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...ce me in the light They’ll return, but I’ll be
Fireflight Unbreakablem>s m>tronger God i wantm>to m> dream again Take me where I’ve never been I wantm>to m> go there Thim>s m> time I’m notm>s m>cared Now I am unbreakable It’m>s m> unmim>s m>takable No one canm>to m>uch me Nothing canm>s m>m>to m>p mem>S m>ometimem>s m> it’m>s m> hardm>to m> jum>s m>t keep going ... -
m>To m> Love You歌名:Living
m>To m> Love You 歌手:m>S m>arah Connor 专辑:Naughty But Nice All we had wam>s m> jum>s m>t onem>s m>ummer Two loverm>s m>m>s m>trolling in the park But like theym>s m>ay the world keepm>s m> turning Am>s m> the leavem>s m> would’ve fallen wem>s m>hould fall apart Now I’m waiting for the winterm>To m> build m...m>S m>arah Connor Naughty But Nice -
... 風にのって 銀の羽根を なびかせて飛ぶよ Jumping up
林原めぐみm>to m> them>s m>ky おしゃれをした 天使たちが 街へ舞い降りるm>S m>how me yourm>s m>hiningm>s m>mile (桜) 夢のまんなか 自由に歩こう 信じる気持ち (二人) 抱きしめたら (桜 あぁ...m>S m>pHERE -
m>S m>till Here...do, you call My love And even though you
Wem>s m>ay it’m>s m> not true You likem>to m> keep me round and round in circle But I wouldn’t want it any other way Coz I’mm>s m>till herem>To m> walk through your firem>s m> When I’m not near you My whole world Turnm>s m> alivem>S m>o if I fight I will fightm>to m> be with yo...m>s m>tlife The Love Album (Deluxe Edition) -
Thank You
...pic on my wall it remind
Dido no angelm>s m> me that it`m>s m> notm>s m>o bad,it`m>s m> notm>s m>o bad drankm>to m>o much lam>s m>t night,got billm>s m>m>to m> pay my head jum>s m>t feelm>s m> in pain i mim>s m>m>s m>ed the bum>s m> and there `ll be hellm>to m>day i`m late for work again and even if i`m there. they`ll all imply that i might not lam>s m>t the day and then u call... -
Piece Of Your Heart
...ur Heart www.lrcgc.com leo_chen 制作 Woah I know you’re trying
Natam>to m> make me happy And I know you’re doing it you’re way, way And I don’t alwaym>s m> make it eam>s m>ym>To m> know the perfect wordm>s m>m>to m>m>s m>ay,m>s m>ay If you wanna give me what I want Lim>s m>ten, ‘caum>s m>e I’m gonna tell you what I need...m>s m>ha Bedingfield Pocketful Ofm>S m>unm>s m>hine -
6 Minute
m>s m>...you
Jonam>s m>ee in the moviem>s m>m>S m>een her in my dreamm>s m> and nowm>s m>he’m>s m>m>s m>tanding nextm>to m> me Down by them>s m>hore firm>s m>t weekend of them>s m>ummer Gotta take chance and jum>s m>t am>s m>k for her number I wim>s m>h I had am>s m>ong on MTV Caum>s m>e in crowded room I’d be the only onem>s m>hedm>s m>eem>S m>he’m>s m> looking bored and now I’m runnin...m>s m> Brotherm>s m> It'm>s m> about Time -
My World'
m>s m>m>S m>pinning... up
Tata Young 爱的冒险/I Believem>s m>ide down I thought I had it all A world of calm andm>s m>afety I alwaym>s m>m>to m>ok the eam>s m>y way, yeah I thought I knew mym>s m>elf Had written my life’m>s m>m>s m>m>to m>ry How wam>s m> Im>to m> know, we would meetm>s m>omeday You came Andm>to m>ok me bym>s m>urprim>s m>e Hear all the angelm>s m>m>s m>ing in paradim>s m>e My world’m>s m>m>s m>pinning ‘ro... -
m>s m>terpiece...e the Mona Li
Madonna 2011年12月欧美新歌速递m>s m>a You’d be hanging in the Louvre Everyone would comem>to m>m>s m>ee you You’d be impom>s m>m>s m>iblem>to m> move Itm>s m>eemm>s m>m>to m> me im>s m> what you are A rare and pricelem>s m>m>s m> work of artm>S m>tay behind your velvet rope But I will not renounce all hope And I’m right by yourm>s m>ide Like... -
Gotta Clue
...me that he lo
李玟 Expom>s m>t him>s m> phone? (and it’m>s m> the...)m>S m>ame line that I thought hem>to m>ld me jum>s m>t a week ago (mum>s m>t be a...) Badm>s m>ign...I can never reach him and he’m>s m> never home (well...well...) It’m>s m> timem>to m> invem>s m>tigate it... do it on the low. If I could be a little fly up on the wall. Then I would have a ...m>s m>ed