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m>S m>tealing Kim>s m>m>s m>em>s m>...ught about hi
Faith Hill Firefliem>s m> occupation He knowm>s m> that you were jum>s m>t cham>s m>ing a dreamm>to m> them>to m>wn line and back and over againm>S m>o he winkm>s m> at your girlm>s m> and tellm>s m> you all “I’llm>s m>ee you later” I wam>s m>m>s m>tealing kim>s m>m>s m>em>s m> from a boy now I’m begging affection from a man in my houm>s m>e drem>s m>m>s m>, don’t you kn...m>s m> -
...l I ’m going digital Di-digital Come and watch me now Ju
夹子电动大乐队 夹子来了m>s m>t watch me timem>to m> watch me now Jum>s m>t watch me I ’m going digital I ’m aboutm>to m> get itm>s m>tarted 321let me blam>s m>t off it ’m>s m> Time for my limelight expom>s m>ure Pull upm>to m> yourm>s m>creen Frontm>s m>eat if you wanna I ’m a pom>s m>t a YouTube flick every w... -
Where I
m>s m> Your Heart?...ave When you walk away And
Kelly Clarkm>s m>ay goodbye Well I don′t expect The worldm>to m> move underneath me But for God′m>s m>m>s m>ake Could you try? I know that you′re truem>to m> me You′re alwaym>s m> there Youm>s m>ay you care I know that you wantm>to m> be mine Where im>s m> your heart? ′Caum>s m>e I don′t really feel you ...m>s m>on 美梦成真 Breakaway (澳洲版) -
In A Time
In a time where the
董沁 单身女人m>s m>un dem>s m>cendm>s m> alone I ran a long long way from homem>to m> find a heart thatm>s m> made ofm>s m>m>to m>ne I will try I jum>s m>t need a little timem>to m> get your face right out of my mindm>to m>m>s m>ee the world through different eyem>s m> Every time Im>s m>ee you oh I trym>to m> hide away but when we meet itm>s m>eemm>s m> I can... -
Dream it Po
m>s m>m>s m>ible...
Delaceym>s m> not until you fall that you fly When your dreamm>s m> come alive you’re unm>s m>m>to m>ppable Take am>s m>hot, cham>s m>e them>s m>un, find the beautiful We will glow in the dark turning dum>s m>tm>to m> gold And we’ll dream it pom>s m>m>s m>ible I will cham>s m>e, I will reach, I will fly Until I’m breaking, until I’m breaking Out o... -
作曲 : 严爵 作词 : 严爵 I DON’T WANT ANYONE
严爵 谢谢你的美好m>TO m>m>S m>EE THAT I’M IN LOVE WITH YOU~ BUT IT’m>S m> HARDm>TO m> HIDE MYm>S m>MILE 这样傻傻地笑 爱 就让我们爱到不行 直到 忘我 但不忘你 因为要永远珍惜你 我的爱 I DON’T WANT ANYONEm>TO m>m>S m>EE THAT I... -
郎朗 郎朗在卡内基音乐厅m>s m> are cold, Emtinem>s m>m>s m> I can hear voicem>s m> in my backm>S m>ilent footm>s m>tepm>s m>, Needm>to m> feed Rotten corpm>s m>e and flem>s m>h Devouring Wormy earth keepm>s m> moving inm>S m>m>to m>ne At the next corner an old man appear, Im>s m> it me, im>s m> it him, im>s m> it fear? I’m a lamb in the middle of wolvem>s m>, There’m>s m> no further life round here Cra... -
Long Ago
...u whi
Mariah Carey Daydreamm>s m>peredm>s m>oftly in my ear Loving wordm>s m> and fairytalem>s m> That I longedm>to m> hear I gave you my body andm>s m>oul And youm>to m>ok control Am>s m> youm>s m>lowlym>s m>wept me up And carried me away Youm>to m>ld me pretty liem>s m> Am>s m> I held onm>to m> you tight You knew howm>to m> get your way Ignorance wam>s m> blim>s m>m>s m> in you... -
Uuhhh feat Kel
m>S m>pencer... uh (ah) uh (ah) uh (ah) Uh (ah) uh (ah) uh (ah) [Will
Willm>S m>mith] Beenm>to m> the mountainm>to m>p Downm>to m> the valley Philedelphm>to m> Cali Y''all feel me like Harry feltm>S m>ally Clothem>s m> exotic, flowm>s m> erotic No jewelm>s m> that''m>s m> for them foolm>s m> who ain''t got it Rapm>to m> my ownm>s m>itcom Now I jum>s m>tm>s m>it ...m>S m>mith Willennium -
Good Conver
m>s m>ationEverybody''
Boyzone Where we belongm>s m>m>s m>o mixed up about love them>s m>e daym>s m> And everybody''m>s m> tryingm>to m> work it out in different waym>s m> I don''t really needm>to m> know your am>s m>pirationm>s m> What I need from you babe Im>s m> good converm>s m>ationm>To m> put my mind at eam>s m>e An old friend called the other day And wam>s m>n''t quitem>s m>ure whatm>to m> ...