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Je D
m>a m>nse Dm>a m>ns Mm>a m> TeteCeline Dion - Je D
Celine Dion Dion chm>a m>nse Dm>a m>ns Mm>a m> Tete L'm>a m>venir est plm>a m>nétm>a m>ire Y'm>a m> six millim>a m>rds d'humm>a m>ins sur terre Mm>a m>is chm>a m>cun vie sm>a m> vie en solitm>a m>ire Chm>a m>cun dm>a m>ns ses hm>a m>bitudes Chm>a m>cunm>a m>vec ses certitudes Et l'm>a m>mour est lm>a m> pire des solitude Qum>a m>nd l'univers m'indiffère Qum>a m>nd j'm>a m>i plus envie de ...m>a m>nte Plm>a m>mondon -
m>A m>imeMylene F
Mylene Fm>a m>rmer -m>A m>ime Pm>a m>roles: Mylène Fm>a m>rmer Musique: Lm>a m>urent Boutonnm>a m>t LRC歌词网 lrcgc.com Souvenir de nos... Fim>a m>ncm>a m>illes En bm>a m>tm>a m>ille Souvenir des mots Flux de tm>a m>ille ! Un feu de fm>a m>illes Souvenirs d'émois de mm>a m>i Quim>a m>ffolm>a m>ient Tous les sols... et Soutenir le monde "m>a m>ime...m>a m>rmerm>A m>vm>a m>nt Que L'Ombre -
m>a m>urKesh
Keshm>a m> - Dinosm>a m>ur LRC by lzh, from jim>a m>ngxi pingxim>a m>ng @ www.lrcgc.com @ D-I-N-O-S-m>A m>-U-R Youm>a m>rem>a m> dinosm>a m>ur O-L-D M-m>A m>-N Your justm>a m>n old mm>a m>n Hitting on me whm>a m>t? You needm>a m> cm>a m>t scm>a m>n Oh mm>a m>n Whym>a m>re you stm>a m>rrin'm>a m>t me Mm>a m>ck on mem>a m>nd my friends its kindm>a m>m>a m> creepy You should be prowlin...m>a m>m>A m>nimm>a m>l -
m>a m>sm>a m>it.
Tm>A m>.T.u---Gomenm>a m>sm>a m>i___(非正式版) "Dm>a m>ngerousm>a m>nd Moving" By:Wintors Hsu Lenm>a m>: Whm>a m>t I thought wm>a m>sn’t mine, In the light Wm>a m>s(n’t) one ofm>a m> kind,m>A m> precious pem>a m>rl Julim>a m>: When I wm>a m>nted to cry I couldn’t cm>a m>use I Wm>a m>sn’tm>a m>llowed Gomennm>a m>sm>a m>i, for everything Gomennm>a m>...m>a m>tu Dm>a m>ngerousm>A m>nd Moving -
Cruz De Olvido
Luis Miguel - Cruz De Olvido M y L - Ju
Luis Miguel Mexico En Lm>a m>n Zm>a m>izm>a m>r Con elm>a m>tm>a m>rdecer Me iré de ti Me iré sin ti Mem>a m>lejm>a m>re dem>a m>qui Con un dolor Dentro de mi Te juro corm>a m>zón Que no es fm>a m>ltm>a m> dem>a m>mor, Pero es mejorm>a m>sí Un dím>a m> comprenderás Que lo hice por tu bien Que todo fue por ti. Lm>a m>...m>a m> Piel -
Tu Y Yo
Ricky M
Ricky Mm>a m>rtin - Tu Y Yo www.lrcgc.com @ 活在當下 制作 Que locom>a m>mm>a m>necer, mordiendo tu sonrism>a m> Ym>a m>mm>a m>rte hm>a m>stm>a m> cm>a m>er, perdido en tus cm>a m>ricim>a m>s Que bellom>a m>tm>a m>rdecer, sudm>a m>ndo entre lm>a m>s sm>a m>bm>a m>nm>a m>s Volvertem>a m> recorrer, jugm>a m>ndo con mm>a m>licim>a m> Embrujm>a m>dos, encendidos, indecentes, escondid...m>a m>rtin Musicm>a m> +m>A m>lmm>a m> + Sexo -
Go To Hell
Go To Hell 散就散了吧 是谁乱了? Who n how n wh
汪妤凌 Miss Cm>a m>t There won’t bem>a m> lm>a m>st 相信你的话 一定是疯了 不想再吵架 Oh! We thru boy!! You’re suchm>a m> jokem>a m>nd I hm>a m>te myself for letting you step in my world you don’t mem>a m>nm>a m> thing How I believed thm>a m>t with me you’rem>a m> new mm>a m>...m>a m>t -
m>A m>lphm>a m>Sevendust -
Sevendustm>A m>lphm>a m> www.lrcgc.com 制作 (just move) you never were there (when I needed you) Where were you when I needed you (so long) look me in the eyes when I’m tm>a m>lking to ym>a m> You see the whites now (turnm>a m>round) wm>a m>lkm>a m>wm>a m>y (you cm>a m>n’t help me) you never wm>a m>nted too (soon I’ll ...m>A m>lphm>a m> -
Jm>a m>y Sem>a m>n - Murder www.lrcgc.com 活在当下 制作 Heyyy hooo heyyy hooo.. M-U-R-DER Youm>a m>re. Girl you murder Boy you murder Thm>a m>t girl is murder She'sm>a m> one dm>a m>y in seven Her looksm>a m>re her wem>a m>ponm>a m>y om>a m>y om>a m>yyyy o Thm>a m>t boy is murder He'sm>a m> one eighty seven ...m>a m>y Sem>a m>n My Own Wm>a m>y -
Je lui dir
m>a m>iCeline Dion - Je lui dir
Celine Dion 1 Fille &m>a m>i Je lui dirm>a m>i qu'il est de ce pm>a m>ys Où son grm>a m>nd-père étm>a m>it bucheron Que dm>a m>ns son sm>a m>ng l'Orient coulem>a m>ussi Que les mélm>a m>nges font de bem>a m>ux enfm>a m>nts Qu'il est fort et bien vivm>a m>nt Je lui dirm>a m>i qu'il est né de l'm>a m>mour Que nous l'm>a m>ttendions pm>a m>ssionnéme...m>a m>mp; 4 Types