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Open Road
Chrim>S m>earching for the finer thingm>s m> You alwaym>s m> gave me another chancem>to m> make it right But I didn’t dem>s m>erve Caum>s m>e I didn’t underm>s m>tand And I feelm>s m>o bad Caum>s m>e you wouldn’t do them>s m>amem>to m> me But I know what you weaknem>s m>m>s m> im>s m> And you feelm>s m>o great And now you’re on a...m>s m> Brown 2011年7月欧美新歌速递 -
m>S m>unm>s m>hine...door You
m>s m>aid the work aint hard and alwaym>s m> being poorBut you don’t havem>to m> feel am>s m>hamedyou don’t havem>to m> lom>s m>e your way Won’t do any goodm>s m>it and more Come tape a wild down thim>s m> old road Im>s m>aid jum>s m>t look at them>s m>ky that’m>s m> no needm>to m> cry, ‘aint got nothing but we gotm>s m>unm>s m>hine Run on the boa...m>S m>kylar Grey Don't Look Down -
Latte (Demo)
...多希望你是我的女朋友 就可以帮你全部舔掉 Choru
顾翾m>s m> Countm>to m> 3告诉你我是谁m>S m>ean Kool im>s m> my name 天蝎座O型游泳队吉他社 电影里也这么说 请原谅我的唐突其实我还不错 5, 6 There’m>s m> an imprem>s m>m>s m>ion gotta make 笑话和魔术 星座或占卜 你说... -
我是你的梦 陈明 I gue
陈明 快乐老家m>s m>m>s m> it’m>s m>m>s m>ha -la loved mem>to m>m>s m>ay , I guem>s m>m>s m> it’m>s m>m>s m>ha -la loved mem>to m> tell me . 请为我点一盏灯 就象从前在黑夜中 我曾经错失的青春 深埋在你心深处 你说我是你的梦 你苍凉额头上的虹 当夜风呼啸而过 你要我快飞出天穹 我... -
Here I Go (Demo)
Relient K - Here I Go (Demo) Woahoo believe me I have tried
Relient K The Bird And The Beem>to m> work thim>s m> out from my inm>s m>ide Then I finally realized I Jum>s m>t needm>to m> move on with my life Gotta makem>s m>omething of it Not jum>s m>tm>s m>it around an wait for it Thim>s m> place im>s m> like a prim>s m>on I think I’m goingm>to m> make a brake for ...m>S m>idem>s m> -
Craig David - Hypnotic Album: The
Craig David Them>S m>m>to m>ry Goem>s m> Edim>to m>r: Flowerm>S m>pider (QQ 1878886 ICQ 151476238) Hmmm no no no no Hey yeah yeah no Oh hey no no yeah girl Im>s m>tepped inm>to m> the club Clocked thim>s m> fly girlm>S m>hakin' herm>s m>tuff now Lookin’m>s m>o hot I could help butm>s m>ay yeah Movem>s m>m>to m> make a b...m>S m>m>to m>ry Goem>s m> -
Da Bomb
姚亦晴m>s m>, wo-o, wo-oo And now, I’m flyin’ like an airplane You got a ticketm>to m> my, my heart im>s m> waiting I’ll be blowin' up on fire feelm>s m> like I’ll be walking on the air Keep walkin, blowin' up You are da bomb You are da bomb You are da bomb, wo-o, wo-o Blowin' up on fire, feelm>s m> like I’ll be wa... -
I Think Im In Love With You
...’re near baby I get kinda crazy in my head for you I don’t know what
Jem>to m> do And oh baby I get kindam>s m>haky when they mention you I jum>s m>t lom>s m>e my cool My friendm>s m> tell mem>S m>omethin ham>s m> come over me And I think I know what it im>s m> I think I’m in love Boy I think that I’m in love with you I...m>s m>m>s m>icam>S m>impm>s m>onm>S m>weet Kim>s m>m>s m>em>s m> -
...I’ve done M?e I’m
恭硕良 Rehabm>s m>orry for the perm>s m>on I become M?e The ream>s m>on for youm>to m>m>s m>cream andm>to m> them>s m>hout M?e It’m>s m> not for communicationm>s m> all about Woo … woo… woo…woo…woo…woo… 如果真可以重头嚟过 (如果我可以重头嚟过) 如果真可以重头嚟过 (如果我可以重... -
The Di
m>s m>tance.... For you breathe between every line. (I
m>s m> thim>s m> love?) The love it takem>s m>m>to m> give your heart away. What definem>s m> my heart im>s m> what?m>s m> bem>s m>t for you. Where tired eyem>s m> are willingm>to m> prove. That I?ll be here forever. At your bedm>s m>ide. Never leave mym>s m>ight. If there?m>s m> dim>s m>tance, there?m>s m> perm>s m>im>s m>ten...m>S m>leep form>S m>leeperm>s m> The Clearing