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Lift Up Your Heart
hiding from the rain and
鲍比达 Momentm>s m>now tryingm>to m> forget but i won t let go looking at a crowdedm>s m>treet lim>s m>teningm>to m> my own heart beatm>s m>o many people all around the world tell me where do i findm>s m>omeone like you girl take mem>to m> your heart take mem>to m> yourm>s m>oul give me your hand before i m oldm>s m>how me what lo...m>s m> of Love -
m>s m>hing It Wam>s m>Wi
m>s m>hing It Wam>s m> Beauty and grace im>s m> whatm>to m>uchem>s m> me mom>s m>t Good time can put me in fear Alwaym>s m> feelm>s m>afe when thingm>s m> are badm>S m>o I cannot let you come near Itm>s m>eemm>s m> that I thrive on the darkm>s m>ide of thingm>s m> I alwaym>s m> feel alive when the death bell ringm>s m> Now you have come and bring out the tearm>s m> i...m>S m>antana -
Truth Hurt
m>s m>... Intro Yeah umm
Um>S m>ee it’m>s m>m>s m>ituationm>s m> like thim>s m> That caum>s m>em>s m> um>s m> playerm>s m>m>to m> get caught up In umm the truth Yeah What you doing, where you been? I paged you and you ain’t hit me back I been callin’ and I know youm>s m>ee my number on that caller I.D. Jum>s m>t lim>s m>tenm>to m> the wordm>s m> [Verm>s m>e 1]I ...m>s m>her Confem>s m>m>s m>ionm>s m> -
The Way That I Love You
Am>s m>ame The way that I love The way that I love you I woke up kinda earlym>to m>day Andm>s m>omethingm>to m>ld me from that moment It wouldn’t be them>s m>ame I knew you were hidingm>s m>omething But I didn’t pum>s m>h it I didn’t know whatm>to m>m>s m>ay I triedm>to m> pretend, Like I didn’tm>s m>ee it Caum>s m>e deep down I kn...m>s m>hanti The Declaration -
Good Girl Gone Bad
...t her, keep that dre
Rihanna Good Girl Gone Badm>s m>m>s m> on Tryna get enough drinkm>s m> in herm>s m>ym>s m>tem Take herm>to m> the telly and make her a victim Patrol in the brink Bar bangin with the bam>s m>m>s m> Theym>s m>hake them>s m>potm>S m>he’m>s m> jum>s m>t another cake Eam>s m>y for a good girlm>to m> go bad And once we gone Bem>s m>t believe we gone forever Don’t be the... -
m>s m>aur...ind of ill when We
Kem>s m>aw that you were like a billion Andm>s m>till out tryin'm>to m> make a killin' Get backm>to m> the mum>s m>eum That'm>s m> what you are HA! Your pretty old hahaha Not long til' your am>s m>enior citizen And you canm>s m>trut around with thatm>s m>exy tank of oxygen Honey yourm>to m>upee im>s m> fallin'm>to m> your lef...m>s m>ha Animal -
m>s m>hy (feat. Juicy J)...gEverybody talking moneyTalking chip
will.i.am #willpowerm>s m>, that’m>s m> donem>S m>tart the car, pum>s m>h butm>to m>nGet trippy, pop pillm>s m>White girlm>s m>,m>s m>now coldI do it for the cam>s m>h, for the drugm>s m>, not a hoNiggerm>s m>afe when Im>s m>wear pam>s m>tGet a bad bitch with a burkon bagWith a drug habbit, jum>s m>t roll the ham>s m>hIn them>s m>trip club throwing cam>s m>hIn ... -
Food Play
Ladym>s m> One’m>s m> for the Lover’m>s m> Out There, For thom>s m>e who like their foodm>to m> enhance their mood for love. From the depthm>s m> of them>s m>ea,m>to m> the heavenm>s m> up above. I jum>s m>t love the way H?agen-Dazm>s m> dripm>s m> down your cheek. The way you munch your quarter pounder. Oh my, the way you chew that cheem>s m>e) ...m>S m>overeign Jigm>s m>aw -
...手:HYDE 专辑:FAITH 作詞: HYDE 作曲: KAZ I entru
HYDE FAITHm>s m>t my willm>to m> you Love im>s m> lom>s m>t 傷付けあう様に The dem>s m>ire firem>s m> it on 悲しい世界は連鎖する Worm>s m>hipping an image All peoplem>s m>hould be equal, we are all God’m>s m> children Never trym>to m> judge your enemy I will... -
m>s m> long am>s m> you are loving me...
Vitamin Cm>s m>ay goodnight And I''mm>s m>tronger than I wam>s m> I''ve reached down and I''vem>to m>uched It''m>s m> eam>s m>ierm>to m> lie down with you on mym>s m>ide On them>s m>ide Now I''m ready for the world no matter how itm>s m>pinm>s m> Caum>s m>e I''ll alwaym>s m> be in it with you Am>s m> long am>s m> you''re loving me Am>s m> long am>s m> you''re loving me (am>s m> l...