找到 罗志祥 相关歌词200首

  • 狮子吼

    狮子吼 演唱:志祥 我要跨 越这座山峰 创 造一片天空 那 里会有彩虹 笑着引接我 What what what what do you know What what what what do you know 风 会陪着我走 雨 都被我感动 雷 为我而激动 电 伺机而动 What what what what do you ...

    志祥 狮子吼
  • Twinkle

    twinkle twinkle can't you see need you need you i'll let you go see ganna sing to me the last sing Mr Ring in netch you nevermean all sorry oh waiting for you everthing is near to healther to i all story of love even when you are so alone even when you are so afraid with these loneliness you'll be a...

    志祥 Speshow
  • 真命天子

    眼神空白 心情显的不好不坏 你总是爱耍无赖 感情世界一片空白 Oh你的爱 都在等待没人青睐 想疼个女孩 除非发生意外 没有人说你不帅(快快快) 老天会替你安排(准备比赛) 迟早会找到真爱(爱不爱) 当他向你走过来(别再发呆) 把...

    志祥 催眠SHOW
  • Humu Humu Nuku Nuku Apua'a

    ☆Sharpay&Ryan Humu Humu Nuku Nuku Apua'a☆ ☆歌舞青春2(亚洲豪华超值版)☆ www.lrcgc.com ☆ qianjunyifa A long time ago in a land far away Lived the pineapple princess,Tiki. She was sweet as a peach In a pineapple way But so sad that she hardly speaky Still,if you list...

    志祥 歌舞青春2(亚洲豪华超值版)
  • 一起走吧

    Yo 你叫做 Energy 我叫做阿拉哔 阿拉叭哔擂叭拉阿噜叭拉哔 你行不行 先不要急 你不要气 都跟你说过放手 还不听 我看你 rap 没气有些无力 我给你一个机会偷偷跟我学习 听听我的口气 看看我的力气 阿拉叭哔擂叭拉阿噜叭拉哔 装...

    志祥 达人Show
  • Show Time

    作词 : TEDDY I Pa La No De Mu Ka U Party Night KoN Ya No O Re Mi N Wa Ka te Nai O Re Wa Taiwan Da Yo Da De Na Ka De Na Ko Do Yu Ru Sa Nai Ma Chi Ga E Nai O Re No su te jyo K2 to no I can't wait show it's like that ya'll ko ko o ROCK ku ro ku mi na mou ha ji ma ru zo K.O.H.E.I K2 麦...

    志祥 Show Time
  • Gotta Go My Own Way

    ☆Troy&Gabriella Gotta Go My Own Way☆ ☆歌舞青春2(亚洲豪华超值版)☆ www.lrcgc.com ☆ qianjunyifa I gotta say what's in my mind Something about us Doesn't seem right these days Life keeps getting in the way Whenever we try,somehow the plan Is always rearranged It's s...

    志祥 歌舞青春2(亚洲豪华超值版)
  • Work This Out

    ☆High School Musical 2 Cast Work This Out☆ ☆歌舞青春2(亚洲豪华超值版)☆ www.lrcgc.net ☆ qianjunyifa How did we get from the top of the World to the bottom of the heap? I don't recall you mentioning the boss is such a creep We still have the ingredients to make thi...

    志祥 歌舞青春2(亚洲豪华超值版)
  • You Are The Music In Me

    ☆Troy&Gabriella You Are The Music In Me☆ ☆歌舞青春2(亚洲豪华超值版)☆ Na na na na Na na na na yeah You are the music in me You know the words "Once Upon A Time" Make you listen? There's a reason. When you dream there's a chance you'll find A little laughter Or hap...

    志祥 歌舞青春2(亚洲豪华超值版)
  • Bet On It

    ☆Troy Bet On It☆ ☆歌舞青春2(亚洲豪华超值版)☆ www.lrcgc.com ☆ qianjunyifa Everybody's always talking at me Everybody's trying to get in my head I wanna listen to my own heart talking I need to count on myself instead Did you ever? Loose yourself to get what you wa...

    志祥 歌舞青春2(亚洲豪华超值版)
