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underneath 暗流(Demo) - demo
...m weird Cau
尚雯婕 w in 赢m>s m>e I canm>s m>ee on people their fearm>s m> and their dem>s m>irem>s m> I try notm>to m> believe in them>s m>e But they keep following me, where ever I gom>S m>o here I am Now you’vem>s m>een my hurtm>s m> There im>s m> am>s m>ilver knife plunged in my backm>S m>ee, there im>s m> am>s m>ilver knife in my back Underneath underneath What youm>s m>ee unde... -
Live Out Loud
...beat, plea
Group 1 Crew Ordinary Dreamerm>s m>e don’t mim>s m>take mym>s m>wag for the ity believe my faith runm>s m>m>to m>o deep, I got bananam>s m> notm>to m> draw attention butm>to m> remind you where I come from, x thug now I love more thanm>s m>ome gi gi get one giving hugm>s m> when I’m done, give an aum>to m>graph not b/c I’m am>s m>tar but caum>s m>e a lil bit...m>s m> -
Charity Ca
m>s m>e... Give it away now Give it away now I, I, I, I don’t know what matter
Gnarlm>s m>m>to m> you at thim>s m> moment But that’m>s m> all that matterm>s m>m>to m> me How are ya (how are you) Knock on wood Well I’m not doingm>s m>o good And I don’t underm>s m>tand how I’mm>s m>o underm>s m>tanding I guem>s m>m>s m> that that’m>s m> all I can be How...m>s m> Barkley The Odd Couple -
m>s m>tic People... all the
m>s m>e thingm>s m> That keep deceiving me I’m all alone nowhere no onem>To m>m>s m>how me wherem>to m> go Take my money wear mym>s m>hirt Um>s m>ing mem>to m> do your dirt Judging me when all the time You’re the one who did the crimem>S m>omeone tell me what’m>s m> the truthm>S m>ave the children,m>s m>ave the youth What abou...m>S m>hontellem>S m>hontelligence -
Only Wanna Dance With You
Ke$ha Warriorm>s m>uckm>s m> They jum>s m>t lie and take mym>s m>tuff But it doem>s m>n’t matter Thoughtm>to m>night would be mellow Jum>s m>t went outm>to m>m>s m>ee am>s m>how You walked in and now oh oh But it doem>s m>n’t matter Youm>s m>aidm>to m> me Come let mem>s m>ee them>s m>tarm>s m> in your eyem>s m> It’m>s m> all I wanna do I only wanna dance with you Whatever I got t... -
When Your Body Get
m>s m> WeakBabyface--When Your Body Get
Babyface The Daym>s m> Weakm>To m>night I’m gonna hold you I’m gonnam>to m>uch you and lay you downm>To m>night I’m gonna kim>s m>m>s m> you I’m gonna tam>s m>te you all the way downm>To m>night you don’t havem>to m> be lonely You need onlym>to m> call me And I will be down When your body getm>s m> weak... -
m>s m> youm>s m>aid...ight i
柯有伦 无畏无惧m>s m>m>s m>hinning on you****ce It’m>s m> turning grey and nobody knowm>s m> who’m>s m>m>to m> blamem>S m>omebody tell me what I have done wrongm>S m>omebody tell me caum>s m>e I’m breaking down now Liem>s m> youm>s m>aid are gonna hurt me bad I find my way Homem>to m>day Liem>s m> youm>s m>aid make me feelm>s m>o dead Don’t youm>s m>aym>s m>orry it’m>s m> alre... -
m>S m>eam>s m>onm>s m> of the Heart...
John Denverm>s m> am>s m> natural am>s m> changem>s m> In them>s m>eam>s m>onm>s m> and them>s m>kiem>s m>m>S m>ometimem>s m> we growm>to m>getherm>S m>ometimem>s m> we drift apart A wim>s m>er man than I might know Them>s m>eam>s m>onm>s m> of the heart And I’m walking here bem>s m>ide you In the early evening chill A thing we’ve alwaym>s m> lovedm>to m> do I know we alwaym>s m> will We havem>s m>o... -
Not Out
...zh ,from jiangxi pingxiang @ www.lrcgc.com @ I’m not gonna fall down
Greg Lam>to m>day, Inm>s m>tead I will buckle my kneem>s m> andm>s m>way Againm>s m>tm>s m>weet memoriem>s m> Againm>s m>t memoriem>s m> I’ve gotta get outta herem>to m>day,m>to m>day There im>s m>m>to m>o much room in thim>s m> bed where I lay Them>s m>treet buzzem>s m> for me, below, buzzem>s m> fo...m>s m>well Three Flightm>s m> From Alm>to m> Nido -
m>to m>wn Girl (Live) - liveup
陈奕迅 拉阔压轴m>to m>wn girlm>s m>he ′m>s m> been living in her upm>to m>wn world i betm>s m>he never had a backm>s m>treet guy i bet her mama neverm>to m>ld her why i ′m gonna try for an upm>to m>wn girlm>s m>he ′m>s m> been living in her white bread world am>s m> long am>s m> anyone with hot blood can and nowm>s m>h...