找到 all that i m 相关歌词2000首
m>i m>s am>i m>n't a love song...ld never last, cause we were runn
Motley Crue Sam>i m>ng from our crm>i m>mm>i m>nal past, But none ofm>that m> matteredm>I m> was hot and she was flattered by me, wellm>I m> had one or two gram lm>i m>nes to getm>i m>nsm>i m>de her head, there's no need for rosesm>I m> just lam>i m>d her downm>i m>n bed. Thm>i m>s am>i m>n't a Love Song, thm>i m>sm>i m>s a Fuck Song, don't have...m>i m>nts of Los Angeles -
...那一天 你说出来的八卦 会 飞飞飞 会 f
施文彬 7258请爱我吧m>i m>nd a way 到他耳 manm>that m>'s fate 呜~~~祕密都摊在阳光下 我清楚怎麼隐藏连被谁出卖都不知道 说出来 谁受伤害 受伤害 没人理睬 说出来 谁受伤害 受伤害 没人理睬 RAP: 所以下一次 你又有八卦... -
m>i m>llow...
Sarah Slean The Baronessm>I m>’m wm>i m>shm>i m>ng on Wm>i m>thm>all m> my weary mm>i m>nd Tell the treesm>i m>f you pleasem>That m>m>i m>tm>i m>s alrm>i m>ght There’ll be better days Wm>i m>llow Don’t cry Rm>i m>ver bend Rm>i m>ver sm>i m>gh Rm>i m>ver so wm>i m>de Wash away the worry From my lonely heart tonm>i m>ght Lover comes Lover goes Let hm>i m>m go by There’ll ... -
Wake Up
...y ton
Hm>i m>ghtm>I m>’m lm>i m>vm>i m>ng lm>i m>fe day to day Peoplem>all m> around you Everywherem>that m> you go They don’t rem>all m>y know you Everybody’s watchm>i m>ng lm>i m>kem>i m>t’s some km>i m>nd of show Everybody’s watchm>i m>ng They don’t rem>all m>y know you now (They don’t rem>all m>y know you) And forever There’s somethm>i m>ng gom>i m>ng...m>i m>lary Duff Most Wanted -
m>I m> Wm>i m>ll Always Return...
Bryan Adams Spm>all m> your namem>I m>t cm>all m>s me back home agam>i m>nm>I m>t sparks up the fm>i m>re a flamem>that m> stm>i m>ll burns Ohm>i m>t's to youm>I m>'ll always returnm>I m> stm>i m>ll feel your breath on my skm>i m>nm>I m> hear your vom>i m>ce deep wm>i m>thm>i m>n The sound of my lover a feelm>i m>ng so strongm>I m>t's to youm>I m>'ll always belong Nowm>I m> knowm>i m>t's true My ev...m>i m>rm>i m>t -
Resurrect Me
...und To go off, and get h
Jon Foreman Lm>i m>m some peacem>I m> want to dm>i m>e a lot qum>i m>cker thenm>that m>m>I m>fm>that m>’s my only way outm>I m>’ve been countm>i m>ng up the cost Gettm>i m>ng up onm>that m> crossm>I m> want to know what thm>i m>sm>i m>sm>all m> about Father Tm>i m>me steals our days lm>i m>ke a thm>i m>ef There’s no prm>i m>cem>that m>m>I m> wouldn’t pay ...m>i m>mbs And Branches -
My Truck (feat. Josh Malter)
... up and b
Gretchen Wm>i m>g egos shatter, female hearts go pm>i m>tter patterYour gm>i m>rl told youm>that m> sm>i m>ze don't matterSo Why she always trym>i m>n to clm>i m>mb my ladder.My trucks bm>i m>gger than your truck, you're softm>I m>'m bum>i m>lt So toughMm>i m>ne makes yours look lm>i m>ke a tm>i m>n cupMy trucks bm>i m>gger than your truckMy trucks fully lm>i m>fted, rm>i m>dm>i m>...m>i m>lson Rm>i m>ght On Tm>i m>me -
Don't Tread On Me
...k) Before you're po
311 Don't Tread On Mem>i m>ntm>i m>ng at me, Therem>i m>s a possm>i m>bm>i m>lm>i m>ty, You better turnm>that m> fm>i m>nger around Defense comes easm>i m>ly So don't you tread on me Causem>I m> wm>i m>ll knock you down Some daysm>i m>t seemsm>i m>t's not worthm>i m>t The fm>i m>ghtm>i m>n mem>i m>sm>all m> gone Andm>I m>'m not trym>i m>ng to be perfect To just get one damn thm>i m>n... -
...w long Before we break th
Brm>i m>s sm>i m>lence Who wm>i m>ll be the fm>i m>rst Are you surem>That m> your words have lost them>i m>r meanm>i m>ng Tell me wherem>i m>t hurts Oh, turn around, andm>I m>’ll forgm>i m>ve your lm>i m>es, won’t you ...musm>i m>c... And even though your heart’s gone cold agam>i m>n And even though you try so hard to pret...m>i m>an Melo Lm>i m>vm>i m>n'm>I m>t -
Look At Me Now
...认识我的模样 Gonna see me 见到我 And
Charlm>I m>’m gonna cm>all m> every gm>i m>rlm>that m> turned me down 我要打给每个拒绝我的女孩 And tell them nowm>that m>m>I m>’m just too busy 跟她们炫耀我实在太忙m>I m> don’t have the tm>i m>me 所以才没时间 Andm>i m>ts funny how my so cm>all m>ed frm>i m>ends 滑稽的是...m>i m>e Puth