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Champagne From A Paper Cup
...h ,from jiangxi pingxiang @ www.lrcgc.com @ I think I’m drunk enough
Death Cab for Cutiem>to m> drive you home now I’ll keep my mouth keptm>s m>hut under lock and key That’m>s m> rum>s m>ted firm, no lie Becaum>s m>e all them>s m>e converm>s m>ationm>s m> wind On and on On and on On and on Drinking champagne from a paper cup Im>s m> never qu...m>S m>omething About Airplanem>s m> -
Love Warrio
... 歌词同步专家: The
尚雯婕 战m>s m>ky im>s m> covered by cloudm>s m> A thunderm>s m>m>to m>rm im>s m> coming Tirednem>s m>m>s m> and pain keep weakening me I’m almom>s m>t dem>s m>perate Thim>s m> clom>s m>em>to m> dem>s m>perate But I amm>to m>o proudm>to m>m>s m>ay it Get up from my feet I’m walking and walking I’m a warrior for your love... -
m>S m>m>S m>! KIm>S m>m>S m>!! KIm>S m>m>S m>!!!I’ll take you
CLIFF EDGE CLIFF EDGEm>to m> higher party night I’m not drunk but I jum>s m>t drunk you I’ll take youm>to m> higher party night… I jum>s m>t need you & fallin’ love oh oh oh Pleam>s m>e kim>s m>m>s m> me It’m>s m> only love oh oh oh 側にいるだけで oh oh oh forever lovin’ you I’m falling love you I’m falling love y... -
... want half hearted love affair
元ちとせ 春のかたみm>s m> I needm>s m>omeone who really carem>s m>. Life im>s m>m>to m>om>s m>hortm>to m> playm>s m>illy gamem>s m> I’ve promim>s m>ed mym>s m>elf I won’t do that again. It’m>s m> gotm>to m> be perfect It’m>s m> gotm>to m> be worth it yeah.m>To m>o many people takem>s m>econd bem>s m>t But I won’t take anything lem>s m>m>s m> It’m>s m> got t... -
Ain't That Lovin' You
...w, I’m
Mick Hucknall Tributem>s m>miling with you Every time you cry You know Im>s m>hed a few tearm>s m>m>to m>o Ain’t that lovin’ you baby? Ain’t that lovin’ you? Oh that’m>s m> lovin’ you Ain’t that lovin’ you baby? I don’t believe I don’t believe you know what I’m talkin’ about I don’t believe I d...m>To m> Bobby -
I Alway
m>s m> Get What I Want...d then we all want
Avril Lavigne Under mym>s m>omething Even if therem>s m> no way of getting it If Im>s m>m>to m>p my feet quick that maybe Be a way around Could I get mym>s m>elf around it Get me what I want Everything that I′ve gotm>S m>o give me what I want Caum>s m>e I′m a bigm>s m>hot Don′t wanna alwaym>s m> havem>to m> bem>s m>o nice Don...m>S m>kin -
Love Me
...r me But now, I don't negotiate with the in
Katy Perry Prim>s m>ecuritiem>s m> They alwaym>s m>m>s m>eemm>to m> get the bem>s m>t of me I found the headm>to m> love mym>s m>elf, the way I want youm>to m> Love me, no morem>s m>econd guem>s m>m>s m>ing No, there’m>s m> no more quem>s m>tioning I’ll be the onem>to m> find who I'm gonna be No concealing feelingm>s m>, or chan...m>s m>m -
m>s m>ten Up...tion
Brandon Heath What If Wem>s m> Were nothing more than converm>s m>ation Maybe you jum>s m>t neededm>s m>omeonem>To m> lim>s m>tenm>to m> your heart Maybe Im>s m>pokem>to m>om>s m>oon Maybe Im>s m>aidm>to m>o much Now that my face im>s m> blue Think it’m>s m> time I lim>s m>ten up I’ve alreadym>s m>aid enoughm>S m>ometimem>s m> I do thim>s m> Thing im>s m> I’mm>s m>o afraid When it get’m>s m> q... -
Flying Without Wing
m>s m>... You’re flying without wing
Wem>s m>m>S m>o impom>s m>m>s m>ible am>s m> it maym>s m>eem You’ve gotm>to m> fight for every dream ’Caum>s m>e who’m>s m>m>to m> know Which one you let go Would have made you complete Well for me it’m>s m> waking up bem>s m>ide youm>To m> watch them>s m>unrim>s m>e on your facem>To m> know that I canm>s m>ay I love you At any giv...m>s m>tlife Wem>s m>tlife -
Flying Without Wing
m>s m>... You’re flying without wing
Wem>s m>m>S m>o impom>s m>m>s m>ible am>s m> it maym>s m>eem You’ve gotm>to m> fight for every dream ’Caum>s m>e who’m>s m>m>to m> know Which one you let go Would have made you complete Well for me it’m>s m> waking up bem>s m>ide youm>To m> watch them>s m>unrim>s m>e on your facem>To m> know that I canm>s m>ay I love you At any giv...m>s m>tlife Wem>s m>tlife