找到 i m going to 相关歌词2000首

  • 内伤

    ...多内伤 都承担 No No No No No 心在 痛痛痛痛痛 Why you have to go go go? Don’t go 又让你 第几次 责怪我太冷漠 Oh baby 我想你 不够了解我 我不够成熟 我非常难受 难受 别把我淘汰 我表面 看来不在乎 我太坏 很爱却说不出来 笨拙到笑不...

    周汤豪 S.N.G
  • Harbor

    ...questm>im>ons to sleep The answers are out there m>im>n the drownm>im>ng deep You’ve got a journey to make There’s your horm>im>zon to chase So go far beyond where we stand No matter the dm>im>stance m>Im>’m holdm>im>ng your hand

    史逸欣 亲陌爱人
  • Told You So

    ... Lookm>im>n at ya now m>Im> can tell that you and your new relatm>im>onshm>im>p am>im>n’t gom>im>n well There’s no reason your name should come up on my cell Unless you’re unhappy but that shouldn’t be the case cause you sam>im>d Sam>im>d he was the one baby yes you sam>im>d sam>im>d you were m>im>n love (love) When you l...

    Jesse Mccartney Departure
  • Rebel Beat

    Goo Goo Dolls – Rebel Beat We keep headm>im>ng m>im>n the same dm>im>rectm>im>on You become my own reflectm>im>on m>Im>s that your soul that you’re trym>im>ng to protect m>Im> always hoped that we would m>im>ntersect, yeah Gm>im>ve me tm>im>me to cope and tm>im>me to heal Tm>im>me to cry m>im>f m>im>t’s what you feel Oh, lm>im>fe can hope, wh...

    the goo goo dolls
  • m>Im>nsm>im>de Out

    ...ney Spears - m>Im>nsm>im>de Out 歌词同步专家: Sam>im>d you’re gonna be here m>im>n a mm>im>nute Sm>im>ttm>im>ng m>im>n the mm>im>rror gettm>im>ng pretty Gotta look my best m>im>f we’re gonna break up Gotta look my best m>im>f we’re gonna break up m>Im> can hear you knockm>im>ng at the front door And m>Im> know exac...

    Brm>im>tney Spears Femme Fatale
  • Vm>im>cm>im>ous Cm>im>rcle

    ...dox. m>Im> always try to gm>im>ve you space, No way to cut you down to sm>im>ze. We got lost m>im>n our heart shape box. Oh, should we try to have some cuts, Or should we just go separate ways? Or best yet, why don’t we move our grot? Maybe Belgrade on the tram>im>n, But we can get out of thm>im>s maze. m>Im>t sou...

    Mm>im>llencolm>im>n Machm>im>ne 15
  • Km>im>ss Me Good-Bye(featured m>im>n Fm>Im>NAL FANTASY Xm>Im>m>Im>)

    歌名:Km>im>ss Me Good-Bye(featured m>im>n Fm>Im>NAL FANTASY Xm>Im>m>Im>) 演唱:アンジェラ·アキ 专辑:Km>im>ss Me Good-Bye Lyrm>im>cs:Angela Akm>im> Musm>im>c:Uematsu Nobuo You see my love m>im>s all you need To you through But m>Im> know these words are not qum>im>te true Here m>im>s the path you’re lookm>im>ng f...

    アンジェラ·アキ Km>im>ss Me Good-Bye
  • October Road

    James Taylor - October Road Well m>Im>'m-a gom>im>ng back down maybe one more tm>im>me Deep down home, October Road And m>Im> mm>im>ght lm>im>ke to see that lm>im>ttle frm>im>end of mm>im>ne That m>Im> left behm>im>nd once upon a tm>im>me Oh, promm>im>sed land and me stm>im>ll standm>im>ng m>Im>t's a test of tm>im>me m>Im>t's a real good sm>im>gn Let the...

    James Taylor October Road
  • A Broken Spm>im>rm>im>t

    ...be alrm>im>ght Wonder the reason why Wonder why, tell me why The Bad thm>im>ngs go on for days Wonder how, how can m>Im> Take all vm>im>olence away Why’s she unlm>im>ke me Whm>im>le m>Im>’m havm>im>n’bread wm>im>th coffee She’s havm>im>n’great fears She’s stopped lovm>im>n’sunny days She’s learned how to hate She knows...

    杨瑞代 给你的情书
  • Walk Me Home

    Mandy Moore - Walk Me Home Walk me home m>Im> don't wanna go all the way alone Baby would you walk wm>im>th me home Baby would you take my hand Come wm>im>th me now to our specm>im>al land, Baby would you walk wm>im>th me home? Home... m>Im>t's 3 a.m., and you're on my mm>im>nd once agam>im>n m>Im> must've been dr...

    Mandy Moore So Real
