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Love Lockdown
...iangxi pingxiang @ www.lrcgc.com @ I’m not loving you 'Way I wanted
Kanye Wem>to m> What I hadm>to m> do Hadm>to m> run from you I’m in love with you But the vibe im>s m> wrong And that haunted me, all the way homem>S m>o you never know Never, never know Never know enough Til it’m>s m> over, love Til we lom>s m>e con...m>s m>t 808m>s m> & Heartbreak -
m>s m> way...you tell me why there i
Michael Learnm>s m>m>s m>adnem>s m>m>s m> in your eyem>s m> I don`t wannam>s m>ay goodbyem>to m> you love im>s m> one big illum>s m>ion Im>s m>hould trym>to m> forget but there im>s m>m>s m>ometing left in my head you`re the one whom>s m>et ti up now you`re the onem>to m> make itm>s m>m>to m>p I`m the one who`m>s m> feeling lom>s m>t right now now you wan...m>s m>m>To m> Rock 19 LOVE BALLADm>S m> -
Funny Little Frog
...葱http://lrcgc.com制作 Honey lovin you i
Belle andm>s m> the greatem>s m>t thing I getm>to m> be mym>s m>elf and I getm>to m>m>s m>ing I getm>to m> play at being irrem>s m>ponm>s m>ible I come home late at night and I love yourm>s m>oul I never forget you in my prayerm>s m> I never have a bad thingm>to m> report You’re my picture on the wall You...m>S m>ebam>s m>tian The Life Purm>s m>uit -
My Fortre
m>s m>m>s m>...an’t
Jeremy Campm>s m>urvive and I’m fading fam>s m>t now I’m clom>s m>ing in on what’m>s m> inm>s m>m>to m>re for me All the rem>s m>t in yourm>s m>ecurity I’m holding onm>to m> the wordm>s m> youm>s m>peak and yourm>s m>peaking clear I’m running fam>s m>tm>to m>m>s m>eek your face Head firm>s m>t I dive inm>to m> your grace You are my fortrem>s m>m>s m> you are the refuge ...m>S m>peaking Louder Than Before -
Counting Down The Day
m>s m>...ht And I don’t wanna be here If your gonna be there Wa
Natalie Imbruglia Counting Down the Daym>s m> thatm>s m>uppom>s m>edm>to m> happen I’ll hold tight I’ll rememberm>to m>m>s m>mile Though it ham>s m> been a while And without you doem>s m> it matter There’m>s m> no room No placem>to m>m>s m>tart When ourm>s m>oulm>s m> are apart I wanna travel through timem>S m>ee yourm>s m>urpr...m>s m> -
... my
Nick Carter now or neverm>s m>ight It’m>s m> a payback Get off of my cam>s m>e Get off of my lady Get inm>to m> your fat Mercedem>s m> And right outta my life (2x) You walk in, right inm>to m> my world Right inm>to m> my backyard I gavem>to m> you all that I got You gavem>to m> me jack And you pretendm>To m> be my friend But you'rem>s m>urrounded When ... -
Can’t Get Enough
...When I rap no interruption From the back going in the front now Fired up
Becky Gm>to m>o hotm>to m>m>to m>uch ow Little mim>s m>m>s m> 31-O Can’t tell you aboutm>to m> blow Jump on if you’re readym>to m> go Up up in the realm that glow Get my man throw down mi gente Callie girlm>s m> get muy caliente Ow wem>s m>o diferente Handm>s m> up... -
m>s m> the crack on the wall And them>s m>tain on the cup That getm>s m>m>to m> you in the very end Every cat ham>s m> it’m>s m> fall When it runm>s m> out of luckm>S m>o you can do with am>to m>uch of zen Coz when you’rem>s m>crewed you’rem>s m>crewed And when it’m>s m> blue it’m>s m> blue When it’m>s m> blue it’m>s m> blue You’re a clown with ...m>S m>oler 直觉 -
m>s m>e It All...quite like you There’
Rum>s m> nothing here on the earth You’ve nothing leftm>to m> prove None can comparem>to m> Your worth Okay, all right, there’m>s m> more that I am living for When I’m Yourm>s m> Oh oh oh oh, I wannam>to m> lom>s m>e it all for You Oh, oh, oh, if it’m>s m> the lam>s m>t thing that I do Oh, oh, oh, the...m>s m>h of Foolm>s m> Wonder Of The World -
m>To m> MeThe All-American Reject
The All-American Rejectm>s m> - Backm>To m> Me lrc by buchao @ LK歌词组 Rock 分队 @ www.lrcgc.com @ Hey youm>S m>o you never really found your waym>S m>tay true Did you ever make it throughm>to m>day I know that when I think about a day without it Everyday’m>s m> them>s m>ame You wim>s m>h that...m>s m> When the World Comem>s m> Down