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All That
m>I m>’m AllowedAll That
Elton John Peachtree Roadm>I m>'m Allowed Elton John Breakm>i m>ng down never seems to be that hard Fallm>i m>ng shortm>i m>s alwaysm>i m>n the cardsm>I m>'m on the road, sunrm>i m>sem>i m>s at my back Lostm>i m>t all somewhere between the cracksm>I m> always hoped thatm>I m>'d do better Thatm>I m>'d come out on top for once We all get what we de... -
Stacm>I m>’m saym>i m>ng, you know whatm>I m> mean yeah Every now and then whenm>I m>’m all alonem>I m>’ll be wm>i m>shm>i m>ng you would call me on the telephone Say you want me back but you never dom>I m> feel lm>i m>ke such a fool there’s nothm>i m>nm>I m> can dom>I m>’m such a fool for youm>I m> can’t takem>i m>t what amm>I m> wam>i m>tm>i m>ng for ...m>i m>e Orrm>i m>co -
m>I m>’m Holdm>i m>n' On To Love (To Save My Lm>i m>fe)...t's alr
Shanm>i m>ght,m>I m> am>i m>n't that uptm>i m>ghtm>I m> don't need a psychm>i m>c 'causem>I m> don't really lm>i m>kem>i m>t When someone trm>i m>es to tell me just what my future holdsm>I m> already know Your love keeps me alm>i m>ve You're allm>I m> need to survm>i m>vem>I m> got you by my sm>i m>de Som>I m>'m holdm>i m>n' on-m>I m>'m feelm>i m>n' strong-baby you're the one...m>i m>a Twam>i m>n come on over -
m>I m>’m Holdm>i m>n’ On To Love (To Save My Lm>i m>fe)...t's alr
Shanm>i m>ght,m>I m> am>i m>n't that uptm>i m>ghtm>I m> don't need a psychm>i m>c 'causem>I m> don't really lm>i m>kem>i m>t When someone trm>i m>es to tell me just what my future holdsm>I m> already know Your love keeps me alm>i m>ve You're allm>I m> need to survm>i m>vem>I m> got you by my sm>i m>de Som>I m>'m holdm>i m>n' on-m>I m>'m feelm>i m>n' strong-baby you're the one...m>i m>a Twam>i m>n -
Thank You
...thank u - d
Dm>i m>do my tea`s gone coldm>i m>`m wonderm>i m>ng whym>i m> got out of bed at all the mornm>i m>ng ram>i m>n clouds up my wm>i m>ndow andm>i m> can`t see at all and evenm>i m>fm>i m> couldm>i m>t`d all be grey but ur pm>i m>c on my wallm>i m>t remm>i m>nds me thatm>i m>t`s not so bad,m>i m>t`s not so bad drank too much last nm>i m>ght,got bm>i m>lls to pay ...m>i m>do no angel -
m>i m>cturesm>I m>n An Exhm>i m>bm>i m>tm>i m>on...wnsl
Death Cab for Cutm>i m>de, downturnm>I m> was busy wrm>i m>tm>i m>ng wm>i m>th a pen and paper thm>i m>n dream And all your plastm>i m>c people wm>i m>th plastm>i m>c hearts and smm>i m>les They had the worstm>i m>ntentm>i m>ons all along after all The royal castle holds the mellow drama km>i m>ngs and queens And all them>i m>r dazzlm>i m>ng chm>i m>ldren, they’re so regal, so cl...m>i m>e Somethm>i m>ng About Am>i m>rplanes -
m>I m>’m at a payphone trym>i m>ng to call home all of my change are spent on you where are the tm>i m>mes gone babym>i m>t’s all wrong where are the plans we made for two, yeah ahm>I m> knowm>i m>t’s hard to remember the people we used to bem>i m>t’s even harder to pm>i m>cture you’re not here next to me you saym>i m>t’s ... -
Hard To Say
m>I m>’m Sorry...ow.
Barry Manm>I m>t's hard for me to saym>I m>'m sorry.m>I m> just want you to stay. After all that we've been through,m>I m> wm>i m>ll makem>i m>t up to you.m>I m> promm>i m>se to. And after all that's been sam>i m>d and done, You're just the part of mem>I m> can't let go. Couldn't stand to be kept away just for the day from your body. ...m>i m>low The Greatest Songs Of The Em>i m>ghtm>i m>es -
Come Home
...r so long For so long And r
OneRepublm>i m>ght now there's a war between them>i m>tm>i m>es But allm>i m> seem>i m>s you and me The fm>i m>ght for youm>i m>s allm>I m>’ve ever known So come home Oooh [Verse 2]m>I m> get lostm>i m>n the beauty Of everythm>i m>ngm>i m> see The world am>i m>n’t as half as bad As they pam>i m>ntm>i m>t to bem>I m>f all the sonsm>I m>...m>i m>c Dreamm>i m>ng Out Loud -
...ady, yeah You know
Thm>I m>’m ready nowm>I m> can’t sm>i m>t around wam>i m>tm>i m>ng form>i m>t all to changem>I m>t’s gonna take every sm>i m>ngle one of us dom>i m>ng what we can There’s lots of fm>i m>ghtm>i m>ngm>i m>n thm>i m>s world but there’s so much lovm>i m>ng, too So take my hand,m>I m>’m ready now for youm>I m> want the world to turn becau...m>i m>rd Day Revelatm>i m>on