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...hrough. Now you’re broken and you don’t understand What
Tm>i m>s broken fallsm>i m>nto place once agam>i m>n. So mornm>i m>ng comes to clean up lm>i m>ke nothm>i m>ng happened when your heart stopped, Lm>i m>ke all the lawyers callm>i m>ng all cops to wave days through. Just close your eyes for thm>i m>s long, somethm>i m>ng’s mm>i m>xed ...m>i m>ft Merrm>i m>tt Another Country -
She Bel
m>i m>eves (m>I m>n Me)... lays sleep
Ronan Keatm>i m>ngm>I m> stay out late at nm>i m>ght And play my songs And sometm>i m>mes all the nm>i m>ghts can be so long Andm>i m>t’s good whenm>I m> fm>i m>nally makem>i m>t home All alone Whm>i m>le she lays dreamm>i m>ngm>I m> try to get undressed wm>i m>thout the lm>i m>ght And qum>i m>etly she says how was your nm>i m>ght Andm>I m> come to her and saym>I m>t ...m>i m>ng Turnm>I m>t On -
m>i m>mme That Funk...a l
Group 1 Crew Ordm>i m>ttle bm>i m>t,m>I m> can never get enough turnm>i m>t up ‘causem>i m>t feels so Fm>i m>nally we all agree, musm>i m>c brm>i m>ngs us together lm>i m>ke a famm>i m>ly. And every note (uh oh uh oh)m>i m>s lm>i m>ke an antm>i m>dote to all the heavy sm>i m>tuatm>i m>ons we're facm>i m>ng call up your statm>i m>on say.m>i m>nary Dreamers -
m>i m>mple Thm>i m>ngs...ove They say money can′t buy you love They never seem to l
Usher Confessm>i m>stenm>I m>′m all ears Just copped your gm>i m>rl a brand new Rolex But you can never fm>i m>nd the tm>i m>me to spend at home Thm>i m>nkm>i m>n′m>i m>t′s gon′ keep her happy When tm>i m>mem>i m>s all she wanted all along [Chorus]m>I m>t′s the sm>i m>mple thm>i m>ngsm>i m>n lm>i m>fe w...m>i m>ons -
...y dreams.
Buckcherry Black Butterflym>I m> am trym>i m>ng to change, But somethm>i m>ng’sm>i m>n the way.m>I m> take all of the blame, And hate the thm>i m>ngsm>I m> say. Do you stm>i m>ll feel the same?m>I m> need to know rm>i m>ght now, ‘Causem>I m> knowm>i m>t’s hard to change.m>I m> wanna bem>i m>n your dreams,m>I m>n your dreams! Just wam>i m>t and see, you can count on m... -
Whatever U L
m>i m>ke...t go Someth
Nm>i m>ng ‘bout that cocky thm>i m>ng, you got me wanna see what's really gom>i m>ng on (Ladm>i m>es an gentlemen)m>I m> do the thm>i m>ng,m>I m> do the thm>i m>ng you wanna (m>I m> know what you want)m>I m>’m gonna do, do anythm>i m>ng you wanna (She’s hot as a stove)m>I m> do the thm>i m>ng,m>I m> do the thm>i m>ng you wanna (Her name...m>i m>cole Scherzm>i m>nger Her Namem>I m>s Nm>i m>cole -
Early Apr
m>i m>l Mornm>i m>ng...
Brendan James The Daym>I m> once was lost wm>i m>th herm>I m>’m found on thm>i m>s early Aprm>i m>l mornm>i m>ng Water fallm>i m>ng from the sky the sun that’s breakm>i m>ng fm>i m>lls my eye andm>i m>t came wm>i m>thout a warnm>i m>ng now There used to be nothm>i m>ngm>i m>n common there used to be nothm>i m>ng to sharem>I m>t used to be sm>i m>t by the wm>i m>ndow and stare at what used ...m>I m>s Brave -
m>I m>n The Dm>i m>stance...nd Come to me and take my hand L
谭盾 九歌m>i m>ke mama would say Everythm>i m>ng wm>i m>ll be okay Allm>I m> hearm>i m>s 321 The scream from the guns And then 1by1 No one gets to run Someone’s dad or mom Sm>i m>ster, brother and son No...no... Allm>I m> feelm>i m>s 123 My tears start to bleed Smell of roses on my feetm>I m> feel sore...m>I m> fall..... -
m>i m> m your manWham
Whamm>I m>'m Your Man Call me good Call me bad Call me anythm>i m>ng you want to baby Butm>I m> know that you're sad Andm>I m> knowm>I m>'ll make you happy Wm>i m>th the one thm>i m>ng that you never had Baby,m>I m>'m your man (don't you know that?) Baby,m>I m>'m your man You bet!m>I m>f you're gonna dom>i m>t, dom>i m>t rm>i m>ght - r... -
... an a
Above The Golden State Above The Golden Statem>i m>rplane Storm hm>i m>t wm>i m>th a world of hatem>I m> was holdm>i m>ng on But stm>i m>ll fallm>i m>ng to the ground Turn, turnm>I m>n the hurrm>i m>cane Wm>i m>nd hm>i m>t wm>i m>th the heavy ram>i m>n You were callm>i m>ng out Butm>I m> never heard a sound And som>I m>’ll … Go back where we startedm>I m> forgot that the heavens are shm>i m>nnm>i m>ng for You ...