找到 i m in that 相关歌词2000首

  • Always You And m>Im>

    ...oh, gm>im>rl... m>Im>t’s so hard to say How a love could end thm>im>s way The one that used to care for you Just turns and walks away And m>im>t’s so hard to fm>im>nd To leave the pam>im>n behm>im>nd When all the thm>im>ngs you’re lookm>im>ng for Your heart can’t seem to fm>im>nd m>Im>’ll be the am>im>r that you breathe m>Im>’...

    98 Degree Revelatm>im>on
  • m>Im> Belm>im>eve My Heart

    ... Chorus 2 m>Im> belm>im>eve my heart. m>Im>t belm>im>eves m>im>n you. m>Im>t’s tellm>im>ng me that what m>Im> see m>im>s completely true. m>Im> belm>im>eve my heart. How can m>im>t be wrong? m>Im>t says that what m>Im> feel for you m>Im> wm>im>ll feel my whole lm>im>fe long. Chorus 3 m>Im> belm>im>eve my heart. m>Im>t belm>im>eves m>im>n you. m>Im>t’s tellm>im>ng me ...

  • Turned Tables

    ...t of snow we were never qum>im>te rm>im>ght hope was never enough but we had m>im>t that day and m>Im>’m always amazed that you started to say as the lm>im>ght pulled away floatm>im>ng to the stars above fallm>im>ng m>im>n and out of love daylm>im>ght would have to wam>im>t fadm>im>ng on the longest day but m>im>n only a month we’...

    Should Lm>im>ke A Fm>im>re Wm>im>thout Sound
  • Devm>im>l’s Dance

    ...ah, m>Im> feel you too Feel, those thm>im>ngs you do m>Im>n your eyes m>Im> see a fm>im>re that burns To free the you That's wantm>im>ng through Deep m>im>nsm>im>de you know, The seeds m>Im> plant wm>im>ll grow One day you wm>im>ll see And dare to come down to me Yeah c'mon, c'mon now take the chance That's rm>im>ght Lets ...

    Metallm>im>ca S&M
  • 小さな恋のうた

    ...ttle town where the ocean never ends Remm>im>nm>im>sce the day we met, everythm>im>ng that we’ve been through Wrote a lm>im>ttle love letter sealed m>im>t wm>im>th a km>im>ss for you Hear the sound echo so sweet but tm>im>me won’t wam>im>t for nobody Though we laughed ’tm>im>l the mornm>im>ng, countless nm>im>ghts m>Im> crm>im>ed to sleep ’cross...

    BENm>Im> Covers: 2
  • Sunrm>im>ses(英)

    ...drop Your hand slm>im>ps away from mm>im>ne Car keys, the motor runs And just lm>im>ke that you are gone… Sunrm>im>ses, m>Im>''m m>im>n bed Your pm>im>llow next to me Breakfast m>im>s one bm>im>tter cup of coffee Wm>im>th no plans for the day… Empty, m>Im> lay back down Not qum>im>te ready to face the day… Hollow, oh, m>im>s thm>im>s home? Maybe on...

    顺子 Sunrm>im>ses EP
  • Here m>Im> Go (Englm>im>sh Versm>im>on)

    ...lm>im>ke the ground shakm>im>ng But m>im>t am>im>n’t Shm>im>verm>im>ng from the pam>im>n Hopm>im>ng that thm>im>s love takes me where m>Im> wanna go Then m>Im> realm>im>ze that we broke up a day ago m>Im> can’t help but wonder m>im>f my mm>im>nd m>im>s playm>im>ng trm>im>cks Should m>Im> reevaluate my lm>im>fe or be m>im>n love wm>im>th m>im>t Here m>Im> go, m>Im> go, m>Im> go Here ...

    孙耀威 m>Im>n The Name Of… Love
  • How can m>Im> Keep from Sm>im>ngm>im>ng

    ...song above earth’s lamentatm>im>ons, m>Im> hear the real, though far-off hymn that ham>im>ls a new creatm>im>on. Through all the tumult and the strm>im>fe m>Im> hear m>im>t’s musm>im>c rm>im>ngm>im>ng, m>Im>t sounds an echo m>im>n my soul. How can m>Im> keep from sm>im>ngm>im>ng? Whm>im>le though the tempest loudly roars, m>Im> hear the truth, m>im>t lm>im>veth...

    Enya May m>Im>t Be
  • m>Im>f m>Im>t Km>im>lls Me

    ... would be such a beautm>im>ful moment To see the look on your face To know that m>Im> know that you know now And baby that’s a case of my wm>im>shful thm>im>nkm>im>ng You know nothm>im>ng Cause you and m>Im> Why, we go carrym>im>ng on for hours, on and We get along much better Than you and your boyfrm>im>end We...

    Jason Mraz We Sm>im>ng, We Dance, We Steal Thm>im>ngs
  • From Now On

    ... A Way To See, How Perfect Lm>im>fe Can Be You ′ ve Gm>im>ven Me The Master Key, That Really Sets Me Free And m>Im>f m>Im>t ′ s Taken Me Some Tm>im>me, To Realm>im>ze That You Are Mm>im>ne At Last m>Im> ′ m Yours And Lm>im>fe ′ s So Fm>im>ne So Fm>im>nally m>Im> Can ′ t Belm>im>eve You ′ ve Gm>im>ven Me, A Love So Warm And True And m>Im> Can ′ ...

    林忆莲 m>Im> Swear
