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Give It Up
...tance You better di
AC/DCm>s m>appear Do I make mym>s m>elf clear I´m readym>to m> rock I´m gonna rip it Readym>to m> rock yeah I´m gonnam>s m>tick it Give it up give it out Whip it up all aboutm>S m>tick it upm>s m>hout it loud Give it up, give it up Give it up, give it up Well there&ac...m>S m>tiff Upper Lip -
Everyday you complain, you
吴建豪 C'em>s m>ay men all them>s m>ame. You give your heart, upm>to m> them, but they give you pain. Telling me, they’rem>s m>o mean, it’m>s m> them>s m>ame oldm>s m>m>to m>ry I trym>to m> tell you, girl what more, but you jum>s m>t ignore me. You wim>s m>h they would jum>s m>t lim>s m>ten like me You wim>s m>h they would rem>s m>pect you lik...m>s m>t La V -
Mr Rainbow
...总会在空中找到我的下落 Oh no no no Mr.Rainbow It‘
徐良丶连诗雅 我m>s m> goingm>to m> rainm>to m>day. My berry我们走 结束掉坏天候 I’m Mr.Rainbow 在任何时候 伸开双手就会出现在你寂寞的左右 Oh no no no Mr.Rainbow It’m>s m> rather windym>to m>day. My berry我们走 小心你... -
Humble Me
Went out on a limb, gone
Norah Jonem>to m>o far I broke down at them>s m>ide of the roadm>S m>tranded out the outm>s m>kirtm>s m> and them>s m>un’m>s m> creepin’ up Babiem>s m> in the backm>s m>eatm>s m>till fam>s m>t am>s m>leep Dreamin’ of better daym>s m> I don’t wantm>to m> call you but you’re all I havem>to m> turnm>to m> What do youm>s m>ay when it...m>s m> Feelm>s m> Like Home -
Who Am I feat Tatyana Ali and MC Lyte
... Big Will, ya ready? Come on [Will
Willm>S m>mith] When I wam>s m> a lad I um>s m>edm>to m> dream that (one day) I''d earned the cream that make phat rockm>s m> gleam Phat rhymem>s m>m>to m> make itm>s m>eem that I wam>s m> like Bill Gatem>s m> Writing linem>s m>,m>s m>eal fatem>s m> Powerm>to m> change the wholem>s m>et For expom>s m>ure or forfeit And w...m>S m>mith Willennium -
No. 5
...ver going down. And when you’re drunk
Hollywood Undeadm>s m>hake that am>s m>m>s m> Like you know howm>to m> dance. Hollywood we never going down.m>S m>tart getting loud I wanna party now, If you hate on Undead that’m>s m> a party foul. I only drink Mickey’m>s m> I can’t afford the canm>s m>. I drinkm>s m>o much they call me Charlie 40 Handm>s m>...m>S m>wanm>S m>ong -
m>s m>terday...the
m>s m>treet With my handm>s m> in my pocketm>s m> jum>s m>tm>s m>taring at my feet Lim>s m>teningm>to m> the Beatlem>s m> from the burnt up radio I bought it for a dollar from a man in Terrigalm>S m>ifting through mym>s m>orrow, I never feltm>s m>o low Drowning like a lizard, a human puppetm>s m>howm>S m>tanding at the peak of my botm>to m>m-dwellin...m>S m>omething With Numberm>s m> Engineering them>S m>oul -
Mr Rainbow
...了总会在空中找到我的下落 Oh no no no Mr.Rainbow It‘
徐良&连诗雅 我m>s m> goingm>to m> rainm>to m>day. My berry我们走 结束掉坏天候 I’m Mr.Rainbow 在任何时候 伸开双手就会出现在你寂寞的左右 Oh no no no Mr.Rainbow It’m>s m> rather windym>to m>day. My berry我们走 小心你的背后m>S m>ing a ma... -
m>s m>m>s m>ellate...e
Ellie Goulding Tem>s m>niffing.Trianglem>s m> are my favoritem>s m>hapeThree pointm>s m> where two linem>s m> meetm>To m>em>to m>m>to m>e, backm>to m> back,let’m>s m> go, my love; it’m>s m> very late‘Til morning comem>s m>, let’m>s m> tem>s m>m>s m>ellate.Go alone my flowerAnd keep my whole lovely youWild greenm>s m>m>to m>nem>s m> alone my loverAnd keep um>s m> on my heart.Three gunm>s m> and one g...m>s m>m>s m>ellate -m>S m>ingle -
m>s m>h And Burn... We’ll take on the world We ju
m>s m>t don’t care at all I never wantedm>to m> believe that you could lie That friendm>s m> deceive And here Im>s m>tand I’mm>s m>till them>s m>ame I watched you change You wont come back [Chorum>s m>] I wonder what it’m>s m> likem>to m> be like you (I wonder what it’m>s m> likem>to m> be lik...m>S m>imple Plan