找到 maybe i love 相关歌词2000首

  • Great Divide

    ...make it through the day It's hard to hold on When were both so far away Maybe we should just move on And get on with our lives But how can we survive When our hearts are so connected They will die when you take them apart And when one half of me is missing If I can't hold you here my arms...

    Nick Carter I'm Taking Off
  • End Of The Road(中英对照)

    ...到那儿罢了。 It's only Ur first time.这是你的第一次吧。 Maybe I'll forgive U,hmm.或许我应该原谅你。 Maybe U'll try.也许你应该努力。 We should be happy together forever,U & I.我们应该永远快乐地在一起,就你和我。 Will U love me again like U loved me...

    Boyz II Men
  • I Can Change

    ...What an awful sight But there's love in your eyes Love in your eyes But maybe that's just your love of fights All night And I can change, I can change, I can change, I can change If it helps you feel real love

    LCD Soundsystem This Is Happening
  • Eyes On Me(Instrumental Version)

    ... for you Same old songs,just once more My last night here with You ? Maybe yes,maybe no I kind of liked it you're your way How you shyly placed your eyes on me Oh,did you ever know ? That I had mine on you Darling,so there you are With that look on your face As if you're never ...

    王菲 Eyes On ME
  • Break Me

    ...l let you make me Just let me feel your love again Kiss me once Well, maybe twice Oh, it never felt so nice break me take me Just let me feel your love again Break me I'll let you, Ooh,I'll let you make me Just let me fill your arms again Just let me feel your love again

    Jewel This Way
  • Words For Girlfriends

    ...ords For Girlfriends Do I feel jealousy when you're free without me? Maybe Do I feel that my love will stay with you forever? Hopefully In memoriam of my lovers will you sleep with me forever? Oh most certainly I never did doubt you You surround yourself with trinkets like they're...

    Simply Red Love And The Russian Winter
  • Cry Cry Cry

    ... and cried over you Cry, cry, cry Let me see you shed a few tears And maybe you’ll realise What I’ve been going through for so many years I want you to cry cry me a river Yes I want you to cry me a sea Yes I know someone gonna hurt you Just like you’ve been hurting me I want you t...

    Mick Hucknall Tribute To Bobby
  • 我们仨

    ...保你屋企返到 我至訓得到訓得好 Yeah... I say No No No No Maybe U want to Go Go Go Go 你向我投訢 我太似保安小組  但你可知道在我心裡 你是我一級國寶 *Because I Love U So  That's why I Mad U So  請別怪我多道理  Wow....babe don't U...

  • Mad U So(Acoustic version)

    ...确保你屋企返到 我至瞓得到瞓得好 yeah.I say No No No No maybe U want to Go Go Go Go 你向我投诉 我太似保安小组 但你可知道在我心里 你是我一级国宝 Because I Love U So  That's why I Mad U So 请别怪我多道理 Because I Love U So That's why...

    张继聪 2nd Album
  • eyes on me(final fantasy 8)

    ...here for you Same old songs, just once more My last night here with you Maybe yes, maybe no I kind of liked it your way How you shyly placed your eyes on me Oh, did you ever know That I had mine on you Darling, so there you are With that look on your face As if you're never hurt As if y...

