找到 christmas 相关歌词614首
...着探戈 唯独我半天寄望轮候仍不果 这种画面遇过太多 Oh Christmas Time 如可相拥过这冬天 幻想紧靠在你身边 但怎麽去实践 等再到佳节已数百多天没见面 可否避免等待明年 Oh Christmas Time 从相识起数个冬天 玩通宵守在你身边 像好...
RubberBand Apollo 18 -
First of may
when i was small, and christmas trees were tall, we used to love while others used to play. don't ask me why, but time has passed us by, some one else moved in from far away. now we are tall, and christmas trees are small, and you don't ask the time of day. but you and i, our love will never die,...
王珺 谁能预知未来 -
First of May
when i was small, and christmas trees were tall, we used to love while others used to play. don't ask me why, but time has passed us by, some one else moved in from far away. now we are tall, and christmas trees are small, and you don't ask the time of day. but you and i, our love will never die...
Olivia Ong BEST OF -
クリスマスタイム(ZARD Version)
... あぁ 君(きみ)が来(こ)ないと知(し)ってた Christmas time All the carols and the lights, fade away 夜更(よふ)けのステージ(stage)で ただ君(きみ)を見(み)つめていたはずなのに… 途切(とぎ)れた電話(でんわ) ...
...多年转了一个圈 它又回到了原点欢乐却无声 像一张卡片christmas day 一个人的圣诞节灯光像繁星 灿烂整条街下了一阵雪 撞上了我的思念时间困住人 它却仍向前christmas day 一个人的圣诞节围巾碰唇边 暖暖的感觉离你很远 有太多的...
张赫宣 -
...na i hito mo 笑顔交わす e ga o ka wa su Can you feel this Christmas? 降り積もる雪が そっと fu ri tsu mo ru yuki ga so tto 景色変えていく ke shi ki ka e te i ku おだやかに よみがえってく o da ya ka ni yo mi ga e tte ku ...
V6 -
One Toy Soldier
...eet He keeps the beat so true He wants to sing and hopes to bring Happy christmas day to you Da, Da, Da... He keeps the beat of marching feet He keeps the beat inside Someone has come to mend his drum Now his heart lights up with pride So he keeps the beat of marching feet He keeps t...
Enya And Winter Came -
专辑:圣诞嘉年华 樊桐舟 - 白色圣诞(White Christmas) HOLIDAY INN < 假日酒店> MUSIC/LYRICS Irving Berlin noni99 -------- I'm dreaming of a white Christmas With every Christmas card I write May your days be merry and bright And may all your Christmases be white -...
樊桐舟 圣诞嘉年华 -
...ender and mild Sleep in heavenly peace Sleep in heavenly peace (White Christmas) I'm dreaming of a White Christmas Just like the ones I used to know Where the treetops glisten And Children listen to hear Sleigh bells in the snow I'm dreaming of a White Christmas With every Christmas ca...
小柳ゆき Acoustic Concert at Orchard Hall -
... キミにため息 もう何度させたんだろう 二人で (Merry Christmas to you) 夢数えて 一秒ずつ距離が近付くはずなのに 今は (Lonely Christmas tonight) すれ違った昨日に戻りたいと 素直になれないでいるだけ 私の言葉が白く 目に...
曽根由希江 スマイル