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You And
m>I m>Leona Lew
Leona Lewm>i m>s - You Andm>I m> LRC制作: 阿源 QQ:1299734652 Oceansm>i m>n the dm>i m>stance, can't keep us apart though you're far away,m>I m> stm>i m>ll know who you are a flm>i m>ckerm>i m>n the darkness, our lovem>i m>s lm>i m>ke a spark you're the perfect endm>i m>ng love song, you're the s...m>i m>s 2011年4月欧美新歌 -
Out Of The Woods
[lr:Taylor Sw
Taylor Swm>i m>ft&Jack Antonoff] Lookm>i m>ng atm>i m>t nowm>I m>t all seems so sm>i m>mple We were lym>i m>ng on your couchm>I m> remember You took a Polarom>i m>d of us Then dm>i m>scovered The rest of the world was black and whm>i m>te But we werem>i m>n screamm>i m>ng color Andm>I m> remember thm>i m>nkm>i m>ng… Are we out of the woods ye...m>i m>ft 1989 -
What’s your name? collaborat
m>i m>on wm>i m>th 壇蜜今更おそいの? なぜあなたを忘れられないの? あの日一度きりの出会いを 名前すら知らずにいるあなたを なのに こんなにも なぜあなたのことを想うの 意味分かんなくて 気がくるいそう… can you 思い出して 君と初め...
SoulJa×中村舞子 What’s your name? collaboratm>i m>on wm>i m>th 壇蜜 -
So Hot(英文版)
Wonder G
Wonder Gm>i m>rls - So Hot(英文版) 歌词同步专家:m>I m> know you're lookm>i m>ng at me why, why, why Can't take your eyes off of me rm>i m>ghtm>i m>ghtm>i m>ghtm>I m> knowm>i m>t's hard but but please You're embarrasm>i m>ng me Can you pretendm>I m>'m not around ound ound Each tm>i m>mem>I m> walk aroun...m>i m>rls 2 Dm>i m>fferent Tears -
为什么 My Love
为什么 My love 词:宋岳庭(M80) 曲:宋岳庭(M80) 编曲:宋岳庭(M80)演唱:宋岳庭(M80)&V
宋岳庭 宋岳庭的羽毛m>i m>rgm>i m>nm>i m>a M80:Come on ,rock on, M80,Vm>i m>rgm>i m>nm>i m>a,Rock on,come on Vm>i m>rgm>i m>nm>i m>a:听人家说 爱情是一种没有定义的东西 像你给我的感觉般扑朔迷离 自从相遇 我... -
What’s your name? (collaborat
m>i m>on wm>i m>th 壇蜜)今更おそいの? なぜあなたを忘れられないの? あの日一度きりの出会いを 名前すら知らずにいるあなたを なのにこんなにも なぜあなたのことを想うの 意味分かんなくて 気がくるいそう… can you 思い出して 君と初め...
SoulJa×中村舞子 雨のち晴れ/What’s your name? collaboratm>i m>on wm>i m>th 壇蜜 -
Should′ve Been The One
911---Should′ve Been The One My
911m>baby m>, should′ve been the one Last nm>i m>ghtm>I m> was so scaredm>I m> couldn′t close my eyes You stm>i m>ll lm>i m>vem>i m>n me Somehowm>I m> madem>i m>t through the nm>i m>ght Rescured by the break of day, once agam>i m>nm>I m> know someone′sm>i m>n your heartm>I m>t′s pullm>i m>ng me apart ... -
「届けたくて…」 作詞∶Kome
超新星 GO FORm>i m> Kobayashm>i m> 作曲∶Km>i m>m Km>i m>-beom/Kang Jm>i m>-won 歌∶超新星 戻りたくて 戻れなくて あの日の思い出に また目を反らすけど もう一度だけ 愛したくて 君と見た明日を 探すよm>Baby m> lm>i m>sten 過ぎ去った時間をその...m>I m>T! -
Rock ´N´ Roll Damnat
m>i m>onThey say that you play too loud Well
AC/DCm>baby m> that´s tough They say that you got too much Can´t get enough They tell you that you look a fool Andm>baby m>m>I m>´m a fool for you They say that your mm>i m>nd´s dm>i m>seased Shake your stuff CHORUS: Andm>i m>t´s a rock &...m>I m>f You Want Blood--You´ve Gotm>I m>t -
Thousand M
m>i m>les Away「Thousand M
U-Km>i m>les Away」 作詞∶Chm>i m>e Sawaguchm>i m> 作曲∶ArmySlm>i m>ck/M.m>I m> 編曲∶ArmySlm>i m>ck/M.m>I m> 歌∶U-Km>I m>SS 曇り硝子を滑り落ちる雨 想い出をなぞるように こころを濡らしてく どうにもできないこの距離 繋いだ記憶 細い指で交わした約束は あ...m>I m>SSm>I m>nsm>i m>de of Me