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歌词千寻 www.lrcgc.com Fate - 欲望之箭 So
欲望之箭 Fatem>I m>’m here, on my own Ready to become a champm>i m>on On a stage wm>i m>thout the spotlm>i m>ghts onm>I m> won’t be beaten by anyone Hey! Stop the old naggm>i m>ng now Even when you’re feelm>i m>ng down Mm>i m>ght as well keep on gom>i m>ng onm>I m>n order to understand whatm>i m>t... -
Fly H
m>i m>!!!...Fly H
ALEXXX Welcome to them>i m>!!!」 作詞∶ALEXXX/Em>I m>GO 作曲∶ALEXXX/Em>I m>GO 歌∶ALEXXX We gonna fly so hm>i m>gh together Woa oh oh oh Wakm>i m>ng up to you every mornm>i m>ng As the sunlm>i m>ght shm>i m>nes on you darlm>i m>ngm>I m> feel so lucky to have you by my sm>i m>dem>I m> just wantedm>I m> let you know You’re the one thatm>I m>’ll never let go Anytm>i m>me ...m>I m>SLAND -
Get Out Of My L
m>i m>fe...:Amy Wallace,V
张靓颖 第七感m>i m>ncent Chm>i m>a 作曲:Amy Wallace,Vm>i m>ncent Chm>i m>a Pascal Guyon 演唱:张靓颖 歌词编辑:容ルQQ:461069316 Saw you called yesm>I m>’m busy Saw your note sam>i m>d you mm>i m>ssed me No use trym>i m>ng no usem>i m>n denym>i m>ngm>I m>t’s over now you should move on Say you’re herem>I m>’m okay ... -
m>i m>aper Money歌词千寻 www.lrcgc.comD
The Lonelym>i m>aper Money - The Lonelym>I m>sland.Lonelym>I m>sland!We’ve been here for a mm>i m>nute nowThm>i m>s some grown man shm>i m>t.m>I m> got that dm>i m>aper money,m>I m> got that dm>i m>aper moneyDudem>I m> got that dm>i m>aper money,m>I m>’m a grown ass man.Ayom>I m> got that dm>i m>aper money ‘cause my km>i m>dsm>i m>s the shm>i m>tSom>I m> saym>I m>...m>I m>sland The Wack Album -
m>I m>’m Takm>i m>ng Off...
Nm>I m>'m Takm>i m>ng Off www.lrcgc.com @ 制作 You're just a chemm>i m>cal reactm>i m>on A love the galaxm>i m>es erasedm>I m> thought thatm>I m> was gom>i m>ng crazy You took me to another place Another bm>i m>g bang explosm>i m>on Don't even know who you are Somethm>i m>ng about youm>i m>s changm>i m>ng You're actm>i m>ng lm>i m>ke an alm>i m>enm>I m> thm>i m>nk ...m>i m>ck Carterm>I m>'m Takm>i m>ng Off -
All On Me ft. Blow Fever
... Al Rocco
Al Roccom>I m> started from the bottom Andm>I m>’m clm>i m>mbm>i m>ng to the top Red money yehm>I m> got them And they tellm>i m>ng me to stop Butm>i m> cant stop andm>i m> won’t stopm>i m> won't On that jack ma gettm>i m>ng paper but you know And we workm>i m>ng and we workm>i m>ng and we workm>i m>ng now And we murkm>i m>ng and we murkm>i m>ng and we ... -
No Can Do
...n mess
Sugababes Catfm>i m>ng around Why do you get your km>i m>cks from hurtm>i m>ng me?m>I m>’ve trm>i m>ed on gm>i m>vm>i m>ng you up But nowm>i m>t’s tm>i m>me to stop ‘Cause boym>I m> see that you’re no good for mem>I m>f you really wanted my love so desperately Then you should have taken tm>i m>me and try to rescue me! Sorry, no can do ‘Cause yo...m>i m>ghts And Spotlm>i m>ghts -
Hey DJ
...s so gorgeous Oooweee, what a beaut
葛仲珊 葛屁m>i m>ful mornm>i m>n Top down, ‘bout to crum>i m>se on by Westsm>i m>de hm>i m>ghway, two-door rm>i m>de Not carm>i m>n’, system blarm>i m>n’ Old lady at the red lm>i m>ght be starm>i m>n’ Stay lm>i m>vm>i m>n’m>i m>t up, boym>I m>’m from NY cm>i m>ty, w’sup So grown, not gm>i m>vm>i m>n’ a f*ck Haters gonna hate, stm>i m>ll gm>i m>vm>i m>n’ ... -
...atter how hard
AZU 4Seasonsm>I m> trym>I m> can’t seem to get away Nowm>i m>t’s the wm>i m>nter season Another year has passed so qum>i m>cklym>I m>’m searchm>i m>ng for an answersomewhere Butm>I m> guessm>i m>t’s allm>i m>nsm>i m>de So tonm>i m>ght Go and fm>i m>nd the lm>i m>ght There’s a gm>i m>ftm>i m>nsm>i m>de of everyone Come on and trust yourself Reach for a good lm>i m>fe... -
Gotta Clue
Gotta Clue(抓到你了) (featur
李玟 Exposedm>i m>ng Joon Park from God) Rewm>i m>nd...dm>i m>d hear hm>i m>m tell me that he lost hm>i m>s phone? (andm>i m>t’s the...) Same lm>i m>ne thatm>I m> thought he told me just a week ago (must be a...) Bad sm>i m>gn...m>I m> can never reach hm>i m>m and he’s never home (well...well...)m>I m>t’s tm>i m>me tom>i m>nvestm>i m>gatem>i m>t....