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... ay o ay o ayyyy o That boy
Jay Sean My Own Waym>i m>s murder He's a one em>i m>ghty seven No other man can step to hm>i m>m ay o ay o ayyy oo (Jay Sean) Yo, oh theres thm>i m>s gm>i m>rlm>i m> know She's som>i m>ncredm>i m>ble Talkm>i m>n bout how to make a man sell hm>i m>s soul Treat her just lm>i m>ke a queen Make you gm>i m>ve up everythm>i m>ng Th... -
Shut Up
... got you t
Lafee Shut Upm>i m>ed upm>I m>’m a-qum>i m>te sure that you know thm>i m>s am>i m>n’t gonna fly Therem>i m>s no need to try and km>i m>ss up to me Your stupm>i m>d lm>i m>es won’t save you thm>i m>s tm>i m>mem>I m> hate you ! Shut up, shut up ! Crym>i m>n’ won’t help you get your sorry ass outta thm>i m>sm>I m> don’t want no part of your shm>i m>tty “pm>i m>ty ... -
m>I m> Wm>i m>ll Always Returnm>I m> hear the wm>i m>nd call your namem>I m>t calls me back home agam>i m>nm>I m>t sparks up the fm>i m>re a flame that stm>i m>ll burns Ohm>i m>t's to youm>I m>'ll always returnm>I m> stm>i m>ll feel your breath on my skm>i m>nm>I m> hear your vom>i m>ce deep wm>i m>thm>i m>n The sound of my lover a feelm>i m>ng so strongm>I m>t's to youm>I m>'ll always belong ...m>i m>rm>i m>t -
Do not Tell Me
...on t Tell Me You held my hand and walked me home,
Avrm>I m> know Why you gave me the km>i m>ss,m>i m>t was somethm>i m>ng lm>i m>ke thm>i m>s,m>i m>t made me go oh oh You wm>i m>ped my tears, got rm>i m>d of all my fears, why dm>i m>d you have to go? Guessm>i m>t wasn t enough to take up some of my love, guys are so hard to trust Dm>i m>dm>I m> not tell you...m>i m>l Lavm>i m>gne Under My Skm>i m>n -
...t don't ever be afra
林忆莲m>i m>dm>I m>'m learnm>i m>ng to be strong and brave All through the tm>i m>mes,whenm>I m> gavem>i m>n to love taught me more than enough Tellm>i m>ng my heart don't ever be afram>i m>dm>I m>'m stronger andm>I m> wm>i m>ll be brave Takm>i m>ng no chances,more thanm>I m> should Not losm>i m>ng myself to love Just be brave,brave What ...m>I m> Swear -
Scared Of G
m>i m>rlsPlacebo - Scared Of G
Placebo Wm>i m>rls Anm>i m>ntroverted km>i m>nda soul, The earth dm>i m>d open, swallow whole, Careenm>i m>n', Careenm>i m>n', Careenm>i m>n', Careenm>i m>n', Her next of km>i m>n who lm>i m>vedm>i m>n sm>i m>n, was askm>i m>ng god to let herm>i m>n, Careenm>i m>n', Careenm>i m>n', Careenm>i m>n', Careenm>i m>n',m>I m>'m a man, a lm>i m>ar, Guaranteed...m>i m>thout Youm>I m>’m Nothm>i m>ng -
My Aphrod
m>i m>sm>i m>acm>I m>s You...
Katm>I m> don’t belm>i m>eve my dm>i m>et turns me on. Won’t take no pm>i m>lls, That’s the last thm>i m>ng thatm>I m> need to do,m>I m> can’t denym>i m>t, My aphrodm>i m>sm>i m>acm>i m>s you. Alrm>i m>ght,m>I m> could snm>i m>ff some powdered rhm>i m>no horn, And go to bedm>i m>n rubber gloves. Butm>I m> don’t need no stm>i m>mulatm>i m>on, Potm>i m>ons, balms or embro...m>i m>e Melua Call Off the Search-RETAm>I m>L-CD -
m>i m>ng Grace...
Soler X2m>i m>ele Bao/Adrm>i m>an Da Sm>i m>lva 鐚蓟鎻掕懕鍒朵綔 Adam and Eve and all the strangeness of humanm>i m>ty Sent my soulm>i m>nto an orbm>i m>t of anxm>i m>ety Then one nm>i m>ght my father appeared to mem>i m>n my dream And thm>i m>sm>i m>s what he sam>i m>d \"Forgm>i m>ve and then forget\" Som>I m> asked hm>i m>m what of all the pam>i m>nm>I m>\'m gom>i m>ng through... -
Loss Of Control
...en Day 歌词千寻www.lrcgc.com
Green Daym>I m>’m takm>i m>ng down all my enemm>i m>es ’Cause they’re all so fuckm>i m>ng useless A bunch of shm>i m>t talkm>i m>ng drama queens And they’re all fm>i m>lled wm>i m>th excuses `m>I m> wanna fm>i m>nd me a better scene Wherem>i m>t’s not the same opm>i m>nm>i m>onm>I m>’d rather go to a funeral Than to thm>i m>s hm>i m>gh sch...m>i m>Uno! -
m>i m>lm>i m>zelrcgc.com 制作 Album:Tranqu
The Km>i m>lm>i m>ze (CD Sm>i m>ngle) The Km>i m>llers-Tranqum>i m>lm>i m>ze Tm>i m>mem>i m>t tells lm>i m>vm>i m>ngm>i m>n my home town, Weddm>i m>ng bells they begm>i m>n easy Lm>i m>vem>i m>t down, baby don’t talk that much, Baby knows, but baby don’t tease me.m>I m>n the park we could go walkm>i m>ng, Drownedm>i m>n the dar...m>i m>llers Tranqum>i m>lm>i m>ze (CD Sm>i m>ngle)