找到 i m still 相关歌词600首

  • You Wanted More

    ... m>Im>f not some one To help pretend Remember me You know my name m>Im>′m stm>im>ll the same But not for you That′s not enough You wanted more m>Im> love the sun m>Im> love the ram>im>n You gave m>im>t up But all m>im>n vam>im>n You couldn′t change You know the score So bm>im>ttersweet To be adored We had ...

    A-Ha Lm>im>felm>im>nes
  • Gm>im>mme That Funk

    ...m>im>s mm>im>c, m>Im> been down thm>im>s road before, a lm>im>l bm>im>t has changed and yet m>im>t stm>im>ll remam>im>ns the same see the km>im>ck m>im>s the heartbeat of man, the snare m>im>s the tm>im>mm>im>ng that keeps hm>im>s order and plans, the hm>im> hats sm>im>ft back and forth lm>im>ke lm>im>fe’s ups and downs we am>im>n’t ready for but, thank god for th...

    Group 1 Crew Ordm>im>nary Dreamers
  • Dm>im>nosaur

    ...ght that m>im>t was km>im>nd of m>im>ll when We saw that you were lm>im>ke a bm>im>llm>im>on And stm>im>ll out trym>im>n' to make a km>im>llm>im>n' Get back to the museum That's what you are HA! Your pretty old hahaha Not long tm>im>l' your a senm>im>or cm>im>tm>im>zen And you can strut around wm>im>th that sexy tank of oxygen Honey your toupee m>im>s fa...

    Kesha Anm>im>mal
  • Use Me

    ...da cold but yet she’s hot on the outsm>im>de. Last nm>im>ght got nasty and m>Im> am stm>im>ll km>im>nd of tongue tm>im>ed. m>Im> hate to say m>im>t but she brm>im>ngs out my sm>im>ck sm>im>de. THAT’S ALL Rm>Im>GHT SHES TAKm>Im>NG ME HOME TONm>Im>GHT! She’s got a whole lot of love (Anyway you want m>im>t) But m>im>t’s never enough (Fm>im>nm>im>sh what you st...

    Hm>im>nder Take m>Im>t To The Lm>im>mm>im>t
  • Tm>im>me goes by~サヨナラは言わないで~

    ...m>Im> thm>im>nk of you ただ逢いたい でも逢えない もう戻れない? m>Im> stm>im>ll want to be wm>im>th you (Mm>im>ssm>im>n’ you) 君のいない明日 (Mm>im>ssm>im>n’ you) 進めるわけなんてないよ (空が彩(いろ)づきはじめても) 置き去りにした“Close to you!” どうして? どうして...

    LOVE Tm>im>me goes by~サヨナラは言わないで~
  • Parm>im>s

    ...otherfuckm>im>ng reject Then m>Im> cut my wrm>im>sts and never motherfuckm>im>ng bleach m>im>t Stm>im>ll broke, get to roll a mother fucker Weed gets road hoes askm>im>ng m>im>f m>Im> see a ghost, tell 'em no m>Im> just see smoke when the weed blow She choke from the deep-throat, 3 feet of rope, lethal Slay the fuckm>im>n' sheep, so evm>im>l All ...


    ...back, change 180° My love was your love, baby that’s all we had And m>im>t stm>im>ll holds a part of me deep down m>im>nsm>im>de You let me go, we closed that door Endm>im>ng every page of our story m>Im>nsm>im>de my pockets the memory remam>im>ns Every tm>im>me m>Im> lay my fm>im>nger on m>im>t m>Im> see your face From that moment on m>Im> had found...

    BENm>Im> Covers: 2
  • My Sweet Prm>im>nce

    ... could expm>im>re Never thought you'd go break the cham>im>n Me and you baby, Stm>im>ll flush all the pam>im>n away So before m>Im> end my day Remember My sweet prm>im>nce- You are the one My sweet prm>im>nce- you are the one you are the one you are the one you are the one you are the one you are the one you...

    Placebo Wm>im>thout You m>Im>’m Nothm>im>ng

    ...oam where m>Im> lay my head m>im>s home carved upon my stone my body lm>im>e, but stm>im>ll m>Im> roam wherever m>Im> may roam..... oh,wherever m>Im> may roam..... oh,wherever m>Im> may roam..... oh,wherever m>Im> may roam..... ==END==

    Metallm>im>ca S&M
  • Sad Serenade

    ...ave left. m>Im> wm>im>sh you the best,m>Im> really do, Even though m>Im> know that m>Im>’m stm>im>ll not over you. m>Im> know that we both are to blame, m>Im> can’t belm>im>eve,you dm>im>dn’t fm>im>ght harder for me. m>Im>t’s a sad,sad serenade. Sad serenade,we almost got m>im>t rm>im>ght. A sad,sad serenade. Sad serenade,for every broken...

    selena gomez
