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m>s m> Gonnam>S m>ave Mym>S m>oul...day When thi
Gnarlm>s m>m>s m>omeonem>s m>poke I lim>s m>tened All of am>s m>udden ham>s m> lem>s m>m>s m> and lem>s m>m>s m>m>to m>m>s m>ay Oooo how could thim>s m> be All thim>s m> time I’ve lived vicarioum>s m>ly Who’m>s m> gonnam>s m>ave mym>s m>oul now Who’m>s m> gonnam>s m>ave mym>s m>oul now How will mym>s m>m>to m>ry ever bem>to m>ld now How will mym>s m>m>to m>ry bem>to m>ld now Made me feel likem>s m>o...m>s m> Barkley The Odd Couple -
If I Never
m>S m>ee You AgainThe morning light come
Wet Wet Wet The Greatem>s m>m>s m>tealingm>To m>m>s m>tart a new day Out there the world im>s m> waitingm>To m> take um>s m> far away And it′m>s m> timem>to m> make The final break But the memory will linger forever If I neverm>s m>ee you again And think of me now and then Though it hurtm>s m>m>s m>om>s m>weetly Theym>s m>ay all good thi...m>s m>t Hitm>s m> -
...andon Heath - London www.lrcgc.com 卜超 制作 My train pulled in
Brandon Heath What If Wem>to m> Waterloo found mym>s m>elf wim>s m>in’ you were here with me In Londonm>S m>tandin’ on the river Thamem>s m> takin’ phom>to m>graphm>s m> of Parliament and old Big Ben im>s m> ringin’ You know, it’m>s m> everything that I imagined it would be I... -
There I
m>s m> Nothing... of Fool
Rum>s m> - There Im>s m> Nothing www.lrcgc.com 卜超 制作 How far im>s m>m>to m>o far for You How hard im>s m>m>to m>o hard for You How much im>s m>m>to m>o much for You great God There im>s m> nothing more, there’m>s m> nothing You can’t do There im>s m> no wildernem>s m>m>s m>, no dem>s m>ert place, nom>s m>icknem>s m>m>s m> There im>s m> nom>s m>inkingm>s m>hi...m>s m>h of Foolm>s m> Wonder Of The World -
Who You Love
John Mayerm>s m>he ain’t the one that Im>s m>aw comingm>S m>ometimem>s m> I don’t know which waym>to m> go And I triedm>to m> run before but I’m not running anymore ’Caum>s m>e I fought againm>s m>t it hard enoughm>to m> know That you love who you love who you love you love who you love who you love you love who you love who you love... -
Can You Feel Me? feat EVE
...! What? What? Can you feel me baby? I can feel you No doubt, known
Willm>to m> make it happen [Willm>S m>mith] Im>s m>ee you wanna dance huh With your girlm>s m> and your friendm>s m> huh What about me and my menz huh Roll through in the Range and the Benz huh Wanna jam on the dance floor till it endm>s m> hu...m>S m>mith Willennium -
...We do almo
98 Degreem>s m>t everything that loverm>s m> do And that’m>s m> why it’m>s m> hard jum>s m>tm>to m> be friendm>s m> with you Every time your heart im>s m> broken by the fool I want youm>to m> know that it hurtm>s m> me,m>to m>o It’m>s m> hardm>to m> wipe your tearm>s m> away (tearm>s m> away) Knowing that youm>s m>hould be with me Now tell me why Cho... -
m>s m> Lim>s m>tening... with the rhythm Ri
Linkin Park Meteoram>s m>e from the am>s m>hem>s m> ofm>s m>tylim>s m>t divim>s m>ion With them>s m>e non-m>s m>m>to m>p lyricm>s m> of life living Notm>to m> be forgotten butm>s m>till unforgiving But in the meantime there are thom>s m>e who wanna talk thim>s m> and thatm>S m>o Im>s m>uppom>s m>e that it getm>s m>m>to m> a point where feelingm>s m> gotta get hurt And get dirty wit... -
Hip Hop
m>S m>tarm>S m>lowly am>s m>m>S m>ir Lum>s m>cioum>s m>m>s m>tep up like a Q-Dawg A-m>to m>wn’m>s m> up, deucem>s m> down it’m>s m> the new call And you can dial 1-888-CUT-m>S m>OMETHING I’m your kinky operam>to m>r when you wanna f---m>s m>omething Ain’t no dialm>to m>nem>s m> jum>s m>t milem>s m>m>to m>nem>s m>, of pleam>s m>urem>to m> reachm>To m> each him>s m> own, I’m am>s m>m>to m>ne cold Aqua...m>s m> Dangeroum>s m>ly In Love -
For The Lover
m>s m>Whitney Hou
Whitney Houm>s m>m>to m>n - For the Loverm>s m> LRC:www.lrcgc.com 朱古力 制作m>To m> all the loverm>s m> in the place Thim>s m>m>s m>ong im>s m> for youm>To m> all the haterm>s m> in the place Here′m>s m>m>s m>omething at you It′m>s m> been a long crazy week, all I want im>s m> a little time Rem>s m>t my handm>s m>, crom>s m>m>s m> my feet, let it go ...m>s m>m>to m>n I Lookm>To m> You