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  • Conm>sm>truire Pour Détruire

    Danm>sm> un m>sm>ac, je dorm>sm> m>tom>ute m>sm>eule Je frémim>sm>, lem>sm> yeux ouvertm>sm> J’ai bem>sm>oin d’eau et de nourriture Pour comprendre cette m>sm>olitude Je te voim>sm> venir Je te voim>sm> partir Le mur em>sm>t dur Le mur em>sm>t froid Ferme lem>sm> rideaux m>Sm>TP Je ne m>sm>upporte pam>sm> la lumière Tu voim>sm>, j’uim>sm> en train de conm>sm>truire Conm>sm>tr...

    尚雯婕 ODE m>TOm> THE DOOM

    ... And am>sm> I walk the lonely m>sm>treetm>sm>, the m>sm>now im>sm> falling ever fam>sm>ter Looking m>tom> the m>sm>ky, I wonder where you are, The way you came inm>tom> my life, filling every day with laughter Almom>sm>t blinded by the m>sm>nowflakem>sm> on my face Dem>sm>pite the chill I feel the warmth of your embrace Inm>tom>xicated now, I m>sm>tagger li...

    INFINITY 16 White Cover
  • m>Sm>he'm>sm> Gone

    ...起走过的日子QQ:879334371m>Sm>he’m>sm> goneOut of my lifeI wam>sm> wrongI’m m>tom> blameI wam>sm> m>sm>o untrueI can’t live without her loveIn my lifeThere'm>sm> jum>sm>t an empty m>sm>paceAll my dreamm>sm> are lom>sm>tI'm wam>sm>ting awayForgive me, girlLady, won't you m>sm>ave me My heart belongm>sm> m>tom> youLady, can you forgive me For all ...

    赵晗 中国好声音第二季 终极考核
  • 歌うたいのバラッド

    ...∶斉藤和義 歌∶BENI Oh it im>sm>n’t hard at all pouring your m>sm>oul inm>tom> a m>sm>ong open your mind and everything inm>sm>ide don’t think m>tom>o much about it let the mum>sm>ic take you over Ah momentm>sm> pam>sm>m>sm> on by I clom>sm>e my eyem>sm> and m>sm>ee our m>sm>m>tom>ry Your m>sm>mile, your m>sm>orrow, every tear you cried The day that you...

    BENI Coverm>sm>: 2
  • No Doubt

    ... I m kinda tipm>sm>y m>sm>ippin on Corona (damn baby) I m>sm>ee you try m>tom> get m>sm>ome but you m>sm>hould know I don't get down with jum>sm>t anyone -UH UH But you ain't gotta worry boo got a m>sm>tyle and a body that I'm feeling m>tom>o And I might wanna take you home with me t...

    李玟 Expom>sm>ed
  • Puakenikeni

    ...how I get 'em girl, Ami down m>sm>outh Verm>sm>e 2: I m>sm>ee you m>sm>coping trin m>tom> get alil clom>sm>er m>tom> me Thinking I don’t notice, you rubbin all up on me 50 feet, 50 feet, boy get up off from me The way I drop my arm it make them rum>sm>h all over me Pre-Chorum>sm>: Don’t you wanna pick my Pu...

    Nicole m>Sm>cherzinger Her Name Im>sm> Nicole
  • In m>Sm>tereo

    ... In m>Sm>tereo That beat im>sm> hot Thim>sm> im>sm> how it goem>sm> Welcome one and all m>tom> the m>sm>how We’re wired up, fired up, Fuckin ready m>tom> go In the back of the parking lot outm>sm>ide of the bar twenty deep, twenty feet from the boulevard black hoodiem>sm>, black capm>sm>, black label in glam>sm>m>sm>em>sm> Previewin the new...

    Fort Minor The Rim>sm>ing Tied
  • Footprintm>sm> In The m>Sm>and

    ...oh And jum>sm>t when I Have thought I’ve lom>sm>t my way You give me m>sm>trength m>tom> carry on That’m>sm> when I heard you m>sm>ay I promim>sm>e you I’m alwaym>sm> there When your heart im>sm> filled with m>sm>orrow and dem>sm>pair I’ll carry you When you need a friend You’ll find my footprintm>sm> in the m>sm>and When ...

    Leona Lewim>sm> m>Sm>pirit
  • It Will Rain

    ... m>sm>ome morphine at my door ‘Caum>sm>e it would take a whole lot of medication m>Tom> realize what we um>sm>ed m>tom> have' we don’t have it anymore There’m>sm> no religion that could m>sm>ave me No matter how long my kneem>sm> are on the floor m>Sm>o keep in mind all the m>sm>acrificem>sm> I’m making Will keep you by my m>sm>ide' will...

    Jam>sm>on Chen The Coverm>sm>, Vol. 4
  • The m>Sm>trongem>sm>t Perm>sm>on I Know

    ...im>sm> being right through here But met with a cute blind m>sm>nide of fear Bem>sm>t m>tom> go along with their idea But , you gently take thingm>sm> m>sm>lowly You m>sm>oftly bowl them over That’m>sm> the delicate way you’ve m>sm>hown me You’re the m>sm>trongem>sm>t perm>sm>on I know You gently take thingm>sm> m>sm>lowly You m>sm>oftly bowl th...

    The m>Sm>treetm>sm> Everything Im>sm> Borrowed
