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On The Hor
m>i m>zon[la:en] On The Hor
melanm>i m>zon Produced by 小岛元太 www.lrcgc.com <On the Horm>i m>zon> People see dm>i m>fferent thm>i m>ngs When they look on the horm>i m>zon Do you see dark clouds rollm>i m>ngm>i m>n fast Cos baby they am>i m>n't gonna last Andm>I m> can't see anybody elsem>I m> can't stop lookm>i m>ng at you Take thm>i m>s dream...m>i m>e C Reason -
m>I m>’m Headed... F
Lene Marlm>i m>lled wm>i m>th stuff most precm>i m>ous to me Sm>i m>dewalk brm>i m>ngs my feet Wherever they're headed. Therem>i m>s no dm>i m>rectm>i m>ons gm>i m>ven Just some trustm>i m>n human mm>i m>nd to rely on And to hold on to. Honestly don't know wherem>I m>'ll end up at last Won't even count the days. One thm>i m>ngm>I m> sure knowm>I m> won't move so fas...m>i m>n Playm>i m>ng My Game -
... 唱歌在我的耳里 你给我一种自然嗨 像我能飞 and touch the sky 也没有什么不明白 全世界上最美的爱' 爱 进到我的美好梦 放上我的 favor
葛仲珊 葛屁m>i m>te song 感受它的爱 让你回不来 Fly away' oh' butterfly 像个 butterfly 没跟着你觉得 superfly Lm>i m>kem>I m>... -
m>i m>va...a d
Beyoncem>i m>vam>i m>s a female versm>i m>on of a hustla Of a husla Of a of a hustla Stop the track, let me state factsm>I m> told you gm>i m>ve me a mm>i m>nute, andm>I m>’ll be rm>i m>ght back Fm>i m>fty mm>i m>llm>i m>on round the world and they sam>i m>d thatm>I m> couldn’t getm>i m>tm>I m> done got so sm>i m>ck and fm>i m>lthy wm>i m>th benj’sm>I m> cant spend How you gon...m>I m> Am...Sasha Fm>i m>erce -
m>i m>va...a d
Beyoncem>i m>vam>i m>s a female versm>i m>on of a hustla Of a husla Of a of a hustla Stop the track, let me state factsm>I m> told you gm>i m>ve me a mm>i m>nute, andm>I m>’ll be rm>i m>ght back Fm>i m>fty mm>i m>llm>i m>on round the world and they sam>i m>d thatm>I m> couldn’t getm>i m>tm>I m> done got so sm>i m>ck and fm>i m>lthy wm>i m>th benj’sm>I m> cant spend How you gon...m>I m> Am...Sasha Fm>i m>erce -
m>I m>’m so hm>i m>gh...l
Kylm>i m>e Mm>i m>nogue/Guy Chambers/Megan Smm>i m>th Wm>i m>ll you take me poolsm>i m>de To feel the summer breeze There's a place that looksm>i m>nvm>i m>tm>i m>ng By the frangm>i m>panm>i m> tree A lm>i m>ttle taste of moonlm>i m>ght And a canopy of stars Oohm>I m>t's a feelm>i m>ng Such a feelm>i m>ng Somethm>i m>ngm>I m> cannot hm>i m>de You're the reasonm>I m>'m so hm>i m>gh ...m>i m>e Mm>i m>nogue Lm>i m>ght Years -
m>I m>'m Just A Km>i m>d...t no one would call
Sm>I m> thm>i m>nkm>i m> got a lot of frm>i m>ends butm>I m> don't hear from them What's another nm>i m>ght all alone? When your spendm>i m>ng everyday on your own And herem>i m>t goes [Chorus:]m>I m>'m just a km>i m>d and lm>i m>fem>i m>s a nm>i m>ghtmarem>I m>'m just a km>i m>d,m>I m> know thatm>i m>ts not fam>i m>r Nobody cares, causem>I m>'m al...m>i m>mple Plan No Pads, No Helmets…Just Balls -
Where you are(Engl
m>i m>sh versm>i m>on)...do now? Oh g
CNBLUE CODE NAME BLUEm>i m>ve up?&nbsp;or&nbsp;stand up?m>I m> don’t know.m>I m> wanna break the spell now.m>I m>’m drownm>i m>ng now.m>I m> am crym>i m>ng out. My tm>i m>mem>i m>s runnm>i m>ng out.m>I m> need someone to save me now. Somewhere, Lady luck wm>i m>ll smm>i m>le at me. yeahm>I m>’m searchm>i m>ng where you are. Oh, shm>i m>nm>i m>ng down on me from where you... -
Whatever U L
m>i m>ke... Boy, you want my body Wanna r
Nm>i m>dem>i m>t lm>i m>ke a Harley Once or twm>i m>ce around the blockm>I m> betm>I m>'ll have you saym>i m>ng 'woh woh' Fm>i m>rst stop, let me pop Drop lm>i m>ke a helm>i m>cop Pay attentm>i m>on on me Whm>i m>lem>i m> show you the scenarm>i m>o You charmm>i m>ng me boy Yeah boy, you’re charmm>i m>ng me Just lm>i m>ke thm>i m>s beatm>i m>s g...m>i m>cole Scherzm>i m>nger Her Namem>I m>s Nm>i m>cole -
Be W
m>i m>th You...com 卜超 制作 eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh ohhhhhh...
Akon Freedomm>I m> know they wanna come and separate us but they can't do us nothm>i m>n Your the onem>I m> want andm>I m>’m a contm>i m>nue lovm>i m>n Cause your consm>i m>dered wm>i m>fy andm>I m>’m consm>i m>dered husband Andm>I m>’m a always be there for you And em>i m>ther way you...