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Tous Les Secrets
Celm>i m>ne Dm>i m>on - Tous Les Secrets Ton regard comme une caresse Je me sens sm>i m> bm>i m>en Pum>i m>s tes yeux s'envolent et me lam>i m>ssent Et je n'am>i m> plus rm>i m>en Qu'un reflet de tom>i m> Tu es lom>i m>n déjà ah ah Je ne connam>i m>s pas tous les secrets de ton coeur Mam>i m>s je vm>i m>ens quand même Tu vm>i m>s quelque part...m>i m>ne Dm>i m>on On Ne Change Pas -
m>I m>’m notm>I m>n the Mood(To Say No)!Shan
Shanm>i m>a Twam>i m>n -m>I m>'m notm>I m>n the Mood(To Say No)! Don't wanna wam>i m>tm>i m>n lm>i m>ne--uh, uhm>I m>t's such a waste of tm>i m>me--uh, uh, uh Won't fm>i m>nd me on the couch--uh, uh Sleepm>i m>n' lm>i m>ke a slouch--uh, uh, uhm>I m> don't lm>i m>ke sm>i m>ttm>i m>n' down dom>i m>n' nothm>i m>n'm>I m>'d rather spend my tm>i m>me dom>i m>n' somethm>i m>n' Am>i m>n't no n...m>i m>a Twam>i m>n Up! -
Act Of The Apostle 2
Belle and Sebastm>i m>n senm>i m>or yearm>I m>t gm>i m>ves you a lm>i m>ttle free tm>i m>mem>I m>’ll just usem>i m>t all at once! Took the fence and the lane The bus then the tram>i m>n Bought an 'm>I m>ndependent' to make me look lm>i m>kem>I m> got bram>i m>nsm>I m> made a story upm>i m>n my headm>i m>f anybody would askm>I m>’m gom>i m>ng to a semm>i m>nar! a genm>i m>usm>I m>’m a prodm>i m>g...m>i m>an The Lm>i m>fe Pursum>i m>t -
m>i m>ttle Money Rm>i m>des On the Lm>i m>ttle Monkey...柏澔Kev
落日飞车 芭莎诺娃m>i m>n Lee 罗尊龙 Lo, Tsun Lung “m>I m>’m pretty tm>i m>red.”, the monkey sam>i m>d to me,m>I m> see nothm>i m>ng from your eyes, cause we know somethm>i m>ng herem>i m>s changed and tm>i m>me won’t go back. “m>I m>’ll keep thatm>i m>n mm>i m>nd.”, the donkey sam>i m>d,m>I m> see somethm>i m>ng from your eyes, cause we know nothm>i m>ng herem>i m>s c... -
m>i m>ons(m>I m>nterlude)Usher---Confess
Usher Confessm>i m>ons (m>I m>nterlude) Usher talkm>i m>ng on phone Hello? Yom>I m>′mm>i m>n the boothm>I m>′mma call you rm>i m>ght back Nahm>I m> just gotta put thm>i m>s one part downm>I m>′mma call you backm>I m>′m at the studm>i m>o man what-- Man qum>i m>t playm>i m>n′ wm>i m>th me man No for real don′t play lm>i m>ke that Are you--ar...m>i m>ons -
m>I m>NGm>I m>T ONT.M.Revolut
T.M.Revolutm>i m>on - BRm>I m>NGm>I m>T ON 作詞:Takanorm>i m> Nm>i m>shm>i m>kawa 作曲:Dam>i m>suke Asakura Get set! Brm>i m>ngm>i m>t on. Show me the ray of lm>i m>ght. Brm>i m>ngm>i m>t on. Another day goes by. Brm>i m>ngm>i m>t on. Show me the ray of lm>i m>ght. Brm>i m>ngm>i m>t on. Another day goes by. You know you'll never change your way...m>i m>on Vertm>i m>calm>I m>nfm>i m>nm>i m>ty -
Love The Way You L
m>i m>e...am Tsu
Sam Tsum>i m> - Love the way you lm>i m>e&Dynamm>i m>te&Teenage Dream Englm>i m>sh Study Just gonna stand there and watch me burn But that's alrm>i m>ght Becausem>I m> lm>i m>ke the waym>i m>t hurts Just gonna stand there and hear me cry But that's alrm>i m>ght Becausem>I m> love the way you lm>i m>em>I m> love the way you lm>i m>em>I m> came to dance, dance, d...m>i m> -
Justm>i m>n Bm>i m>eber - Alone 歌词制作:明明 QQ:811159586 We werem>i m>nseparable Everythm>i m>ngm>I m> had to dom>I m> dm>i m>dm>i m>t next to you And the memorm>i m>es we made Were som>i m>ncredm>i m>ble Then our love wasm>i m>nterrupted By my schedule There was nothm>i m>ng thatm>I m> could do ‘Cause you fellm>i m>nto ...m>i m>n Bm>i m>eber -
Quand Le R
m>i m>deau Tombe...ue - Quand Le R
Blue 4ever Bluem>i m>deau Tombe Duncan : Nous sommes tous à la mercm>i m> du monde Qum>i m> change chaque seconde Nous sommes tous fam>i m>t d’espom>i m>r De doutes, de hasards Mam>i m>s vos regards sont nos phares C’est comme une bouffée d’oxygène Car nos jom>i m>es et nos pem>i m>nes Ont un sens, une hm>i m>stom>i m>re à t... -
Holy Gra
m>i m>l... youYou steal the food r
Jay-Z&Justm>i m>ght out of my mouthAndm>I m> watch you eatm>i m>tm>I m> stm>i m>ll don’t know whyWhy our lovem>i m>s so muchOh…You curse my namem>I m>n spm>i m>te to put me to shameAm>i m>r all my laundrym>i m>n the streetsDm>i m>rty or cleanGm>i m>vem>i m>t up for fameButm>I m> stm>i m>ll don’t know whyWhym>I m> lovem>i m>t so muchYeahAnd Babym>I m>t’s amaz...m>i m>n Tm>i m>mberlake Magna Carta Holy Gram>i m>l