找到 i m home 相关歌词300首
Saturday N
m>i m>ght...all fly,
Natalm>I m>’m gone andm>I m> am>i m>n’t comm>i m>ng back thm>i m>s tm>i m>me,m>I m>’m gonna fm>i m>nd my home underneath the cm>i m>ty lm>i m>ghts,.Pm>i m>lls fall lm>i m>ke dm>i m>amonds from my purse,Rm>i m>ght out the holem>i m>n my fur coat,Stram>i m>ght down the guttergoes my antm>i m>dote to a broken gm>i m>rl,m>I m> promm>i m>sem>I m>’ll be the one you want,Don’t tell mem>I m>’m un...m>i m>a Km>i m>lls Saturday Nm>i m>ght - Sm>i m>ngle -
m>I m>'m Already Therelrcgc.com 制作 Album:Back Home Westl
Westlm>i m>fe-m>I m>'m Already There (Rm>i m>chm>i m>e McDonald/Gary Baker/Frank Myers) He called her on the road From a lonely cold hotel room Just to hear her saym>I m> love you one more tm>i m>me But when he heard the sound Of the km>i m>ds laughm>i m>ngm>i m>n the background He h...m>i m>fe Back Home -
m>I m>ndestructm>i m>ble...at
Dm>i m>on An oathm>I m>’ve sworn to defend To wm>i m>n the honor Of comm>i m>ng back home agam>i m>n No explanatm>i m>on Wm>i m>ll matter after we begm>i m>n Another dark destroyer that’s burm>i m>edm>i m>n me My true vocatm>i m>on And now my unfortunate frm>i m>end You wm>i m>ll dm>i m>scover A war you’re unable to wm>i m>nm>I m>'ll have you k...m>i m>sturbedm>I m>ndestructm>i m>ble -
...再错过 你的爱 是最蓝那片天空 cuz baby g
大嘴巴 王元口力口m>i m>rlm>I m>’m comm>i m>ng back home Baby boy 永远永远手牵手 一步两步一起走 永远永远要记得 我们要一起生活 不管晴天的时候 不管下雨的时候 不放开手到永久 我们要一起生活 幸福 少了你在身边不会完... -
m>i m>onal Curse...felt your weakness and you watch me fall. Fearless and left
War Of Ages Arm>i m>n an empty home my acceptance has drawn lm>i m>fe away from me. Lm>i m>ar, wounded yet fearless, you’re our shelter, we’ll see thm>i m>s through the end.m>I m> wam>i m>t for your return your fam>i m>lure to actm>i m>s my pam>i m>n. Savm>i m>or, Savm>i m>or, why. ...m>i m>se & Conquer -
Follow Your Heart
... let down
Brett Dennen Hope For The Hopelessm>I m>’ve loved and lostm>I m>’ve been alonem>I m>’ve been far from home Follow your heart Follow your heart Follow your heart and you won’t get lostm>I m> been a poor manm>I m> been a rm>i m>ch manm>I m> made a fortune Andm>I m>’ve pam>i m>d the costm>I m>’ve had some good frm>i m>ends They come and go ... -
m>i m>an Sprm>i m>ngs...h
The Verve Forthm>i m>ng you can’t trade or ever own Or ever own Good luck,m>I m>’m comm>i m>ng home Feels so … (?)m>I m> don’t know wherem>I m>’ve gonem>I m> took a step to the leftm>I m> took a step to the rm>i m>ght Andm>I m> saw myself andm>i m>t wasn’t qum>i m>te rm>i m>ght Yeah, a step to the dreams Slm>i m>ppm>i m>n’ out, slm>i m>ppm>i m>n’m>i m>n and out ... -
Humble Me
Went out on a l
Norah Jones Feels Lm>i m>mb, gone too farm>I m> broke down at the sm>i m>de of the road Stranded out the outskm>i m>rts and the sun’s creepm>i m>n’ up Babm>i m>esm>i m>n the backseat stm>i m>ll fast asleep Dreamm>i m>n’ of better daysm>I m> don’t want to call you but you’re allm>I m> have to turn to What do you say whenm>i m>t...m>i m>ke Home -
m>i m>a...yself, work
The Human Abstract Mm>i m>ng equatm>i m>ons.m>I m>t’s a long walkm>i m>n and there's no clear way home. Everythm>i m>ngm>I m> wasm>i m>n constant change.m>I m>'m not the same.m>i m>dheaven -
... aga
Take That Babem>i m>nm>I m> 'm here for you Babe , please take me back take me back Back home agam>i m>n Babe , please hold my close hold me close Lm>i m>ke you used to do Babe...... Qm>i m>'sGroup Product