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Death By Chocolate
...ou will grow Tear
m>s m> on your pillow will dry and you will learn Jum>s m>t howm>to m> love again Oh my weeping willow Let your leavem>s m> fall and return Oh darling them>s m>eam>s m>onm>s m> are your friend Death by anger thim>s m> im>s m> true Jum>s m>t let him go he can’t hurt you Oh little girl thim>s m> im>s m>m>s m>uch a cruel cruel world...m>S m>iam>S m>ome People Have Real Problemm>s m> -
...也脆 猜不出来其实都是来的免费 哈, rock the party, don’t
葛仲珊 葛屁m>s m>m>to m>p 手都放到空中, 大家一起在晃 他们觉得欣赏 女生饶舌打破他们印象 让他们 recognize me 进去也不需要 I.D. 如果台湾嘻哈有 M.V.P. 我就是饶舌的邓丽君 打破他们印象 打破他... -
m>To m>p Of Memory LaneThe
Lenkam>To m>p Of Memory Lane演唱:Lenka歌词千寻 www.lrcgc.comm>To m>m>s m>et the recordm>s m>traightMy head will be a libraryWhen you find mem>To m> let itm>s m>lip awayWould be a tragedy‘Caum>s m>e light im>s m> where you’ll find meI’ll meet you at them>to m>p of memory laneAnd you’ll be fightingm>to m> recall my nameI’ll meet...m>S m>hadowm>s m> -
m>s m>uing My Truem>S m>elf... the remote don’t you know you’re letting all the junk flood in? I try
平田志穂子 Perm>to m>m>s m>m>to m>p the flow, double clicking on the go, but it’m>s m> no um>s m>e hey, I’m being conm>s m>umed Loading loading loading, quickly reaching maximum capacity Warning warning warning, gonnam>s m>hort circuit my identity (ahhhhh) Get up on ...m>s m>ona 4 Never More -Reincarnation -
「ブラッディクロス」 作詞∶Kenta Ochi 作曲∶
BUZZ THE BEARm>S m>am>to m>m>s m>hi Kuwabara 歌∶BUZZ THE BEARm>S m> Him>s m> back full of crackm>s m> wam>s m>m>s m>urrounded by the enemiem>s m>. The light of the crem>s m>cent illuminated them>s m>treet calmly. There wam>s m> no character of regret in them>s m>hot back. He thought while lom>s m>ing him>s m> conm>s m>c...m>S m> GOLDCAGE -
All I Want for Chri
m>s m>tmam>s m> Im>s m> You...I don’t care about pre
INFINITY 16 White Coverm>s m>entm>s m> Underneath the Chrim>s m>tmam>s m> tree I don’t needm>to m> hang mym>s m>m>to m>cking There upon the fireplacem>S m>anta Claum>s m> won’t make me happy With am>to m>y on Chrim>s m>tmam>s m> day I jum>s m>t want you for my own More than you could ever know Make my wim>s m>h come true All I want for Chrim>s m>tmam>s m> im>s m> you... You... -
Where You Come In
... I never forced you upon it
m>S m>ometimem>s m> you give,m>s m>ometimem>s m> you take a littlem>to m>o muchm>S m>ometimem>s m> not enough, not enoughm>S m>ometimem>s m> you give,m>s m>ometimem>s m> you take a littlem>to m>o muchm>S m>ometimem>s m> not enough, not enoughI make planm>s m>m>to m> leave for the citym>To m>m>s m>tay up all the night, for them>s m>unm>to m> greet meBut that’m>s m> w...m>S m>hout Out Loudm>s m> Optica -
Momentarily Out Of Mind
In a
重塑雕像的权利 WATCH OUT!CLIMATE HAm>to m>wn number 25,m>s m>he’m>s m> been break up. ( You are In trouble ) The game im>s m> over, Them>s m>oldierm>s m> are clom>s m>er whenm>to m> tam>s m>te my little cake. Don’t youm>to m>uch me lady, I’m not your littlem>to m>ym>s m> rank (?). Don’t you kim>s m>m>s m> me lady… One Two Three Four Fivem>S m>ixm>S m>even Eight… Follow mem>to m> the da...m>S m> CHANGED,FAT MUM RIm>S m>Em>S m>… -
It Did
www.lrcgc.com Hom
Brad Paim>To m>ㄨYeah 制作 Brad Paim>s m>ley - It Did Am>s m>ingle red rom>s m>e and a table for two a nice chardonnay and an ocean viewm>s m>hipm>s m> coming in andm>s m>tarm>s m> coming out wem>s m>at and we talked until the place clom>s m>ed down then wem>to m>ok a long walk down on the beach Her and that white dr...m>s m>ley 5th Gear -
...のに It feel
moumoon PAIN KILLERm>s m> like I’m flying high in the bluem>s m>ky And falling downm>to m> the ground at them>s m>ame time Becaum>s m>e I’m in love I’mm>s m>cared but I’m fearlem>s m>m>s m> And it feelm>s m> like, and it feelm>s m> like it’m>s m> never ever enough 「ネバイナフ」 作詞∶YUKA 作曲∶K.MAm>S m>AKI 歌∶moumoon ぼぼぼ...