找到 i know m alone 相关歌词200首
A Song For You
...ple watch
Ellm>i m>ng But we’re alone now andm>I m>’m sm>i m>ngm>i m>ng thm>i m>s song to youm>I m>m>know m> yourm>i m>mage of mem>I m>s whatm>I m> hope to bem>I m>’ve treated you unkm>i m>ndly but darlm>i m>ng can’t you see There’s no one morem>i m>mportant to me Baby can't you see through me Cause we’re alone now You taught me precm>i m>ous secr...m>i m>ott Yamm>i m>n Wam>i m>t For You -
That’s Why (You Go Away)
Mm>I m>’m not the man Your heartm>i m>s mm>i m>ssm>i m>ng That’s why you go away,m>I m>m>know m> You were never satm>i m>sfm>i m>ed No matter howm>I m> trm>i m>ed Now you wanna say ‘goodbye’ to me Lovem>i m>s one bm>i m>gm>i m>llusm>i m>onm>I m> should try to forget But There’s somethm>i m>ng leftm>i m>n my headm>I m> won’t forget the way your km>i m>ss...m>i m>chael Learns To Rock none -
Where's Our Revolut
m>i m>on...s crumbl
Matt Brouwer Where's Our Revolutm>i m>ng Well slow down, take your tm>i m>me or you wm>i m>ll not survm>i m>ve Andm>I m>m>know m> thm>i m>s to be true butm>i m>t’s so hard to do So where’s our revolutm>i m>on Maybe somethm>i m>ng’s gettm>i m>ngm>i m>n the way Wam>i m>tm>i m>ng for a solutm>i m>on that gets Farther off everyday The only thm>i m>ngm>I m>m>know m>m>i m>s we’ll never makem>i m>t alon...m>i m>on -
...不管爱上什么人 也要天长地久求一个安稳 You th
尚雯婕m>i m>nk youm>know m> mem>I m> guess you don t baby What you want me to dom>I m>t sm>i m>nsane Just leave me alone Youm>know m> whatm>I m> am whom>I m> am Let s start the fashm>i m>on babym>I m> m gom>i m>ng crazy Let s start the fashm>i m>on b... -
m>I m> Wm>i m>ll......r
S.E.S.m>i m>end So many people come and go But nothm>i m>ng can change the youm>I m>m>know m> You'll never be just a facem>i m>n the ceowd And tm>i m>me wm>i m>ll show Through the seasons and the yearsm>I m> wm>i m>ll always hold you dear Never you fearm>I m>'ll be around when every candle burns down low And L want yo... -
m>I m>’m gonna be around...s form deep
Mm>i m>nsm>i m>de us We'rem>i m>n our own world spm>i m>nnm>i m>ng our wheels But youm>know m> howm>I m> feel Well sm>i m>nce the fm>i m>rst tm>i m>mem>I m> took your hand my love for you has just been growm>i m>ng You always seems to understand Youm>know m> howm>I m> amm>I m>'m gonna love you tm>i m>ll the endm>I m>'m gonna be your very true frm>i m>endm>I m> wan...m>i m>chael Learns To Rock GREAT Hm>I m>TS -
Lead Me On
... M
Mm>i m>ck Hucknall - Lead Me On 制作:卜超 QQ:6313827 Youm>know m> howm>i m>t feels, you understand Whatm>i m>tm>i m>s to be a strangerm>I m>n thm>i m>s unfrm>i m>endly land Here’s my hand Here’s my hand Takem>i m>t, darlm>i m>ng Andm>I m>’ll follow you Let me walkm>I m> want to walk rm>i m>ght by your sm>i m>de Let you...m>i m>ck Hucknall Trm>i m>bute To Bobby -
Don’t wake me up
MONKEY MAJm>I m>t’s the waym>I m> wantm>i m>t to be Don’t wake me up Don’t wake me upm>I m>m>know m>m>I m>’m dreamm>i m>ng Let me be ’Cause dreamm>i m>ngm>i m>s lm>i m>vm>i m>ng now for me Don’t wake me up Don’t wake me upm>I m>’m wam>i m>tm>i m>ng for you here to come And fm>i m>nally work thm>i m>s outm>I m> don’t wanna break Thm>i m>s spell Thm>i m>s sleepy state Yeah...m>I m>K DNA -
Back To Your Heart feat. Dan
m>i m>el Powter (Englm>i m>sh ver.)...ll
May J. Rewm>i m>ng me how much you loved me Suddenly you walked out of my lm>i m>fe Don’tm>know m> but,m>I m>’ve been trym>i m>ng to get you off my mm>i m>nd, lm>i m>kem>i m>t was just a dreamm>I m> keep fallm>i m>ng can’t controlm>i m>tm>I m>’m stm>i m>ll callm>i m>ng out your name Sorry baby baby baby Don’tm>know m> how we start to fall apart but thm>i m>s for true...m>i m>nd -
Keep The Dream Al
m>i m>ve...n My l
Oasm>i m>fem>i m>s standm>i m>ng stm>i m>lll butm>I m>’m stm>i m>ll alm>i m>ve Every nm>i m>ghtm>I m> thm>i m>nkm>I m>m>know m>m>i m>n the mornm>i m>ng where dm>i m>dm>i m>t go The answers dm>i m>sappear whenm>I m> open my eyesm>I m>’m no stranger to thm>i m>s place Where real lm>i m>fe and dreams colm>i m>de and even thoughm>i m> fall from gracem>I m> wm>i m>ll keep the dream alm>i m>ve na na na...m>i m>s Don't Belm>i m>eve The Truth