找到 i m home 相关歌词400首

  • Lady Marmelade

    ... savage beast m>im>nsm>im>de roar untm>im>l he crm>im>ed, More-more-more Now he's back home durm>im>n' 9 to 5 Sleepm>im>n' the grey flannel lm>im>fe But when he turns off to sleep memorm>im>es creep, More-more-more Gm>im>uchm>im>e, Gm>im>uchm>im>e, ya ya dada (da da oh yea) Gm>im>uchm>im>e, Gm>im>uchm>im>e, ya ya here (ooh) Mocha Choca lata ya ya...

    Chrm>im>stm>im>na Agum>im>lera Keeps Gettm>im>n' Better (a decade of hm>im>ts)
  • The Monster (feat. Rm>im>hanna)

    ...me and m>Im> can't conquer m>im>tMy OCD m>im>s ' me m>im>n the headKeep knockm>im>ng, nobody's home, m>Im>'m sleepwalkm>im>ngm>Im>'m just relaym>im>ng what the vom>im>ce of my head saym>im>ngDon't shoot the messenger, m>Im>'m just frm>im>ends wm>im>th them>Im>'m frm>im>ends wm>im>th the monsterThat's under my bedGet along wm>im>th the vom>im>ces m>im>nsm>im>de of my headYou're trym>im>...

  • Bm>im>tch

    ...rs [Verse 2: Kunm>im>va] tell me that m>im>t am>im>nt no hangm>im>n, and fuck callm>im>n home untm>im>ll you look at me before you answer the phone when m>im> flee, your ass can get as naked and be as free as you wanna be freak but m>im>'m takm>im>n the key wm>im>th me. you am>im>nt gonna get shm>im>t, so dont even ask dm>im>srespec...

    D-12 D12 World
  • Lady Marmalade

    ...ge beast m>im>nsm>im>de roar untm>im>l he crm>im>ed, More-more-more Pm>im>nk: Now he's back home dom>im>n' 9 to 5 Mya: Sleepm>im>n' the grey flannel lm>im>fe Chrm>im>stm>im>na: But when he turns off to sleep memorm>im>es creep, More-more-more Chorus: Gm>im>uchm>im>e, Gm>im>uchm>im>e, ya ya dada (da daeaea yea) Gm>im>uchm>im>e, Gm>im>uchm>im>e, ya ya here (ooh) M...

  • Lady Marmalade

    ...ge beast m>im>nsm>im>de roar untm>im>l he crm>im>ed, More-more-more Pm>im>nk: Now he's back home dom>im>n' 9 to 5 Mya: Sleepm>im>n' the grey flannel lm>im>fe Chrm>im>stm>im>na: But when he turns off to sleep memorm>im>es creep, More-more-more Chorus: Gm>im>uchm>im>e, Gm>im>uchm>im>e, ya ya dada (da daeaea yea) Gm>im>uchm>im>e, Gm>im>uchm>im>e, ya ya here (ooh) M...

    Chrm>im>stm>im>na Agum>im>lera
  • remember me

    ... a crazy mom ("m>Im>s she really on as much dope as you say she's on?") Came home, and somebody musta broke m>im>n the back wm>im>ndow and stole two loaded machm>im>ne guns and both of my trenchcoats Sm>im>ck sm>im>ck dreams of pm>im>cnm>im>c scenes, two km>im>ds, sm>im>xteen wm>im>th M-16's and ten clm>im>ps each And them shm>im>ts reach throu...

    Emm>im>nem The Marshall Mathers
  • Remember Me?

    ... a crazy mom ("m>Im>s she really on as much dope as you say she's on?") Came home, and somebody musta broke m>im>n the back wm>im>ndow and stole two loaded machm>im>ne guns and both of my trenchcoats Sm>im>ck sm>im>ck dreams of pm>im>cnm>im>c scenes, two km>im>ds, sm>im>xteen wm>im>th M-16's and ten clm>im>ps each And them shm>im>ts reach throu...

    Emm>im>nem The Emm>im>nem show
  • Bottle And A Gun

    ...m flash backs m>Im> get drunk and do the same old, same old Take three gm>im>rls home and call them Charlm>im>es Angels What'chu gonna do after we get sm>im>gned? m>Im>'m gonna lose my mm>im>nd Get 30 m>im>nch spm>im>nners and pm>im>mp my rm>im>de Go back m>im>n tm>im>me, be there that nm>im>ght and save 2Pac's lm>im>fe. Then pay my fm>im>ne for gettm>im>...

    Hollywood Undead Swan Song
  • The Brm>im>ght Lm>im>ghts Of Amerm>im>ca

    ...ves m>im>n each of them passed back and forth the ? to escape them>im>r bm>im>tter homes, He’s just one, of desperate ranks, who can’t break free from, The brm>im>ght lm>im>ghts of Amerm>im>ca, lm>im>fe and death m>im>n a sold out ‘Merm>im>ca, To lm>im>ve and dm>im>e m>im>n the heart of Amerm>im>ca, where they sell souls, The br...

    Antm>im>-Flag The Brm>im>ght Lm>im>ghts Of Amerm>im>ca
  • The Brm>im>ght Lm>im>ghts Of Amerm>im>ca

    ...ves m>im>n each of them passed back and forth the ? to escape them>im>r bm>im>tter homes, He’s just one, of desperate ranks, who can’t break free from, The brm>im>ght lm>im>ghts of Amerm>im>ca, lm>im>fe and death m>im>n a sold out ‘Merm>im>ca, To lm>im>ve and dm>im>e m>im>n the heart of Amerm>im>ca, where they sell souls, The br...

    Antm>im>-Flag The Brm>im>ght Lm>im>ghts Of Amerm>im>ca
