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作曲 : 周杰伦 作词 : 蔡依林 当我看见左肩破损的战衣 盔甲后的你表情带着笑意 想要对我说 外来的袭击即将离公主远去 那些令人刺耳的声音 我不听我不听 偏偏我又容易受影响容易伤心 没有用 微笑的表面不停骗自己 他们的...
蔡依林 看我72变 -
... [03:31:48]君の目に届くように [03:35:17]風よ 強く [03:42:72] [04:12:48] [04:15:97]同じ瞬間同じ空の下で [04:20:92]笑ってる そんな日々がいいな [04:25:71]辿り着く 君と夢と未来 [04:30:83]決してそう 一人じゃない [04:34:50]愛が あるよ ...
游戏动漫 -
Prove It
一直忘了问你为什么 你这几天的态度不及格 你对我有多好多好呢 Prove it Prove it to me 为了爱你所以故意忽略你 为了消灭你的小聪明 为了拒绝去玩那么复杂的游戏 为了 忽然怀疑 别再大声之后说对不起 别说你的衣服很流行 别把...
蔡依林 看我72变 -
...在哪里 没有什么好生气 因为我一定挺你 就是那个72变的美女 每天穿着粉红色的迷你裙 和你打篮球的时间最开心 我只有牛仔裤和大条神经 为了实现你 伟大的爱情 我只好每天帮你出馊主意 虽然有千万个不愿意 ...
廖佩伶 我挺你 -
When I was young I'd listen to the radio Waiting for my favorite songs When they played I'd sing along, It make me smile. Those were such happy times and not so long ago How I wondered where they'd gone. But they're back again just like a long lost friend All the songs I love so well. Ever...
其它男歌手 72变 世纪影响经典英文歌曲 -
...天 快把你双手举起来 有个故事想说给你听不是很长大概72个小节吧 是一个关於我的故事 好 来了 听着 陈换仁 我的名字 相信好多人没听过 其实爱看唱片封面文字的朋友也许认识 可是到此关於我的知识是Rapper 还是监制 我都是 ...
陈奂仁 谁是陈奂仁 -
...哪里 aha 没有什么好生气 aha 因为我一定挺你 就是那个72变的美女 每天穿着粉红色的迷你裙 和你打篮球的时间最开心 我只有牛仔裤和大条神经 为了实现你 伟大的爱情 我只好每天帮你出馊主意 虽然有千万个不愿意 但没...
Linda 我挺你 -
Colors Of The Wind
Think you own whatever land you land on Earth is just a dead thing you can claim But I know every rock and tree and creature Has a life,has a spirit,has a name Think the only people who are people Are the people who look and think like you But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger ...
Vanessa Williams 奥斯卡72届金曲集萃 -
Color Of The Wind
Think you own whatever land you land on Earth is just a dead thing you can claim But I know every rock and tree and creature Has a life,has a spirit,has a name Think the only people who are people Are the people who look and think like you But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger ...
Vanessa Williams 奥斯卡72届金曲集萃(二) -
Colors Of The Wind
Think you own whatever land you land on Earth is just a dead thing you can claim But I know every rock and tree and creature Has a life, has a spirit, has a name Think the only people who are people Are the people who look and think like you But if you walk the footsteps of a str...
影视歌曲 奥斯卡72届金曲集萃(二)