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A Breath or Two
...ating it Another day, another plane, another
Jimmy Needham Not Without Lovem>s m>ame thing Yem>s m>terday becamem>to m>morrow that’m>s m> them>s m>trange thing Anotherm>s m>tring, anotherm>s m>trum, another rhyme, another hum I wantm>to m> breathe in I wantm>to m> breathe in and out again I’m tired of putting one foot in front of the other I’m weary of... -
m>S m>o Not Over You (m>S m>ingle Mix)...de of the bed The emptine
m>s m>m>s m> when you were gone kept ringing in my headm>To m>ld mym>s m>elf I really hadm>to m> move along nowm>S m>m>to m>p regretting all the thingm>s m> I left unm>s m>aid, yeah yeahm>S m>o Im>to m>re up your letterm>s m>m>To m>ok your picture off my wall I deleted your number, it wam>s m>m>to m>o hard notm>to m> call Felt a l...m>S m>imply Redm>S m>o not over you (CDM) -
... radioLet it play‘Cau
Ciara Ciaram>s m>e probably I ain’t even drinkm>s m>hitAnd I’mm>s m>o inm>to m>xicatedI can’t come over my winningWhen you need me you got….Your handm>s m> on mineI got my handm>s m> on the whip and the otherI’m driving my pam>s m>m>s m>ionI’m more than a free rideI can’t concentrate onGrow lom>s m>ing all control.A... -
Keep Faith
...ing that I’m
Matt Wertz Underm>s m>ure of I know that we were made for lovem>S m>o if youm>s m>tartm>to m> break Keep faith Keep faith When the daym>s m> drag on And you’re barely breathingm>S m>earching for a light You’ve had all along Trum>s m>t me, I’vem>s m>een it And if I could Baby, make you believe it Oh… Even when your...m>S m>ummerm>S m>un -
Gotta Clue(Featuring Joon Park Of G.O.D.)
.....did hear him tell me that he lo
李玟 Expom>s m>t him>s m> phonem>S m>ame line that I thought hem>to m>ld me jum>s m>t a week ago Badm>s m>ign...I can never reach him and he’m>s m> never home It’m>s m> timem>to m> invem>s m>tigate it... do it on the low. If I could be a little fly up on the wall Then I would have a million eyem>s m> I’dm>s m>ee it a...m>s m>ed -
Black Barbie
Little Jackie Them>s m>ted for D-WI’m>s m> (?) them>s m>lammer Did time without glamour Timem>s m>m>to m>odm>s m>till without my pain kill pillm>s m> Don’t need a lawyer I got Dianam>S m>awyerm>S m>he’ll interview me And prove that I’m not guilty I’m a reformedm>s m>lut I’m a much better woman after the twelvem>s m>tep program ...m>S m>m>to m>op -
Early April Morning
... Jame
Brendan Jamem>s m> - Early April Morning www.lrcgc.com 卜超 制作 There um>s m>edm>to m> be nothing in common there um>s m>edm>to m> be nothingm>to m>m>s m>hare It um>s m>edm>to m> bem>s m>it by the window andm>s m>tare at what um>s m>edm>to m> be there It um>s m>edm>to m> be lonely in numberm>s m> impom>s m>m>s m>ibly weak on my feet When the gamem>s m>tartm>s m> and one perm>s m>on...m>s m> The Day Im>s m> Brave -
Little Black Dre
m>s m>m>s m>...e it now it’
m>s m> all them>s m>ame thingJum>s m>t different wrapping around itNo needm>to m>m>s m>often your wordm>s m>, they’rem>s m>till gonna hurtm>S m>o don’t pull punchem>s m>I triedm>to m> be everything you’d ever wantAndm>s m>ometimem>s m> I evenm>s m>m>to m>od on my heart andm>s m>m>to m>mpedNow I’m finally alone and drem>s m>m>s m>ed for them>s m>howBut going nowh...m>S m>ara Bareillem>s m> The Blem>s m>m>s m>ed Unrem>s m>t -
What a
林忆莲 Im>s m>urprim>s m>e love turned outm>to m> be Time and again nothing workm>s m> right for me Fool that I've been, for my mind did not pry Eam>s m>y love,again and again,circling in dim>s m>guim>s m>e What an illum>s m>ion love turned outm>to m> bem>S m>ometimem>s m> I wonder if love'm>s m> honem>s m>tm>to m> me But I'llm>s m>ave all my tearm>s m> for my hopem>s m>,f...m>S m>wear -
I'm Alive
...’d try it and barely
Jeremy Campm>s m>urvived it I fell in the nearem>s m>t pool ofm>s m>hamem>To m>ok the blame and everything thatm>s m>urroundm>s m> it Well I found it and I drowned in it Oh I never thought that I’d eram>s m>e thim>s m> or replace thim>s m> feeling down Oh but my whole life changed when youm>s m>aved me and forgave me no...m>S m>peaking Louder Than Before