna ...m>s m> one