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You Are The One
...@ www.lrcgc.com @
Elliott Yamin Wait For Youm>S m>ometimem>s m> im>s m>it and i wonder And i jum>s m>t can’tm>s m>eemm>to m> believe What a blem>s m>m>s m>ing it’m>s m> beenm>to m> be loved You’re an angelm>s m>entm>to m> me You’re them>s m>tar who lightm>s m> up mym>s m>ky You’re the one who made mem>s m>ee That you don’t need wingm>s m>m>to m> fly Your love ham>s m>m>s m>et me free Caum>s m>e... -
m>S m>Blove... 制 喔喔~ 什么什么 没关系 铛铛~~ ABCDEFG Let’
张伯宏m>s m> now comem>to m> me a b c d e f g h i j k l m n 都锐咪发骚拉西 1234567m>s m>ay 伯宏大兄弟 想带你环游这整个的宇宙 想陪你占领一整颗的月球 想为你摘下玫瑰花九十九 想陪你巴黎铁塔旁走一... -
...ld不住就让场面失控吧 放手让能量释放 没达到目的cant
NUEm>s m>m>to m>p 推翻自己只需要点勇气 不要像过去的那个你在原地 Chem>s m>tm>s m>tuck out enjoy in the ride Pum>s m>hing otherm>s m> around got you head up high But when the time comem>s m> you can’t hide Quit it with the act I’mm>s m>i...m>S m>T-M -
...宠坏你 Xiao tzoo let me flip that flow were gonna
罗志祥m>s m>how the ladiem>s m> howm>to m> get real low theym>s m>ay I’m a ladiem>s m> man you already know were am>s m> frem>s m>h am>s m> can be yeh we get that doe… Hey baby did a coupe a couple filmm>s m> andm>s m>till find timem>to m> fly around the world I’t not gonna let you pam>s m>m>s m> me by wit...m>S m>PEm>S m>HOW(爱*转角 冠军庆功版) -
The Poet And The Pendulum
... The end. The
Nightwim>s m>ongwriter`m>s m> dead. The blade fell upon him Taking himm>to m> the white landm>s m> Of Empathica Of Innocence Empathica Innocence ”HOME” The dreamer and the wine Poet without a rhyme A widowed writerm>to m>rn apart by chainm>s m> of hell One lam>s m>t perfect verm>s m>e Im>s m>m>s m>till them>s m>ame o...m>s m>h Dark Pam>s m>m>s m>ion Play -
Back Up
...ck Up Take over flip
丁当 未来的情人m>s m>ide when I’mm>s m>tuck on the liem>s m> Thought I meant morem>to m> you than jum>s m>t a read through Andm>s m>o fam>s m>t youm>s m>tartm>to m> re-open your heart And ‘caum>s m>e we cram>s m>hed I can do nothing When it’m>s m> over' it wam>s m> over and you ranm>to m> another It wam>s m> eam>s m>y' it wam>s m> eam>s m>ym>to m> replace me'm>to m> replacem>S m>o... -
Bad Girl
... pretty plea
avril lavigne&Marilyn Manm>s m>e,pleam>s m>e You know,you know,you know I’m crazy I jum>s m>t wantm>to m> be your baby You can fuck me,you can play me You can love me or you can hate me Mim>s m>m>s m> me,mim>s m>m>s m> me Now you wantm>to m> kim>s m>m>s m> me Choke me becaum>s m>e Im>s m>aidm>s m>om>S m>troke me and feed my ego I’ve been a bad girl,don’t you know (d...m>s m>on -
m>s m>...thi
Bloc Party Intimacym>s m> from them>s m>tart You’ll be me and I’ll be you And let’m>s m> try notm>to m> complain about Yourm>s m>moking and my dim>s m>tant heart And my dim>s m>tant heart And my dim>s m>tant heart And all youm>s m>aid in your quietem>s m>t voice wam>s m> “I needed you am>s m> much am>s m> they do” And all youm>s m>aid, in your quietem>s m>t voic... -
Take What
m>s m> Left Of Me...y, will You come re
The Glorioum>s m>cue me? And in my brokenm>s m>tate, will You be a lightm>to m> guide my way? Will You be my eyem>s m> when I cannotm>s m>ee? Will You be my voice when I cannotm>s m>peak? Will You be my handm>s m> where I cannot reach? Father, take what'm>s m> left of me. Will You take me backm>to m> that place again? W...m>s m> Unm>s m>een The Hope That Liem>s m> In You -
m>s m>tiny'm>s m> Child...i
其它女歌手 恋人未满英文版m>s m>aw your face remember the firm>s m>t day when youm>s m>miled at me youm>s m>teppedm>to m> me and youm>s m>aidm>to m> me i wam>s m> the woman you dreamed about remember the firm>s m>t day when you called my houm>s m>e remember the firm>s m>t day when youm>to m>ok me out we had butterfliem>s m> although we triedm>to m> hide and we both had a beauti...