找到 i know m alone 相关歌词200首
For The Lovers
...w your hands up for the next three m
Whm>i m>nutesm>i m>t′s about the lovers (youm>know m>m>i m>t, youm>know m>m>i m>t) Baby stand upm>i m>f you′re sm>i m>ngle but you′re lookm>i m>ng for another (youm>know m>m>i m>t, youm>know m>m>i m>t) Ladm>i m>es tell your men you love them (yeah…) Fellows tell your gm>i m>rl you love her (yeah…) So throw your...m>i m>tney Houstonm>I m> Look To You -
One Th
m>i m>rty Nm>i m>ne...ant to be alone?
Above The Golden State Above The Golden Statem>I m> turn and Your there Nowm>I m>’m gonna letm>i m>t out Allm>I m>m>know m>m>I m>s Your mercy surrounds me Your thoughts for me outnumber the sand Nowm>I m>’m gonna sm>i m>ngm>i m>t out From my soul Only You understand me You’re holdm>i m>ng mem>i m>nsm>i m>de Your hands From the momentm>I m> was born You trm>i m>ed me a... -
m>i m>nes (Frm>i m>endshm>i m>p Never Ends)...d
Spm>i m>t’s makm>i m>ng me sm>i m>ngm>I m> could fly, wanna cry, want the whole world tom>know m> We are together, come on baby let’s go And words yet to be spoken Wm>i m>ll fall upon the page Spellm>i m>ng out true devotm>i m>onm>I m>s all we need to say Let’s make the headlm>i m>nes, loud and truem>I m> wanna tell the worldm>I m>’m...m>i m>ce Gm>i m>rls Greatest Hm>i m>ts -
No More feat Breeze
...about call
Wm>i m>ng u back. have a pleasent day. Pm>i m>ck up the phone gm>i m>rl,m>i m>m>know m> that u home please don''t leave me all alone wm>i m>th the sound of thm>i m>s tone. come on pm>i m>ck up, pm>i m>ck up, pm>i m>ckm>i m>t up, pm>i m>ckm>i m>t up, pm>i m>ckm>i m>t upm>i m>m>know m>m>i m> don''t deservem>i m>t cuz of howm>i m> messed up but alrm>i m>ght cool, sm>i m>t and l...m>i m>ll Smm>i m>th Wm>i m>llennm>i m>um -
m>i m>lm>i m>ze...ng bells they beg
Km>i m>n easy Lm>i m>vem>i m>t down, baby don’t talk that much, Babym>know m>s, but baby don’t tease me.m>I m>n the park we could go walkm>i m>ng, Drownm>i m>n the dark or we could go sam>i m>lm>i m>ng On the sea Always here, always on tm>i m>me Close call, wasm>i m>t love or wasm>i m>t just easy Money talks when people ne...m>i m>llers Day & Age -
Heavy Hearted
The Glorm>I m>'m sm>i m>ck of savm>i m>ng face. And whenm>I m> feel so heavy-hearted,m>I m>m>know m> You‘re takm>i m>ng me back! And when You take me asm>I m> am,m>i m>t‘s lm>i m>ke the sunlm>i m>ght gracm>i m>ng the land. And whenm>I m> feel heavy hearted please, come and take my hand. Heavy hearted agam>i m>n. Wherem>i m>s the message of hope,...m>i m>ous Unseen The Hope That Lm>i m>esm>I m>n You -
m>i m>lm>i m>ze...g bells they beg
The Km>i m>n easy Lm>i m>vem>i m>t down, baby don’t talk that much, Babym>know m>s, but baby don’t tease me.m>I m>n the park we could go walkm>i m>ng, Drownedm>i m>n the dark or we could go sam>i m>lm>i m>ng On the sea Always here, always on tm>i m>me Close call, wasm>i m>t love or wasm>i m>t just easy Money talks when...m>i m>llers Tranqum>i m>lm>i m>ze (CD Sm>i m>ngle) -
m>i m>lm>i m>ze...g bells they beg
The Km>i m>n easy Lm>i m>vem>i m>t down, baby don’t talk that much, Babym>know m>s, but baby don’t tease me.m>I m>n the park we could go walkm>i m>ng, Drownedm>i m>n the dark or we could go sam>i m>lm>i m>ng On the sea Always here, always on tm>i m>me Close call, wasm>i m>t love or wasm>i m>t just easy Money talks when...m>i m>llers Tranqum>i m>lm>i m>ze (CD Sm>i m>ngle) -
Easy As 1 2 3
... Hey darl
Jay Sean My Own Waym>i m>ngm>I m> have been thm>i m>nkm>i m>ng about us N whm>i m>le we got gom>i m>ng on Andm>I m>m>know m> thm>i m>s thm>i m>ngm>i m>s far too long But stm>i m>ll should have let youm>know m> the deal Let me tell you howm>I m> feelm>I m>'ll let youm>know m> The feelm>i m>ngm>i m>s mutualm>I m> make you feel There am>i m>n't nothm>i m>ngm>I m> won't try Don't be afram>i m>d Get a lm>i m>tt... -
m>i m>ty Case...
Gnarls Barkley The Odd Couplem>i m> gm>i m>vem>i m>t away now Gm>i m>vem>i m>t away now Gm>i m>vem>i m>t away nowm>I m>,m>I m>,m>I m>,m>I m> don’tm>know m> what matters to you at thm>i m>s moment But that’s all that matters to me How are ya (how are you) Knock on wood Wellm>I m>’m not dom>i m>ng so good Andm>I m> don’t understand howm>I m>’m so understandm>i m>ngm>I m> guess that that’s...