找到 i m doing my 相关歌词900首

  • Manhattan

    ...know m>im>t’s for the bestm>Im>’ll gather up the avenuesAnd leave them on your doorstepAnd m>Im>’ll tm>im>p toe awaySo you won’t have to sayYou heard me leaveYou can have Manhattanm>Im> know m>im>t’s what you wantThe bustle and the bum>im>ldm>im>ngsThe weather m>im>n the fallAnd m>Im>’ll bow out of placeTo save you some spaceF...

    Sara Barem>im>lles The Blessed Unrest
  • breakthrough

    「breakthrough」 作詞∶Hm>im>denorm>im> Tanaka/Kaname Kawabata 作曲∶Kaname Kawabata/UTA 歌∶川畑要 モノクロームの風景は 絵のように動かない 道なき路上(みち)を見渡せど 行き交う人影はない m>Im> can’t stay m>im>n those days 砕け散った希望なら その...

    川畑要 breakthrough/Let’s Say m>Im> Do
  • Sm>im>ngalongsong(Lm>im>ve) - lm>im>ve

    ...you m>Im> wrote thm>im>s song Maybe m>Im>’m wrong to be caught up about you Well, m>im> don’t know what you thm>im>nk about me Maybe you thm>im>nk nothm>im>ng at all But maybe you could just lm>im>e to me And we could be m>im>n love, you see Oh, m>im>t's sm>im>ngalong song that not too long m>Im>t’s when m>im> thm>im>nk about you that m>im> hear song...

    方大同 15 香港演唱会(2011Lm>im>ve)
  • Bottle And A Gun

    ...n the lonely streets of Sunset When the lord called upon 6 crazy m.c's J Dog, Charlm>im>e Scene, Johnny 3 Tears, Da Kurlzz, and Tha Producer Hey! Uh, man you forgot the homm>im>e funny man, C'mon! And m>Im> can show you how to hump wm>im>thout makm>im>ng love The way you look at me, m>Im> can tell that you're a freak ...

    Hollywood Undead Swan Song
  • Playa Cardz Rm>im>ght (Feat. 2Pac)

    ...th That They Plan For Me m>Im>f m>Im> Have Km>im>ds Wm>im>ll m>Im> Lm>im>ve To See Em Grow But m>Im> Don’t Know m>Im> Lm>im>ve The Lm>im>fe Of A Thug Nm>im>gga Untm>im>l The Day m>Im> Go, No Broken Promm>im>ses, A Sacred Bond Broken, m>Im> Know m>Im> Dm>im>e Alone But Yet Stm>im>ll m>Im>’m Hopm>im>ng, Vm>im>sm>im>on Of Prm>im>son Maybe m>Im> Be Forgm>im>ve m>Im> Know m>Im>t’s Better m>Im>n Heaven, ...

    Keyshm>im>a Cole A Dm>im>fferent Me
  • 陈旭

    ... (show me ) m>Im>f you wanna take m>im>t baby/m>Im>f you wanna make m>im>t baby Please don't waste m>im>t baby/ Trust me 无论走到哪里都能感觉到 大家都在互相比较 My style 似乎与周围的一切不太协调 我的低调和那些人的炫耀 已经造成反差和鲜明对照 因为阳光普照整...

    陈旭 陈旭vs花瓶
  • Another Sunny Day

    ... met you up m>im>n the garden You were dm>im>ggm>im>ng plants, m>Im> dug you, beg your pardon m>Im> took a photograph of you m>im>n the herbaceous border m>Im>t broke the heart of men and flowers and gm>im>rls and trees Another ram>im>ny day, we’re trapped m>im>nsm>im>de wm>im>th a tram>im>n set Chocolate on the bom>im>l, steamy wm>im>ndows when we ...

    Belle and Sebastm>im>an The Lm>im>fe Pursum>im>t
  • Galway Gm>im>rl

    ... a cm>im>garette wm>im>th me whm>im>le her brother played the gum>im>tar She asked me what does m>im>t mean the Gaelm>im>c m>im>nk on your arm? Sam>im>d m>im>t was one of my frm>im>end’s songs do you want to drm>im>nk on? She took Jamm>im>e as a chaser, Jack for the fun She got Arthur on the table, wm>im>th Johnny rm>im>dm>im>ng as shot gun Chatted some mo...

    Ed Sheeran ÷ (Deluxe)
  • God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess- (Extract)

    ...rd wm>im>thout wm>im>ngs m>Im>f you want to fly Feel your breeze, release yourself Why do you sm>im>gh? Just count your blessm>im>ngs Every tm>im>me you try Fm>im>nd somethm>im>ng, belm>im>eve yourself 「God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess- (Extract)」 作詞∶西田恵美 編曲∶前口 渉 歌∶Oratorm>im>o The World God Only K...

    Oratorm>im>o The World God Only Knows God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess-」
  • Speechless

    ...away and nothm>im>ng m>im>s for real When m>Im> am wm>im>th you m>Im> am lost for words, m>Im> dont know what to say My heads spm>im>nnm>im>ng lm>im>ke a carousel, so sm>im>lently m>Im> pray Helpless and hopeless, that m>im>s how m>Im> feel m>im>nsm>im>de Nothm>im>ngs real, but all m>im>s possm>im>ble m>im>f God m>im>s on my sm>im>de When m>Im> am wm>im>th you m>Im> am m>im>n the...

    Mm>im>chael Jackson m>Im>nvm>im>ncm>im>ble
