找到 i m s plane 相关歌词24首

  • Freshy (feat. Jum>im>cy J)

    ...swag, my style, supreme, don’tSo slm>im>p, so fresh, so clean, soMy boat, my plane, no more cocam>im>ne,Uh-uh, don’t snm>im>ff, that nm>im>gger m>im>dea m>im>s deepMy bram>im>n, m>Im>’m smartThm>im>s nm>im>gger rm>im>ght here gonna startBm>im>g bands, bm>im>g bands, gonna do m>im>t bm>im>g lm>im>ke roll thm>im>sMm>im>key, Mm>im>key, Mm>im>key MouseMontaga bm>im>g ol’ house,...

    wm>im>ll.m>im>.am #wm>im>llpower
  • My Dad’s Gone Crazy

    ... crazy! There's no mountam>im>n m>Im> can't clm>im>mb There's no tower too hm>im>gh, No plane that m>Im> can't learn how to fly What do m>Im> gotta do to get through to you, destroy you There am>im>n't nothm>im>n' m>Im> can't take thm>im>s cham>im>nsaw to *Ham>im>lm>im>e Makes Cham>im>nsaw Sound* Fuckm>im>n' bram>im>n's brawn, and brass balls m>Im> cut 'em o...

    Emm>im>nem The emm>im>nem show
  • 平行世界

    ... 他是个孤独少年向往远方 他的心是座开满花的飞船 Je plane et mm>im>sole m>im>cm>im> bas Du temps qum>im> s’envole, tu vom>im>s 每一天时光都在流浪 就像少年他回不去的故乡 如果有一天北极没有冰川 旅途也不会因此不再平凡 他有个梦想改变世界 可醒来...

    简迷离 平行世界
  • 你若成风(英文版)

    ...ep my fam>im>th Belm>im>eve you can hear me, m>Im>’m fond of you lovm>im>ng vow,my paper plane, fly away Baby, m>Im> made thm>im>s rm>im>ng, m>Im> know m>im>t’s not a blm>im>ng wm>im>sh you accept me as well as thm>im>s rm>im>ng Connect us , a lovm>im>ng strm>im>ng m>Im>'m the guy who's km>im>nds of shy you are the one m>Im> want to defendFollow me dance toromant...

