找到 i m on my 相关歌词2000首


    ...-flo Love story 君といたあの日の二人  m>Im> was happy but now So Lonely ただ想うだけで  My heart m>im>s hot lm>im>ke fm>im>re Memory has gone m>Im> need to be rm>im>ght here ひとつひとつが愛しい思い出たち Wm>im>shm>im>ng you were mm>im>ne 抑えられない Be mm>im>ne be mm>im>ne be mm>im>ne baby 恋しく...

    m-flo LOVER
  • C’mon

    C’mon Ke$ha LRC:XFHY Qq:395254794 www.lrc.net Saw you leanm>im>ng agam>im>nst that old record machm>im>ne. Saw the name of your band wrm>im>tten on the marquee. m>Im>t’s a full moon tonm>im>ght so we gettm>im>n’ rowdy, Yeah, we gettm>im>n’ rowdy, get-get-gettm>im>n’ rowdy. Feelm>im>ng lm>im>ke m>Im>’m a hm>im>gh schooler, Sm>im>ppm>im>ng...

    Ke$ha Warrm>im>or
  • What's A Man To Do

    ...ng. You deserve much better For the love that you have shared m>Im> know u won`t belm>im>eve m>im>t But gm>im>rl m>Im> swear That m>Im> got love for you, Bm>im>g love for you, Even when m>Im>`m trm>im>ppm>im>n', The fact remam>im>ns that you Wm>im>ll always be my baby, my baby But dm>im>g the truth, Baby dm>im>g the truth m>Im> can`t hm>im>de my feel...

    Usher Here m>Im> Stand
  • Wam>im>tm>im>ng For The Sun

    ...t from behm>im>nd My fm>im>ngers and my toes Freezm>im>ng m>im>n the sand Lm>im>ke a fallen stone Fallen m>im>n the well Lym>im>ng on the ground Drm>im>ft away to where m>Im> was smm>im>lm>im>ng lm>im>ke a km>im>d Tastm>im>ng all the pam>im>n Not lm>im>ke somethm>im>ng new Lm>im>ke a fallen stone Fallen m>im>n the well Lym>im>ng on the ground To be wam>im>tm>im>ng for the sun To fe...

    the Hm>Im>ATUS Horse Rm>im>dm>im>ng
  • Workm>im>ng Day And Nm>im>ght

    Ooh My Honey You Got Me Workm>im>n´ Day And Nm>im>ght Ooh My Sugar You Got Me Workm>im>n´ Day And Nm>im>ght 2nd Verse Scratch My Shoulder m>Im>t´s Achm>im>ng, Make m>Im>t Feel Alrm>im>ght When Thm>im>s m>Im>s Over Lovm>im>n´ You Wm>im>ll Be So Rm>im>ght 3rd Verse m>Im> Often Wonder m>Im>f Lovm>im>n´ You Wm>im>l...

    Mm>im>chael Jackson off the wall
  • C.R.U.S.H

    ...o cute m>Im> want to tell hm>im>m so bad-but m>Im> can’t C.R.U.S.H. Yeah m>Im> got one really bad Thm>im>s m>im>s how he makes me feel He puts the beat m>im>n my heart Every tm>im>me m>Im> see hm>im>m, thoughts are gettm>im>ng deeper And m>Im> knew from the start yeah, from the “Hm>im>” and “Nm>im>ce to meet ya” m>Im> was blm>im>nded ...


    CHANGECNBLUE作詞:JUNG YONG HWA作曲:JUNG YONG HWA, RYO & Vm>Im>NYL HOUSEm>Im>'m stm>im>ll alm>im>ve. No matter what you say, rm>im>ght?Hey, slow m>im>t down. Yeah, m>Im> am one of a km>im>ndm>Im> can change. But you can'tm>Im>'m not the same, no. m>Im>'m lm>im>ke a chameleonm>Im>'m stm>im>ll alm>im>ve. Everyone wam>im>ts for me nowLook at me, gu...

    CNBLUE What turns you on
  • Fam>im>th

    ...se m>Im> play them too Oh but m>Im> need some tm>im>me off from that emotm>im>on Tm>im>me to pm>im>ck my heart up off the floor Oh when that love comes down wm>im>thout devotm>im>on Well m>im>t takes a stronman baby But m>Im>'m showm>im>ng you the door 'Cause m>Im> gotta have fam>im>th m>Im> gotta have...

    杜德伟 Best Love 2
  • Fm>Im>GHT

    1234 Get out my way! m>Im> don’t wanna see you loser 1234 We got crazy! m>Im> just want to have fun wm>im>th you Do you want to do m>im>t just do you want to do, Do you want to do m>Im> can take your heart GO GO GO wm>im>sh you can happy m>Im>t’s not goodbye before you do m>im>t do m>im>t m>Im> just told you m>im>t’s not...

  • Hercules

    ...Lem>im> QQ:395254794m>Im> mm>im>ss the days my mm>im>nd would just rest qum>im>etMy m>im>magm>im>natm>im>on hadn’t turned on me yetm>Im> used to let my words wax poetm>im>cBut m>im>t melted a puddle at my feet nowm>Im>t m>im>s a calcm>im>fym>im>ng crm>im>me, m>im>t’s tragm>im>cm>Im>’ve turned to petrm>im>fm>im>ed past lm>im>fe baggagem>Im> want to dm>im>sappear and just start overSo he...

    Sara Barem>im>lles The Blessed Unrest
