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m>s m> Long Am>s m> You Love Me...We’re under pre
Jam>s m>m>s m>ure,m>S m>even billion people in the world tryingm>to m> fit in Keep itm>to m>gether,m>S m>mile on your face even though your heart im>s m> frowning But hey now, you know, girl, We both know it’m>s m> a cruel world But I will take my chancem>s m> Am>s m> long am>s m> you...m>s m>on Chen Am>s m> Long Am>s m> You Love Me -
Love The Way You Lie
m>s m> alright Becaum>s m>e I love the way you lie I love the way you lie I camem>to m> dance, dance, dance, dance I hit the floor caum>s m>e thatm>s m> my, planm>s m>, planm>s m>, planm>s m>, planm>s m> Im wearing all my favorite brandm>s m>,brandm>s m>,brandm>s m>,brandm>s m> Give mem>s m>pace for both my handm>s m>, handm>s m>, handm>s m>, handm>s m> Caum>s m>e it goem>s m> on and on and ...m>S m>am Tm>s m>ui -
m>S m>hit, Man!...ar GreyBY:黄病病You never heard before
m>S m>omething quite like thim>s m>It comem>s m>m>to m> hit you and youLift it backm>S m>o now what happenm>s m> if I chom>s m>e?m>To m> have thim>s m> child, Have thim>s m> child with youDo you believe that we Can make it through?How we gonna do thim>s m> thing?How we gonna do it?m>S m>hit, man!We don’t even got n...m>S m>kylar Grey Don't Look Down -
...re (Babe) Well you’re fly (Take me higher higher higher) I wanna a piece
孔令奇m>to m>night (Oh babe babe) Hey girl what’m>s m> it gonna be Hey girl im>s m> it gonna be me ? (What youm>s m>ay youm>s m>ay)m>S m>ayin you wanna take a ridem>S m>o jum>s m>tm>s m>ay you will be mine 为什么你看到我就走 为什么那么害羞 那么秘密 ... -
Die In Your Arm
m>s m>...ou love me a
Jum>s m> much am>s m> I love you Would you hurt me baby could you do thatm>to m> me yeaa Would you liem>to m> me baby Cuz the truth hurtm>s m>m>s m>o much more Would you do the thingm>s m> that drive me crazy leave my heartm>s m>till at the door I can’t help it I’m jum>s m>tm>s m>elfim>s m>h There’m>s m> no way that I couldm>s m>hare y...m>s m>tin Bieber Die In Your Armm>s m> -
m>S m>H i WIm>S m>H... 「WI
ALTIMA TRYANGLEm>S m>H i WIm>S m>H」 作詞∶Maon Kurom>s m>aki/ラップ詞∶motm>s m>u 作曲∶m>S m>am>to m>m>s m>hi Yaginuma 編曲∶m>S m>am>to m>m>s m>hi Yaginuma 歌∶ALTIMAm>S m>ay goodbye. (Didnt’ wannam>s m>ay. never wannam>s m>ay.)m>s m>ey goodbye. (didn’t wannam>s m>ay. goodbye) 冬の夜に(Didnt’ wannam>s m>ay. never wannam>s m>ay.) 貴女の影重ねて(di... -
Get Down On It (Obi & Jo
m>s m>h Remix)...ke you down) You've gotta get on the groove - yeah If you want your body
Blue 4ever Bluem>to m> move Tell me, baby How you gonna do it, if you really don't wantm>to m> dance Bym>s m>tanding on the wall (get your back up off the wall) Tell me How you gonna do it, if you really won't take a chance Bym>s m>tanding on the ... -
... I love you baby girl 君を想う度にこの胸に響く鼓動 It never
超新星 GO FOR IT!m>s m>m>to m>pm>s m> 忘れようとしたけど 届けたくて 届かなくて 思い出だけ抱いて 一人で眠るけど 君のその手 握りたくて 夢の中で君を 探すよ Round, Round, Keepm>s m> going round 君の笑顔には... -
m>s m> On ME... If frown i
王菲 Eyem>s m>m>s m>hown then I will know that you are on dreamerm>S m>o let me comem>to m> you Clom>s m>e am>s m> I wantedm>to m> be Clom>s m>e enough for mem>To m> feel your heart beating fam>s m>t Andm>s m>tay there am>s m> I whim>s m>per How I love you peaceful eyem>s m> on me Did you ever know That I had mine on you Darling ,m>s m>om>s m>hare with me Your love i...m>s m> On Me -
Back 2 The Floor
Full Of Harmony VIm>s m>uke ImaiBY:黄病病 Um>S m>hake yam>S m>hake ya headm>to m>niteI play da play da beat all niteUm>S m>hake yam>S m>hake ya boobm>to m>nite踊りあかせm>To m> the Paradim>s m>eいつになく豪快で癖になりそうそう最強タック フロアを自在にコントロールさあ Let'm>s m> get PARTY...m>S m>IBLE