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Never Ending Dream
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游戏动漫 圣火徽章m>s m>ide your pain andm>s m>orrow never ending dreamm>S m>till livem>s m> clom>s m>em>to m> your wounded heart Don’t fall apart let me hold you in my armm>s m>m>S m>o you can rem>s m>t yourm>s m>oul Drifting through the windm>s m> of time Feeling warmth ofm>s m>weet memoriem>s m> You’ll realize you’re not all alone alwaym>s m> I’ll b... -
A Broken
m>S m>piritThi
杨瑞代 给你的情书m>s m> morning I turned on TV Them>s m>amem>s m>m>to m>ry upm>s m>et me And Im>s m>tared at them>s m>creen a while Hopin’m>s m>he will be alright Wonder the ream>s m>on why Wonder why, tell me why The Bad thingm>s m> go on for daym>s m> Wonder how, how can I Take all violence away Why’m>s m>m>s m>he unlike me While I’m havin’bread with cof... -
Love Take
m>s m> TwoMark: Baby, tell me, are we heading in
Wem>to m> trouble, yeah Im>s m> it my imagination taking whole Do I readm>to m> much inm>to m> the way wem>s m>lay The way you move away from me I may feel that you''re the one But when all im>s m>m>s m>aid and done All: Love takem>s m> two Time after time we''ve talked it throu...m>s m>tlife Greatem>s m>t Hitm>s m> -
m>s m>m>s m>ible!...、 手を伸ばしてみなよ(Go for it! Go for it!) Let’
Trignalm>s m>m>s m>tand upm>to m> your impom>s m>m>s m>ible! 可能かどうか悩んで 何かを諦めかけるより さぁ Call my name, I’m on yourm>s m>ide!! 勝ち取ろうよ 昨日を乗り越えて その調子さ、m>S m>ymphony 奏でるように 重ねていけ...m>S m>UMMER MAGIC -
... Where are you and God Why did you leave me? You were the one
D.H.T. Lim>to m> fill my lifem>S m>uddenly I can neverm>s m>ee youm>To m>rn away without goodbye [Chorum>s m> 2x] Why Tell me why What I want im>s m> another chancem>To m>m>s m>how you that I love you That I need you ‘Cuz I want you by ...m>s m>tenm>To m> Your Heart -
アジアの変身 (Engli
m>s m>h Verm>s m>ion)...∶
m>S m>uper Dollm>s m> MAKE CHAU WA.....GANBATTE!! Be careful when youm>s m>ettle inm>to m> Dangeroum>s m> campum>s m> life You can’t bem>s m>ober, party party I’m getting over, goody goody What you need im>s m> magic glitter In all direction we canm>s m>ee and hear aggrem>s m>m>s m>ion And it pullm>s m> againm>s m>t our protection Then you look down a...m>S m>uper Dollm>s m> アジアの変身 -
m>s m>h.... It mu
李玟 Expom>s m>tm>s m>tay on the low. And I know it ain’t eam>s m>y, but nobody elm>s m>e ham>s m>m>to m> know. You and me got a chemim>s m>try between um>s m>. And I truly feel, that you are the one I dream of. I wanna tell the whole world, that you’re mine (but I can’t) Trym>to m> underm>s m>tand them>s m>ituation I’m in. Baby, I got planm>s m>...m>s m>ed -
I Ain't Gonna Take It Anymore
...e it I ain’t gonna take it, anymore I’m gonna crawl out from thi
Faith Hill Firefliem>s m>m>s m>m>to m>ne That I’ve been underm>To m>m>s m>ee the light and breathe the air You’ll have a millon ream>s m>onm>s m> why Im>s m>houldn’t leave you But for the firm>s m>t time in a long time I don’t care I guem>s m>m>s m> on one hand youm>s m>hould laugh ...m>s m> -
m>s m>urrect Me...man - Re
Jon Foreman Limbm>s m>urrect Me www.lrcgc.com 卜超 制作 It takem>s m> a long timem>to m> kill a man Fifty-five yearm>s m> at leam>s m>t Until he breakm>s m> downm>S m>tartm>s m>m>to m> look undergroundm>To m> go off, and get himm>s m>ome peace I wantm>to m> die a lot quicker then that If that’m>s m> my only way out I’ve been counting up...m>s m> And Branchem>s m> -
...nna give you all that you need Wanna know everything that you’re feeling
BENI Coverm>to m>night Jum>s m>t talkm>to m> me Play the game, fall in love Feel the heat every time wem>to m>uch Colorm>s m> fade in the darknem>s m>m>s m> I’m lom>s m>t in a dream 「接吻」 作詞∶田島貴男 英語詞∶BENI/m>S m>eiji Mom>to m>yama 作曲∶田島貴男...m>s m>: 2