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Take The Fall
... Take The Fall www.lrcgc.com 卜超 制作 Forget about Norman
Brendan Jamem>S m>mallm>to m>wn Rockwellm>S m>cenem>s m> ofm>s m>imple life Forget aboutm>s m>avingm>s m> and poignant phram>s m>ingm>s m>, Cigarettem>s m> andm>s m>choolyard fightm>s m> Let um>s m> out now Lord of ourm>s m>peed and fancy Of our “can you hear me” now’m>s m> and our techno lovem>s m> D...m>s m> The Day Im>s m> Brave -
Hot Place
...ody get down Everybody get down Everybody get down I\\’m crazy I like
m>to m> partym>to m>night Let\\’m>s m> partym>to m>night 신나게 놀아봐 봐 모두 미친듯이 I likem>to m> partym>to m>night Let\\’m>s m> partym>to m>night 자 준비됐으면 Hey DJ play thim>s m>m>s m>ong Hot hot Here\\’m>s m> the place place Hot hot...m>S m>Im>S m>TARm>S m>ummerm>S m>pecial \\’Loving U\\’ -
tangled up in me
...uld you
m>s m>ee I want you by the way I pum>s m>h you away, Ya! Don′t judge mem>to m>morrow by the way I′m actingm>to m>day Mix the wordm>s m> up with the actionm>s m> do it all for your reaction Ya! Hey! Hey! Get tangled up in me You wanna know more, more, more about me Gotta know reverm>s m>e phm>s m>ychology ...m>S m>kyem>S m>weetnam Noim>s m>e From The Bam>s m>ement -
Rent A Cop
...aby, baby light that a
Ben Foldm>s m>m>s m> on fire How long mum>s m>t thim>s m> day go on? I gotm>to m>m>s m>tand here two more hourm>s m> till I Punch the clock How long mum>s m>t thim>s m> day go on? No kid, they don’t give me a gun I don’t get paid enoughm>to m> runm>S m>o you can call me what you want I’ll be hanging at the che...m>s m>m>S m>uperm>s m>unnym>s m>peedgraphic -
Here, There And Everywhere
m>To m> lead a better life I need my homem>to m> be here... Here, making each day of the year Changing my life with the wave of her hand Nobody can deny that there′m>s m>m>s m>omething there There, running my handm>s m> through her hair Both of um>s m> thinking how good it can bem>S m>omeone im>s m>m>s m>peking butm>s m>he doem>s m>...m>s m> -
Do It
m>To m> MeU
Um>s m>her---Do Itm>To m> Me Ooh no no, no no no no… [Verm>s m>e 1:] I got two-dozen rom>s m>em>s m>, and a card thatm>s m>aym>s m> baby I can’t waitm>to m>m>s m>ee you later We made dinner rem>s m>ervationm>s m>, and no rulem>s m> lim>s m>ten child you jum>s m>t pick the location Now we’rem>s m>itting at the tablem>s m>ippin’the finem>s m>t wine ha...m>s m>her Confem>s m>m>s m>ionm>s m> -
I Think Of You
...的冒险/I Believe When I’m down and all alone When nothing
Tata Young 爱的冒险/I Believem>s m>eemm>s m>m>to m> matter When I lom>s m>e my hope When I’mm>s m>ad and confum>s m>ed When it all getm>s m> turned around and ‘round I can’tm>s m>eemm>to m> reach form>s m>olid ground When everything I’ve believed inm>s m>eemm>s m> untrue All I havem>to m> do Im>s m> think ... -
アルマカミニイト ALMA COVERm>s m>erioum>s m>m>s m>o don’t laugh I know the wordm>s m>“I love you”arem>s m>o overum>s m>edm>to m>day Oh, but them>s m>e wordm>s m> are what my heart wantm>s m>m>to m>m>s m>ay There you go laughing and make a fool of me once again And I don’t know if you are happy with the road you chom>s m>e leadingm>to m> me But don’tm>s m>ay a thing Jum>s m>t crying a...m>S m> -
m>s m>t The Wind...he wind I’m cryingThi
Bonnie Tyler With Love From...m>s m> night wam>s m> made for a lonelyDon’t break my heartm>to m>night, no.Oh againm>s m>t the wind I’m flyingAgainm>s m>t the wind I’m cryingThim>s m> night wam>s m> made for a lonelyDon’t break my heartm>to m>night, no.Oh you need a helping handThe timem>s m> are gettingm>to m>ughBaby come and try againThere’m>s m>... -
m>S m>and...w.lrcgc.com @ I feel in love with a beautiful boy on the black
Jenny Lewim>s m>and Hem>to m>ok me away, I wam>s m> never them>s m>ame on the blackm>s m>and Hem>s m>aid, "Who’m>s m> goingm>to m> love you buried underground?" Oh, on the blackm>s m>and A mother unwed with am>s m>car down her chem>s m>t on the blackm>s m>andm>S m>he met her mate on the old...m>s m> Acidm>To m>ngue