找到 i m doing my 相关歌词900首

  • m>Im> Belong To You

    ...always loved you from the start But m>Im> could not fm>im>gure out That m>Im> had to do m>im>t everyday So m>Im> put away the fm>im>ght Now m>Im>’m gonna lm>im>ve my lm>im>fe Gm>im>vm>im>ng you the most m>im>n every way Ooo m>Im> belong to you And you You belong to me too You make my lm>im>fe complete You make me feel so sweet 歌词...

    Lenny Kravm>im>tz 5
  • To Love Somebody

    ...h you there`s a way everybody says to each and every lm>im>ttle thm>im>ng but what does m>im>t brm>im>ng m>im>f m>im> am>im>n`t got you am>im>n`t got you baby ou don`t know what m>im>t`s lm>im>ke baby you don`t know what m>im>t`s lm>im>ke to love somebody to love somebody the way m>im> love you m>im>n my bram>im>n,m>im> see your face agam>im>n m>im> know my frame of mm>im>n...

    林忆莲 美妙世界

    ...nt m>Im> hear no answer, m>Im>’m callm>im>ng My vom>im>ce m>im>s reachm>im>ng the sky m>Im>’d do anythm>im>ng to save thm>im>s lm>im>fe Take me m>im>nstead Ah, God gm>im>ve me death Jesus Chrm>im>st, m>Im> belm>im>eve you They call me crazy - but m>im>t won’t matter And death won’t change me - not ever

    HYDE FAm>Im>TH
  • Hello

    Hello Just keep gom>im>ng,and don’t look back And look forward from where you’re at There’s some jealousy m>im>n your rearvm>im>ew Wave hello,hello,hello… Push that pedal to the max Count that money that’s m>im>n your lap There’s some jealousy m>im>n your rearvm>im>ew Hello,hello,hello… Hello...

    T.m>Im>.、CeeLo Green
  • whatever

    ...g and over and over agam>im>n But m>im>f m>Im> qum>im>t all of the sudden so who’s gonna do m>im>t? m>Im> never ever make m>im>t on tm>im>me and deadlm>im>ne, no way! m>Im>’ve got somethm>im>ng else to do that’s more m>im>mportant to me Yeah m>Im> guess you know m>Im> am an actress m>Im>nsm>im>de my heart m>Im>’m always wam>im>tm>im>ng for you Oh Oh Oh... whatever...

    Rm>im>hwa 約束
  • Turn Off the Lm>im>ghts

    ...は消えない あと3日 Change my style Beat をひっくり返す Don’t hate my perfect smm>im>le m>Im>’m Hot! What can m>Im> do? 熱っち! 火傷する オレの噂で持切り m>Im> can’t lose このTrack so amazm>im>ng 新しいNew age Stage でm>Im>’m a 神風(カマカゼ) Take my pm>im>cture Mr.P...

    山下智久 エロ
  • チェリー

    ... Can’t help but be emotm>im>onal So much gom>im>ng on, gets hard to hold m>im>nsm>im>de Do you ever sm>im>t back and remm>im>nm>im>sce All those sm>im>mple lm>im>ttle thm>im>ngs that made you smm>im>le m>Im> close my eyes and m>im>magm>im>ne Every way m>im>t could have been for you and m>Im> Maybe m>im>t was meant to pass us by To make m>im>t all go rm>im>ght, baby let...

    BENm>Im> Covers: 2
  • Lm>Im>STEN TO MY HEART (Englm>im>sh Versm>im>on)

    ...ee m>im>n your eyes Across an ad se wm>im>nd yeah What m>im>magm>im>ne at the sky? What do you do you want? do you need? Oh Baby when we’re sad,we’re bad m>Im> phoned to you mm>im>dnm>im>ght call yeah But m>Im> know m>im>t’s never change Yes,every lonelm>im>ness m>im>s never dm>im>e (never say ever say never ever say) Whenever ...

  • Dm>im>rt Off Your Shoulder & Lym>im>ng From You

    ... ordered a frappachm>im>no. Where's my fuckm>im>ng frappachm>im>no? Alrm>im>ght, let's do thm>im>s. When m>Im> pretend everythm>im>ng m>im>s what m>Im> want m>im>t to be, m>Im> look exactly lm>im>ke what you had always wanted to see, When m>Im> pretend, m>Im> can forget about the crm>im>mm>im>nal m>Im> am, Stealm>im>n’ second after second just ‘cause m>Im> kno...

    Lm>im>nkm>im>n Park Collm>im>sm>im>on Course
  • Radm>im>o

    ...n probably fm>im>nd somethm>im>ng new on my radm>im>o m>Im>f you wanna rm>im>de (cool) Just don’t touch my radm>im>o Don’t look so surprm>im>sed You can trm>im>p m>im>f you want to Don’t front you know know you love m>im>t Put m>im>t on the radm>im>o Don’t front you know know you love m>im>t Put m>im>t on the radm>im>o Don’t be scared you...

    Musm>im>q Soulchm>im>ld On my radm>im>o
